Chapter 184 Zhaoxue 1
Chapter 184 Zhaoxue 1
A group of people followed the supervisor to the banquet hall. It was probably a banquet for celebrities from the upper class. The pomp and luxury were unprecedented for this group of people.

"...That's Professor Xiang from the Chinese Department of N University, and that's Professor Wei from our T University," someone introduced enthusiastically to the students of No. [-] Middle School.

In between words, Professor Xiang turned to the group of them with a glass of wine raised, and Yu Yangnuan's face turned pale at this moment!Even her whole body began to twitch and tremble uncontrollably. She shivered and hid behind Luo Yiyi, curling up into a ball.

Luo Yiyi noticed something was wrong with Yu Yangnuan immediately. Before anyone else noticed something was wrong, she hurriedly bent down and hugged Yu Yangnuan, pretending to be anxious and said: "Yang Nuan, do you have a fever that's not gone yet?" It's still cold, isn't it? Why are you shivering like this?"

As she said this, she tried to hug Yuyang Nuan tightly to cover her trembling body.

And Professor Xiang had already walked over. He wore gold-rimmed glasses. Although he was over 50 years old, his gentle temperament was undeniable. He smiled politely and even condescended to squat down to Yu Yangnuan. In front of me, he asked with curiosity and concern: "Have you ever applied for N University? Do you remember me? I teach at N University."

Professor Xiang smiled politely to express his concern, but Yu Yangnuan seemed to have seen the devil in hell, her head buried tightly in Luo Yiyi's arms, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Luo Yiyi hugged Yu Yangnuan, and she could feel that Yu Yangnuan was extremely frightened!
Luo Yiyi raised her head and looked at Professor Xiang in confusion. Was Yang Nuan scared by this professor?

Professor Xiang's eyes were stunned the moment Luo Yiyi raised his face.

Actually, there is such a stunning beauty? !

This is a pure and beautiful girl!A fresh and tender girl who has not yet bloomed!
He has lived for more than 50 years and has never seen such stunning beauty!

Li Yuyang immediately stood in front of Luo Yiyi. He looked at Professor Xiang coldly and said expressionlessly: "This is a classmate of mine. She is not in good health. We need to take her away first."

And Professor Xiang glanced at Li Yuyang, and the startling glance just now even made him feel proud.It was a pity that Professor Xiang could not watch for a while. He was old and it was still troublesome to squat down. He stood up with some difficulty, held the wine glass and smiled kindly at Li Yuyang: "Since your classmate is in trouble, please send him to the hospital as soon as possible. If necessary, Can I help?”

Li Yuyang politely refused. Yu Yangnuan was shivering so much that she was weak. She couldn't even sit up, let alone stand up. Li Yuyang could only carry her on his back.

"Yi Yi, you go first." Li Yuyang deliberately stopped in front of Luo Yi Yi and asked Luo Yi Yi to lead him away.

Because Luo Yiyi had just raised her head, and before she even had time to see Professor Xiang's eyes staring at her, her sight was blocked by Li Yuyang, so Luo Yiyi didn't know why Li Yuyang's face suddenly turned cold.

But Luo Yiyi would not confront Li Yuyang. She walked in front obediently, and then Li Yuyang carried Yu Yangnuan on his back and followed Luo Yiyi closely, blocking her from the lewd gaze behind him.

Professor Xiang squinted his old eyes, staring greedily at Luo Yiyi's retreating back, and then glanced at Yu Yangnuan, who was lying on Li Yuyang's back, with a hint of a determined smile flashing in his old eyes.

Here, a group of people hurried out of the banquet hall. Except for Luo Yiyi and Li Yuyang, everyone else could not stay in the banquet hall to complain because of Yu Yangnuan.

"She can just go to the hospital when she's sick. Why does she need us to accompany her?"

"That's right, we can't harm all of us just because of her!"

Even Teacher Zhao felt a little uncomfortable, but she was the leading teacher and could not let anything happen to the students, otherwise the entire responsibility would fall on her.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the door, Yu Yangnuan suddenly stopped shaking. Her eyes were calm, where was the trace of fear still there?
(End of this chapter)

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