Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 194 Damn, it’s so sweet!

Chapter 194 Damn, it’s so sweet!

Chapter 194 Damn, it’s so sweet!

Luo Yiyi said subconsciously: "You look handsome in whatever you wear, so why do you need to choose?"

He Zhixing: "..."

You don't have to say love words so unexpectedly!

"Then you pick something for me." He Zhixing's voice was hoarse, and he tried hard to suppress the fire that was rising in his body.

Damn it!

The little idiot is so sweet that he can hardly bear it!

Luo Yiyi was completely unaware of He Zhixing's changes. She walked to the closet obediently. Although He Zhixing was a clothes hanger, she still looked at every piece of clothing carefully. In the end, she still felt that He Zhixing looked handsome no matter what he wore. .

Well, adhering to the principle of consistency, Luo Yiyi picked the suit of clothes she had on hand, looked at He Zhixing expectantly, and said softly: "Do you like this one?"

He Zhixing was really blown away by the cuteness. It was obviously a piece of clothing he picked at random, but his big eyes were still staring at him obediently.

"Yes, I like it." He Zhixing held back his smile calmly and nodded in approval.

A faint blush appeared on the little girl's fair face, she was so good and so good.

He Zhixing licked his teeth, "Fuck, I really want to bully her!"
"I'm going to the bathroom to change clothes, and you should do the same. Just call me when you're done, and I'll come out."

He Zhixing borrowed his clothes to cover a place where he had propped himself up, and hurried to the bathroom. If you listened carefully, there was a hint of escape in his voice.

Of course, Luo Yiyi, a little idiot, couldn't understand this. She only heard that He Zhixing wanted to change clothes with her in his bedroom. Although they were separated by a door, it was still okay...

Alas, I can't think of this adjective.

Luo Yiyi struggled internally for a while, but she still changed her clothes in He Zhixing's bedroom. She really had no other place to change. "Yi Yi, have you changed it?"

Boys wear simple clothes, Luo Yiyi just put on small clothes, He Zhixing asked through the door.

"Not yet! Don't open the door!"

Luo Yiyi hurriedly put on her clothes and looked nervously in the direction of the door.

He Zhixing suddenly laughed in a low voice, "Why are you so nervous? Are you afraid that I will suddenly come out and see you all?"

Luo Yiyi ignored him and just quickly put on her clothes, her slow movements forced to go several times faster.

He Zhixing didn't hear the reply from outside and guessed that the little girl was getting dressed in a hurry, so he suddenly wanted to open the door to scare her in a playful way.

But then he thought about his little princess's emotional ups and downs, so He Zhixing could only give up the idea with regret.

Soon, the soft and sweet voice of the little girl came from outside. It still sounded delicate and soft, "I've changed, you can come out."

He Zhixing opened the door and glanced at her. She was still dressed in the same outfit as last night. He walked over with a smile, took her hand, and walked out the door. As he walked, he asked: "What do you want to eat for breakfast? At home or outside?" ?”

Luo Yiyi said without hesitation: "Outside!"

He Zhixing suddenly stopped and bent down to look at her face carefully. He stared at her specially, and Luo Yiyi was naturally stared at unnaturally.

Luo Yiyi turned her face away and pouted, "He Zhixing, please stop making trouble."

However, He Zhixing leaned in front of her face thoughtfully, still looking at her carefully, and asked very puzzledly: "My baby is so beautiful, why is she so afraid of meeting her parents-in-law?"

Luo Yiyi's Xing'er eyes widened, but He Zhixing laughed happily.

(End of this chapter)

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