Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 183 Yu Yangnuan’s Plan 4

Chapter 183 Yu Yangnuan’s Plan 4
Chapter 183 Yu Yangnuan’s Plan 4
Zhong Ping was muttering doubts in his heart, but he didn't dare to question it on his face. He laughed and said, "The young master has changed."

He Zhixing thought about Luo Yiyi and had no intention of dealing with Zhong Ping, so he just hummed.

Before they reached the glass entrance door, the two gatekeepers saw Zhong Ping from a distance and greeted him respectfully, "Manager Zhong!"

Zhong Ping did not reply to them, but respectfully led the way for He Zhixing. When he reached the gate, he said seriously to the two employees: "This is the crown prince of our He family, Mr. He."

He Zhixing glanced at Zhong Ping, nodded lightly to express his thanks, and smiled at the stunned two people, "Well done."

Then he put his hands in his trouser pockets and entered the room. Based on his observation experience along the way, Zhong Ping estimated that the young master did not mean to blame the two people, so he said a few words to the two people quickly, and then followed He Zhixing.

"Master, this is your first time here. Why don't you meet with the senior officials later?"

He Zhixing also understood what Zhong Ping meant, probably because he was afraid of the misunderstanding just now.

"No, just arrange a seat for me where I can see the whole venue. I'm just here to watch the show and I have to go back to City S in a few days."

Zhong Ping understood that the prince meant not to stay in the capital, so he stopped talking and followed He Zhixing silently.

"Where are the students from No. [-] Middle School arranged to sit?"

The prince suddenly spoke, so Zhong Ping naturally couldn't know about such a trivial matter. He quickly summoned the staff and respectfully handed the list of staff positions to He Zhixing.

He Zhixing glanced around and quickly found the seat in the auditorium of No. [-] Middle School. It was a pretty good seat.

He Zhixing casually handed the list to Zhong Ping, who hurriedly caught it, while He Zhixing went up to the private room upstairs. Looking from the window of the private room, he happened to be able to take in the entire scenery downstairs.

"Manager Zhong, what do you want the young master to do with the list?"

After leaving the private room, a supervisor asked Zhong Ping curiously, how could Zhong Ping know?He estimated: "No. [-] Middle School is where the young master goes to school. I guess the young master just casually cares about the alumni."

The supervisor silently took notes while the performance started on the stage downstairs.

He Zhixing was not in the mood to watch the performance. He just looked at Luo Yiyi in the audience through the window. The little girl seemed to be in a good mood and quietly watched the performance on the stage.

After several programs ended, He Zhixing saw the students from No. [-] Middle School leaving the auditorium in an orderly manner. Teachers and class leaders were organizing in front, and it seemed that they were about to leave.

The students from No. [-] Middle School left, and He Zhixing also got up and left. Anyway, he didn't really come to see the performance. The people he wanted to watch left, so he naturally left, so He Zhixing didn't notice that a new performance started on the stage.

And here, almost as soon as they left the performance hall, there was already someone waiting at the door. It was the supervisor just now. He was smiling broadly, "You are from S City No. [-] Middle School, right?"

Teacher Zhao observed the other party's words and expressions, and when he saw that the other party was friendly, he hurriedly said: "We are!"

The supervisor smiled and said: "By coincidence, we are from the same school as our young master. Would you like teachers and classmates to come to the banquet hall? T University and some other famous professors across the country are also in the banquet hall."

Teacher Zhao was naturally flattered and agreed, and the other students had no objections. Except for Luo Yiyi, Li Yuyang and Yu Yangnuan, everyone else's face was filled with excitement.

Luo Yiyi and Li Yuyang were used to seeing professors and were not surprised, while Yu Yangnuan was indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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