Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 172: Angry to the point of split personality 5

Chapter 172: Angry to the point of split personality 5
Chapter 172: Angry to the point of split personality 5
He Zhixing stopped talking. In his impression, the little idiot was very reasonable and had absolutely nothing to do with being unreasonable and making trouble!
Luo Yiyi tried her best to take a few deep breaths. He Zhixing also noticed that her mood was a bit high tonight, and he was afraid of angering her. His movements were tentative, but Luo Yiyi slapped her away.

He really didn't have any bad ideas this time!

"Little idiot, believe it or not, I just wanted to give you some relief, and I didn't mean to take advantage of you." He Zhixing looked at Luo Yiyi hesitantly.

Luo Yiyi also realized that tonight took too long. If it dragged on any longer, she would most likely faint and be hospitalized.

She took a breath and calmed down her emotions, then looked at He Zhixing with a faint look, "He Zhixing, in your eyes, am I really that idiotic? Even if you call me an idiot, I won't even do it." Noticed?"

He Zhixing's eyebrows twitched, but Luo Yiyi didn't want to care about anyone at all. She wanted to take the opportunity to finish her words and didn't want to get entangled with He Zhixing anymore.

"Yes, the spring outing is just one of many painful tricks for you. If it fails, it is just a small trick. If it succeeds, it will deceive the sincerity of a little idiot. Look, Mr. He, you have so much Can you do business?

Oh, no, I was wrong. After all, the spring outing was nothing in Mr. He's eyes. How could the little idiot's sincerity be of such great value?As for my unreasonable quarrel with Mr. He over this matter, it is so unreasonable, isn't it? "

He Zhixing's face was ashen and his lips were trembling with anger. He looked at Luo Yiyi with a gloomy face.

After a long moment, he smiled and said, "Yes! I'm such a fucking bitch! If I had known, I'd be the one to call you a little idiot..."

Having said this, He Zhixing closed his eyes hard and didn't speak for a long time. There was a deathly silence in the room.

After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes and smiled coolly to himself, "Luo Yiyi, from now on, I, He Zhixing, will never call you little idiot again!"

Luo Yiyi responded to him expressionlessly: "Oh, then I thank you, Mr. He, for your noble hand and finally letting the little idiot go."


Luo Yiyi was startled, and He Zhixing punched the bed, causing blood to flow from the fist.

His whole body was boiling, and a restless breath surged out of his body. He faintly felt that something was trying to control him.

He Zhixing suddenly woke up!
He calmed down his emotions immediately, he couldn't be so angry that he lost his mind!

Luo Yiyi's face was already a little pale, her little hands were covering her chest, and she was lying on the bed looking at him in horror.

He Zhixing suddenly felt a heavy sense of powerlessness at this moment. He glanced at the little girl lying on the edge of the bed with cold eyes, and said in a warm voice: "Luo Yiyi, break up! I have always regarded you as a woman before. Friends, but now I tell you, break up!”

After saying that, He Zhixing left the room quickly. When he left the room, he couldn't bear it anymore and hit his head hard against the wall.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he roared viciously and angrily: "Get the fuck back here!"

His head exploded with pain, and he fainted from the pain. The personality that was originally surging out was forcibly pulled into sleep.

When He Zhixing woke up again, the breath in his chest was almost gone. He looked back at the room behind him, pursed his lips, and left the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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