Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 134 Mr. He’s high-profile confession 1

Chapter 134 Mr. He’s high-profile confession 1
Chapter 134 Mr. He’s high-profile confession 1
He Zhixing sighed helplessly and touched her head, "Yi Yi, you can't say such things in the future."

Luo Yiyi nodded obediently, "Yes."

Very nice.

While He Zhixing looked pleased, he kept complaining in his heart: His heart is so dirty!

After dinner, He Zhixing drove to No. [-] Middle School with Luo Yiyi.

He Zhixing was in a very good mood today, whistling the whole time, but when he was approaching No. [-] Middle School, he suddenly stopped the car.

Luo Yiyi looked at him puzzled, "Why did you stop the car? There is still some distance."

He Zhixing's Adam's apple rolled, forget it, stop bullying her, wait until it grows longer.

"Ji Yi," He Zhixing cleared his voice, "I confess my love to you today, will you agree?"

Luo Yiyi thought of the confession banquet he mentioned before and thought he was going to take her and his friends to dinner, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

She definitely couldn't go to a place like One Night City where He Zhixing and the others held their activities. She suddenly asked He Zhixing, "He Zhixing, have you had many women before?"

He Zhixing was frightened by her sudden question. After he reacted, he immediately hurriedly said, "Yi Yi, don't listen to the nonsense from outsiders! I am innocent and still a virgin! If you don't believe me, you can check."

Luo Yiyi was amused when she saw how anxious he was to prove his innocence. She said: "If you say no, then there is no. I don't believe you."

He Zhixing still looked frightened and said with a serious expression: "Yi Yi, please don't suddenly throw bombs like this at me again. I'm afraid my heart won't be able to bear it!"

After saying that, he turned back to the topic, "My innocence has been confirmed. Will the top school beauty agree to my pursuit?"

Luo Yiyi asked, "How do you want to confess?"

He Zhixing smiled mysteriously, "This is a secret. If I tell you, you won't be surprised. But I still have to tell you in advance that I want to confess to you, so that you won't be really surprised. Just be happy then." , Don’t let your mood fluctuate too much, you know?”

Luo Yiyi made a request in advance, "The place to confess must be serious." He Zhixing pinched her cheek and said with a smile: "What are you thinking? Can I take you to an improper place? Well, let me tell you in advance, the place is with us. Is the school serious enough?"

Luo Yiyi felt relieved now. He Zhixing probably took her and his friends to have a meal in the cafeteria.

That's no problem. I didn't expect that He Zhixing, who has always driven supercars and loves high-end private customization, would one day be so close to the people. It's really not easy!

He Zhixing sent Luo Yiyi back to the classroom. On the other side, Lu Shaoyan, Ji Chen and their group had already sealed off the playground domineeringly, placed a love heart surrounded by 9999 roses on the playground, and prepared music, candles, Fireworks and more.

Ji Chen dragged his sick leg and hit Lu Shaoyan on the head, "Silly! Brother Xing, I confess at 13:14 in the afternoon. Under the bright sun, are you setting off fireworks to show to ghosts? And this candle, you can keep it when you go home at night and use it as a ghost candle." ah?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Bu Yu said coldly, "If you want to break another leg, keep arguing."

At the end of the sentence, both Ji Chen and Lu Shaoyan became honest.

During the lunch break, the students of No. [-] Middle School were still taking a nap in the classroom. Suddenly, the announcement was announced on the radio to go to the playground temporarily, and they arrived before one o'clock.

The students from No. [-] Middle School could only endure their sleepiness and rushed to the playground swearing. The playground was overcrowded for a while.

Luo Yiyi had been brought into the playground by He Zhixing early. When he saw the huge heart-shaped roses in the playground, as well as heart-shaped candles and balloons of various colors, Luo Yiyi was still a little confused.

He Zhixing took the person to the middle of the playground and sat down, then walked to the high platform and picked up the microphone.

At the same time, Lu Shaoyan picked up the microphone and shouted excitedly: "Countdown to 13:14 minutes and five seconds! Five, four, three, two, one!"

As soon as Mr. Lu finished speaking, Luo Yiyi saw He Zhixing holding the microphone, looking at her with a smile, and shouting loudly on the playground.

"Luo Yiyi, I love you! Will you be my girlfriend?"

(End of this chapter)

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