Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 73 25 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 73 25. True and false daughter
Gong Yao's face became more and more ugly. He threw the valuable pen on the table casually. He picked up his coat and rushed to school.

Gong Yao: "How is Ruoruo? Are you feeling well?"
Su Jin felt his eagerness and concern, and her expression relaxed a little, no longer tense as if facing an enemy, and she comforted him in a gentle voice.

Su Jin: "Uncle, don't worry. Ruoruo doesn't know yet. This kind of rumor won't spread to Class A for the time being."
Class A, regardless of gender, is a room full of flower protectors. Indeed, no one has rushed to mention this news in front of these princes and princesses.
Gong Yao felt relieved and sat back on the comfortable chair.It is said that those who care lead to chaos. Now that the anxiety and worry have faded away, Mr. Gong will not miss anything that Su Jin can think of.

His eyes flickered, full of displeasure, his jaw tightened, and his expression was serious, but his tone was gentle as he thanked Su Jin.

Gong Yao: "Ajin, it's all up to you this time. Uncle, please help me take good care of Ruoruo and don't let her feel sad when she hears any bad words, okay?"
Su Jin solemnly responded that even if Gong Yao didn't ask for this, he would do his best to protect Gong Fuluo. It was just Gong Yao's attitude that made him feel more at ease.

In Class A of the second year of high school, people's hearts are floating, and they tacitly convey some kind of secret with their eyebrows and eyes.

As Lai Yuan's number one younger brother, Jia Yan still knows a thing or two about his boss's crush on Gong Furuo.He looked at Lai Yuan, who was still sleeping on his stomach, and hesitated in his heart, wondering whether he should tell his boss about this matter. After a while, his heart changed and he stepped forward to wake him up.

Jia Yan: "Boss, don't sleep."
Lai Yuan just dreamed that Gong Furuo took the initiative to kiss him, and a good dream was interrupted like this. He raised his eyebrows at Jia Yan in displeasure, asking for an explanation.

Jia Yan tremblingly leaned into his ear and whispered a few words. Sure enough, after hearing Gong Furuo's situation, Lai Yuan ran away and reached the first department of high school in one breath.

He didn't care about avoiding suspicion or school rules, so he walked straight into Class A, Grade [-], and in full view of everyone, he held Gong Fuluo's hand and took Gong Fuluo out, who had not yet figured out the situation.

Lai Yuan: "Ruoruo"
If you stood in front of Lai Yuan a month ago and told him that he would meet a girl he liked very much, restrain his anger for her, and whisper to her, I'm afraid Lai Yuan would give you a slap in the face.But for Lai Yuan now, this is a routine operation.Lai Yuan: "Don't be affected by other people's words. Didn't we agree to face it bravely?"
Gong Fuluo's clear eyes were full of confusion.

Lai Yuan: "Who is that He He? Don't care about what others say."
At this time, Gong Furuo could finally stop pretending to be stupid.This fool, indeed he would react exactly as he thought.

As a result, her slender body trembled, her crystal clear tears rolled down drop by drop, and her eyes were sad and helpless.

Gong Furuo: "How did you know?"
Gong Furuo: "Everyone knows, right?"
Lai Yuan saw her bursting into tears and realized that Ruoruo should have been unaware and was angry and hating himself.

Gong Furuo silently wiped away his tears and smiled at Lai Yuan with tears in his eyes.

Gong Furuo: "Thank you for caring about me. Those are all true. He He is not as bad as you think. You have some misunderstandings about her."
The incident originally started because of He He, and the whole school was in trouble. If Ruoruo still spoke for her, Lai Yuan secretly removed He He from his bottom line of not hitting women, and gritted his teeth at her.

Su Jin had just come back after making a promise, and saw Lai Yuan pulling Ruoruo to say something. Ruoruo was crying so hard that her eyes were red, she was so pitiful, and he secretly said something bad.

Su Jin: "Ruoruo, what's going on? Who bullied you."
Stupid author: "Thank you two treasures for the reward, okay?"

Stupid author: "Thank you to the three cute members, kiss."
Stupid author: "At the same time, I would like to thank all the little angels for the flowers. (Silly man has never received so many flowers, thank you so much.)"
Stupid author: "Because there are too many pictures in the two books together, I won't post the flower pictures today. Thank you again!"
(End of this chapter)

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