Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 135 Mr. He’s high-profile confession 2

Chapter 135 Mr. He’s high-profile confession 2
Chapter 135 Mr. He’s high-profile confession 2
He Zhixing held up the microphone, looked at her with a smile, and shouted loudly on the playground.

"Luo Yiyi, I love you! Will you be my girlfriend?"

Luo Yiyi was immediately dumbfounded, while the No. [-] middle school students who filled the playground were stunned at first, and soon started screaming and cheering excitedly like they were on fire.

"Promise him! Promise him! Promise him!"

This group of good babies had obviously been suppressed by boring studies for so long that they suddenly "visited" such a high-profile live broadcast of a confession. They were all so excited that they couldn't control themselves like crazy!
They spontaneously formed a circle, surrounding Luo Yiyi and He Zhixing, and roared crazily!

"Oh oh oh! Promise him! Promise him!"

With a smile on his face, He Zhixing walked down from the high platform, took out one of the 9999 roses on the ground, and walked up to Luo Yiyi with the microphone in hand.

But this time he didn't use the microphone, but looked at her with cherishing eyes, and suddenly knelt on one knee in front of her.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The students in the next middle school were no longer calm. They were all yelling like crazy and uncontrollably!

What did they see? !

They saw that the arrogant second generation ancestor He Zhixing, who was arrogant, domineering and unruly all the time, actually knelt down to a girl!
That's Mr. He!

Mr. He, the rich, handsome man who combines power, money and beauty!

However, what made them even more crazy was He Zhixing's subsequent attitude of being so humble that he was reduced to dust!

He Zhixing knelt on one knee, holding the rose reverently in his hand, looking up at the frail little girl in front of him, and asked piously: "Luo Yiyi, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

"Ahhhh! I'm going to die! What kind of beautiful confession is this that is so sweet that it will outshine the universe!"

"Promise him! Promise him!"

Among all the boos and boos that were not too big a deal, only Yu Yangnuan remained calm.She followed Luo Yiyi. Although she did not dare to persuade Luo Yiyi to think twice before acting in front of He Zhixing, she gently pulled the corner of Luo Yiyi's clothes and whispered quickly: " Yiyi, don't be fooled by these things. Just watch the fun and don’t mind the interference! You can decide as you wish!”

Luo Yiyi lowered her head and bit her lip gently. Her fair and shiny face was already red and bleeding. He Zhixing just knelt on one knee and looked up at his little fairy with a smile.

He held the rose in his hand, and he could even see the fresh dew on the delicate flower.

Luo Yiyi smiled at him, and when He Zhixing saw her smile, his heart beat violently and became even more excited.

He looked up at her and said softly: "Yi Yi, be my girlfriend, okay?"

Luo Yiyi's eyes were crooked and her smile was like a crescent moon, clear and transparent. She reached out and took the flower in his hand.

But at this moment, the smile on her face froze.


Outside the empty playground, she saw her mother looking at her in shock, and brother Yuyang stood behind her.

Li Yuyang seemed to have seen her too. Luo Yue couldn't see the angle and shook his head slightly at her with a serious face.

Luo Yiyi was frightened by Li Yuyang's serious look and worried shaking of his head, while her mother was still standing there, staring at her motionlessly.


Luo Yiyi took advantage of the opportunity when she lowered her head to hold the flowers and whispered something quickly in He Zhixing's ear.

Before He Zhixing could react, the rose in his hand had been taken away. He was about to stand up with a smile and hug her tightly, but was stunned by the next scene.

(End of this chapter)

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