Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 182 Yu Yangnuan’s Plan 3

Chapter 182 Yu Yangnuan’s Plan 3
Chapter 182 Yu Yangnuan’s Plan 3
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My life is so miserable!"

Yu Yangnuan couldn't control it anymore, and she threw herself on the sofa and cried violently!

Luo Yiyi was speechless and choked, and silently left the room, leaving someone to sit on the sofa and wail miserably.

However, not long after she left the room, her phone suddenly vibrated. It turned out that it was Teacher Zhao from the spring recruitment group who was sending an emergency notice. Luo Yiyi was shocked when she saw the message.

It turned out to be the T University that temporarily notified the students from the No. [-] Middle School who were participating in the spring recruitment of T University to participate in the event held by the Conservatory of Music tonight!
Luo Yiyi twitched her lips. This was really hard to find, and it took no effort to get there. The person in the room was probably going crazy with joy at this moment.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Yu Yangnuan holding up her mobile phone and barking wildly, while Luo Yiyi hurriedly covered her ears.

"Ah ah Yi Yi, I love you so much ah ah!" Yu Yang Nuan gave her a hug and spun around in circles excitedly.

Luo Yiyi looked confused: Why do you love her?Love the leader who decided on this announcement.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I knew you wouldn't leave your friends alone!" Yu Yangnuan was still convulsing.

Luo Yiyi said with an innocent face: "Yang Nuan, what are you talking about?"

Yu Yangnuan gave an "I understand" look, "You don't have to say it, I know it all. I just didn't expect you to think about me so much. You were afraid of being seen and took advantage of the back door, and you even specifically allowed all the students from No. [-] Middle School to participate in the spring recruitment of T University. All the students went, I was really touched, woo woo woo.”

Luo Yiyi was unable to explain: "Yang Nuan, you misunderstood. This matter really has nothing to do with me."

Yuyang Nuan gave her an "I understand everything" look, and said with a smile: "I know, this matter has nothing to do with you! We didn't use the back door!"

Luo Yiyi: "..."

No, I think Yang Nuan you are duplicity!
Finally, under the organization and arrangements of Teacher Zhao and Li Yuyang, the students of No. [-] Middle School excitedly got on the bus to Heshi's new jewelry real estate.

The event was held in a large venue. Naturally, the students of No. [-] Middle School were not allowed to go to the banquet hall. They were taken to the performance hall. On the stage were students performing talents, and below the stage were the audience. The few empty seats in the front row were naturally large seats that symbolized status. The guy is

When He Zhixing arrived at the hotel, he saw Luo Yiyi riding in the car with the school team. He didn't show up and followed silently in the car. Unexpectedly, what arrived was where his grandfather asked him to come.

None of the employees at the newly opened building had seen He Zhixing before, so they didn't recognize him and blocked He Zhixing from entering.

"Where are you from? You can't go in without a ticket."

The bodyguard guarding the door looked at He Zhixing's plain black hair, and never thought that this was the legendary young master of their family.

Even though He Zhixing was wearing famous brands, they were all custom-made, so how could the bodyguard recognize them?
He Zhixing didn't care, walked some distance away, and directly called the manager in charge of this property, his former subordinate Zhong Ping.

Zhong Ping received a call from his prince, hurriedly put down a lot of things, and rushed to the door in a hurry.

When he arrived at the door, Zhong Ping searched for Hongmao for a long time but couldn't find him. Finally, he saw a black boy with a short hair standing leaning against a car at the place where his prince said.

The red hair is gone, the blinding black diamond earrings on her ears are gone, and even the ripped jeans have turned into decent sportswear.

Zhong Ping almost suspected that he had seen the wrong person!Zhong Ping, panting with unspeakable emotions, ran to his prince and said respectfully: "Master, what are your orders?"

He Zhixing said calmly: "Take me to clean my face."

After saying that, he walked in front with his long legs. Zhong Ping had been in the workplace for decades and was an experienced veteran. He figured out the whole story almost in an instant. He said with a flattering smile: "Young Master, who is this blind person who dares to stop me?" You? Turn around and shoot them!"

He Zhixing glanced at him and said, "I don't have a ticket. They also follow the rules. If I fire them, who will I become?"

Zhong Ping choked, and a question mark slowly floated above his head. ?
Is this still their rebellious young master?Will it be replaced?
(End of this chapter)

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