Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 89 41 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 89 41. True and false daughter
Gu Jun was tall, with a strong upper body and broad shoulders. He looked particularly reliable when squatting there. Gong Furuo smiled slightly and hugged his neck obediently. He was extremely reliable.Su Jin also carried her on his back, but the feeling was very different, one was warmer and the other was more reliable.

Gu Jun is the kind of person who is used to taking the initiative, especially when it comes to the little girl he cares about and pays attention to. From the moment he returns to China, he has carefully planned his every move.

Gu Jun: "Ruoruo, what do you think of brother Gu Jun?"
Gong Furuo's little face lay between his shoulders and neck, and her breath hit his skin, causing waves of numbness.Hearing this, her red lips curled up, and she responded to him with an innocent voice.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun...well...very good, very reliable, very good."
Gu Jun's eyes filled with smiles as he heard her say a series of compliments without thinking.

Gu Jun: "What about Brother Gu Jun being your boyfriend?"
Gong Furuo lay on his back and suddenly stopped talking. He could clearly feel her heart pounding and her breathing rapid. After a long silence, she finally answered him with a dry voice.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun...I...I have always regarded you as my elder brother. Isn't this a little too sudden?"
Gu Jun's eyes were unclear and his aura was dangerous, like a wild beast in the forest, shocking people's hearts.The girl on his back could not see him, and the thick, burning love and dangerous greed were flowing quietly in the depths of his eyes.

Gu Jun: "It's okay, Ruoruo."
Gu Jun: "If this is your idea, brother Gu Jun is willing to be your brother forever."
He has a gloomy look on his face, cunningly lowering people's defenses.

how can that be possible?How could I be willing to stay in my brother's position!
Sure enough, Gong Furuo smiled relaxedly after hearing his promise, and rubbed his neck with nostalgia.

When the car stopped outside the Gong family manor, Gu Jun unbuckled her seat belt with gentle eyes.

Gu Jun: "Can you give me a farewell hug?"
Gong Furuo bit his lower lip in embarrassment, Gu Jun's eyes were deep and his face was gloomy.

Gu Jun: "Can't you even give me a hug?"
Seeing his depressed look, Gong Furuo reached over his upper body like a compromise, opened his arms, and fell into a broad and warm embrace. The tip of his nose was filled with the faint scent of pine and cypress.

Gong Furuo: "Goodbye, brother Gu Jun, be careful on the road."
Gu Jun smiled and waved, gesturing for her to go back first.Looking at her retreating back, he silently took out a cigarette. The firelight flickered and white mist shrouded him. He looked deeply at the beautiful back in the dark night and smiled gloomily, with a smile in his eyes. Determined to win.

The palace hall was quiet and the atmosphere was depressing and depressing.

Gong Furuo: "Grandpa and grandma,"
Gong Furuo: "Mom and Dad"
Gong Furuo: "I'm back!"
The white-haired housekeeper heard her voice and hurriedly went to the kitchen to bring her a midnight snack.

From the angle Gong Furuo walked in, he could only see their backs sitting upright on the sofa, but when he got closer, he saw He He, whose face was full of tears, kneeling on the marble floor.

Gong Furuo: "Yeah?"
She covered her mouth and panicked.When He He saw her coming back, he lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Gong Furuo sat on the sofa, looked at the serious and cold faces of several people, and wanted to plead with some apprehension.

Just as her mouth opened, Lu Wei saw her appearance. He first smiled lovingly, then gave her a look and shook his head secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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