Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 88 40 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 88 40. True and false daughter
Gong Furuo turned around, looked at him with deep eyes, and glanced at himself from time to time. He smiled first and reminded him in a gentle tone.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun, don't be distracted while driving!"
Gu Jun laughed and shook his head with a nostalgic look.

This girl has not changed after all these years. She is the same as when she was a child, and she likes to keep a straight face like a little grown-up.

The car finally stopped at the beach.

The sea at night is like a profound old man, sleeping quietly in the twilight.No wind, no waves, silently facing the sky.

Gong Furuo stepped out of the car, looked at the endless sea in front of her, felt the coolness brought by the sea breeze, and opened her arms comfortably. Her warm eyes fell on Gu Jun beside her.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun, the seaside is very comfortable!"
Gu Jun smiled with satisfaction, followed her example and opened his arms, enjoying the sea breeze, but his eyes were always glued to her body.

Seeing that her mood finally improved and her smile became brighter, Gu Jun took her hand and sat casually on a rock.

Gu Jun: "Stretch out your arms and show me!"
Gong Furuo was a little confused, but looking at his serious look, he still obeyed the instructions. One of his arms was as white and tender as a lotus root joint. Unfortunately, a conspicuous bruise affected the beauty of the entire arm.

As if by magic, he took out a tube of ointment from his suit jacket. The milky white ointment had a fragrant smell. Gu Jun gently applied it to her wound. The coldness penetrated into the skin and flesh, and the burning pain was relieved a lot.

She rested her chin on her hand and looked at that handsome face with a smile.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun, did you buy it when you parked the car on the roadside just now?"
Gu Jun nodded slightly, looking silent and reliable.

Gong Furuo said nothing, and after he applied the medicine, he thanked her with a gentle smile. Gu Jun's eyes were gentle and he touched her head with tenderness.

After getting over the excitement of just arriving at the beach, the sea breeze hit him, and Gong Fuluo couldn't help but rub his arms.Gu Jun's eyes were dark, and he took off her suit jacket neatly. He was afraid that the clothes would rub against the ointment she had just applied, so the clothes were just pushed onto her shoulders and back.

Gu Jun: "It's late at night, let's go back after walking for a while."
Gong Furuo tightened his coat and nodded in agreement.

She wore a pair of high heels today and stepped on the beach. The sand was soft and she didn't take them off. The moonlight on the beach tonight was particularly hazy and beautiful. She raised her head and looked at it intently, not paying attention to the stones under her feet.

The heel of her shoe was hit by a stone, and there was a stinging pain in her ankle, which made her unable to stand still. Gu Jun kept an eye on her and reached out to help her, but she also led her to fall on the beach.

Gu Jun, who was acting as a human cushion, felt soft and fragrant on his lips. He opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked closely. Ruoruo's eyelashes were really long, casting thick shadows under his fair eyelids, fluttering like trembling butterflies. Wing, her eyes are bright and beautiful, filled with her own figure, which is particularly charming.

Gong Furuo suddenly blushed with embarrassment, and struggled to get up from him, but a bone-chilling pain was felt when his ankle moved.In the end, Gu Jun stood up slowly while protecting her.Gu Jun: "Ruoruo, is your ankle sprained?"
Gu Jun anxiously helped her sit on the rock. Seeing that her ankle was red and swollen, his eyes flashed with distress. He first massaged her hard to relieve the swelling, and then squatted in front of her.

Gu Jun: "Come on, brother Gu Jun will carry you to the car."
Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the rewards, the extra updates have been received!"














Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the flowers, okay!"
(End of this chapter)

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