Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 74 26 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 74 26. True and false daughter
Gong Furuo: "It's nothing, Ajin, let's go back!"
Gong Furuo took Su Jin's hand to leave, secretly turned around and gave Lai Yuan a gentle smile with tears in his eyes, and told him with his lips: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Lai Yuan felt regretful and regretful about his impulsiveness. When he thought about how many people were watching Ruoruo's joke behind his back, he really wanted to strangle He He to death.

Su Jin looked at her with her eyes lowered and sighed in her heart, you know.

Recalling the familiar appearance of the two of them, he pursed his lips. The lines on his face instantly became cold and sharp, and he felt an urgent sense of crisis in his heart.Su Jin wanted to ask Ruoruo how the two of them met, but seeing her looking like she was about to cry, she suppressed the raging darkness in her heart.

Su Jin: "Is that the big thing you mentioned?"
Gong Furuo nodded lowly and explained anxiously.

Gong Furuo: "Ajin, I didn't hide it from you on purpose, it's because this is..."
Su Jin covered her mouth distressedly and gently stroked her cheek with her fingers.

Su Jin: "Okay, do you and I still need to explain so much?"
He He... is more difficult than he thought!

Su Jin's expression was still gentle, but her pupils were filled with darkness.

Su Jin: "Ruoruo, please go back to class first. I'm feeling a little uncomfortable. Can you ask the teacher for a leave for me?"
Gong Furuo observed his expression with some concern.

Gong Furuo: "Wherever you feel uncomfortable, I'll stay with you."
Su Jin felt warm in her heart and worried about her naivety and deception.

Such a silly girl, such a big thing happened, if I don't protect her more, why don't I still be bullied to death by He He?

A stronger sense of responsibility burst into his heart than before.

Su Jin: "I'm fine, you still have to take notes for me! Go quickly."
Gong Furuo walked back to the classroom with three steps, waiting for the bell to ring and making sure that she would not come out again.Su Jin dialed Gong Yao's number again, first apologizing, and then describing Gong Fuluo as pitiful as an abandoned little kitten. Gong Yao on the other end of the phone almost shed tears.Then, he found Lai Yuan.

As the heirs of the four major families, Su Jin and Lai Yuan actually knew each other, but they didn't like each other very much.

Lai Yuan criticized Su Jin as a hypocrite who wore a mask and pretended to be pretentious, while Su Jin believed that Lai Yuan was a fool with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Lai Yuan: "What do you want from me?"
They stood on the rooftop of Delan High School, looking in the direction of Gong Furuo with displeasure. Lai Yuan put his hands in his pockets and frowned impatiently.

Su Jin: "You told her, it made her cry."
Su Jin's expression was calm and her tone did not fluctuate, she stated calmly.

Lai Yuan was even more upset. This was the biggest pain in his smooth life so far. He no longer looked carefree and sensed Su Jin's inner depression with his beast-like intuition.

Lai Yuan: "I will cooperate with you in whatever you want to do. No need to beat around the bush."
Su Jin smiled with satisfaction, and at the same time accurately determined how much he liked Ruoruo, and unkindly planned to be optimistic about Ruoruo in the future, stay away from him, and not give this guy a chance.

Su Jin: "Don't you have many younger brothers?"
Su Jin: "It should be easy to spread some small news."
This went against Lai Yuan's principles, but Lai Yuan nodded quickly.Just kidding, He He is no longer within her own principles. If she could stand in front of Lai Yuan now, he would give her a kick.

Lai Yuan: "Okay, let's discuss it more carefully, so as not to expose the truth and harm Ruoruo."
Su Jin glanced at him in surprise. This man... wasn't as stupid as he had shown before.

(End of this chapter)

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