Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 171: Angry to the point of split personality 4

Chapter 171: Angry to the point of split personality 4
Chapter 171: Angry to the point of split personality 4
Luo Yiyi stopped biting her and seemed to bite him. Not only would he not let her go because of this, but she was also very excited.

The little girl in his arms clung to him obediently. He Zhixing hugged her and gently rubbed his chin against Luo Yiyi's soft face. His voice was a little hoarse and he said, "If you don't bite anymore, you won't be angry anymore?"

Luo Yiyi responded with silence. He Zhixing also guessed that this meant that he was still angry. After all, he was not a legitimate boyfriend. He could not coax her with intimate contact such as kissing. He Zhixing had to let go of her no matter how reluctant he was.

However, before he let go, He Zhixing felt a burst of moisture on his chest. He Zhixing hurriedly let go, bent down and gently held the little girl's small face. Through the light, he saw those big moist eyes, with tears still there. Keep flowing out.

He Zhixing had never seen her cry so sadly and desperately. She didn't make a sound, and she didn't bother him when he held her in his arms. She just cried quietly and silently.

To be honest, he had bullied her a lot since the two of them met, but every time he bullied her, she would resist and would never let him bully her silently and just cry silently.

He Zhixing was afraid of such Luo Yiyi and refused to fight him, as if she was desperate for him. He knew that she had the courage to resist in the past, and he also knew that he would follow her if she resisted, but now, she did not do anything about it. Resist.

He Zhixing was so panicked that he took out the handkerchief at a loss and wiped Luo Yiyi's tears. There was no logic in what he said.

"Yi Yi, can you stop crying? I'll beat you, or you can tell me to get out! But don't say a word like this, I'm afraid!"

Luo Yiyi ignored him, but avoided the handkerchief he used to wipe her tears. Finally, she didn't act like a living dead silently like before.

He Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief, and for the first time he felt that being rejected by a little idiot was a pleasant thing.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi was not pretentious. She took out the handkerchief and wiped away her tears. She looked at He Zhixing with some choking and said, "He Zhixing, what am I in your eyes?"

"Lady!" He Zhixing said without hesitation.

As if she thought this was too rude and she couldn't accept it, He Zhixing changed his words again, "I will accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress and protect you for the rest of your life. Do you understand?"

Luo Yiyi smiled, with tears still in her eyes, "But I don't think so, He Zhixing, you don't respect me at all. You can do whatever you want to me every time, hug me if you want, hug me if you want, force me to kiss you if you want." Kiss, even if it's on the street, you won't care about my feelings at all.

He Zhixing, do you know who can allow you to do this?Those promiscuous women who accompany wine and laugh.Do you think of me as your one-night stand——"


Before Luo Yiyi could finish speaking, He Zhixing interrupted her angrily.

"Luo Yiyi, you just fucking stab me!"

He pinched her shoulders hard, his eyes were scarlet and filled with raging anger, "Luo Yiyi, you fucking listen to me, if you dare to let me hear those dirty things from your mouth again, I will kill you immediately !”

Luo Yiyi pushed him away, and He Zhixing refused to let her go at first, but for a moment, she seemed to have thought of something, and she broke away from him.

"He Zhixing, who are you to me? Why do you say this to me?!"

Luo Yiyi cried and shouted, and He Zhixing gave up immediately. He sighed helplessly, "Little idiot, what happened to you today? It's my fault for the spring outing. I shouldn't lie to you, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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