Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 195 Take You Through the Back Door

Chapter 195 Take You Through the Back Door

Chapter 195 Take You Through the Back Door

He Zhixing's words were adapted from the saying of an ugly daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law, and Luo Yiyi looked helpless.

She just agreed to be his girlfriend, so why did he involve his parents-in-law?
"He Zhixing."

The little girl looked at him softly and waxily. He Zhixing was so happy that he simply lowered his head and whispered to her ear, "Huh?"

Luo Yiyi puffed up her little cheeks, looked at him with big moist eyes, and said obediently: "Don't laugh at me. When you see my mother, maybe she won't be as calm as I am."

The joyful smile on He Zhixing's lips froze.

Luo Yiyi managed to win the game, not to mention how happy she was. Every time she wanted to bully her, she refused!

It was rare to see He Zhixing shriveled up in front of her, and his little guts also gained weight. She looked at He Zhixing, whose smile froze, and suddenly shouted softly and sweetly.

"Brother, don't be a coward!"

After shouting, she immediately took advantage of He Zhixing's stunned moment to break away from him holding her hand and ran away.

He Zhixing looked at the small figure in front of him and did not rush to chase him. He smiled slowly and said: "You run, I will give you three breaths. It is best to take this opportunity to run far away, otherwise I will catch you..." "

He Zhixing didn't say anything else, but it was full of threats. As expected, just after he finished speaking, the little girl in front of him sped up and ran away again, although the speed at which he sped up could not keep up with his brisk walking.

He Zhixing really stood there and waited for a while. He was really excited by the sound of "Brother Xing". This was what Lu Shaoyan and his gang called him, and he was used to it.

He didn't want to spit it out from her little mouth, well, the good girl shouted such a bad name, and the bad and teasing tone really made him grind his teeth.

The good baby seemed to be led astray by him. Since when did he also like bad things?

No, he couldn't bring up his child. He had to teach him a lesson. He Zhixing stretched out his long legs and easily caught a certain little squirrel that escaped.

He Zhixing hugged the person from behind and smiled evilly, "You run away again!"

Luo Yiyi also knew the current affairs. When he caught him, she immediately admitted her mistake and said, "He Zhixing, can you let me go?"

Her big, watery eyes flickered at him, so obediently, how could He Zhixing endure it?
"Do you dare to do it again in the future?" He Zhixing deliberately darkened his face, looking fierce.

Luo Yiyi shook her head obediently, "I don't dare anymore."

"Yeah." He Zhixing was also easy to talk to, and he really didn't have anyone to settle the score.

He looked down at the panting little girl and smiled helplessly: "Why are you running so fast? Even if you are caught, what can I really do to you?"

Luo Yiyi felt aggrieved. She looked at him innocently with her big eyes and said aggrievedly, "But the threatening tone you just sounded really doesn't sound fake."

He Zhixing smiled coaxingly, "Okay, it's my boyfriend's fault."

Luo Yiyi's eyes were curved and her smile was as bright as flowers. She had already followed He Zhixing out of the room, but strangely she didn't meet anyone along the way.

"He Zhixing, isn't this your home? Is there no one else? Why are there no servants?"

Last night, he said he would ask the servants to cook porridge for her. How come you haven't seen anyone in such a big manor yet?
"This small garden is my private territory in the manor. No one dares to come in without my permission. Come on, I will take you through the back door, and we will go out quietly."

Luo Yiyi also understood that he meant to take her away from his family, although it was a bit impolite to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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