Chapter 2
Chapter 2
"Ahem," He Zhixing cleared his throat, took something out of his pocket, and subconsciously handed it to Luo Yiyi.

When Luo Yiyi saw his extended hand, she immediately dragged her suitcase back again and again.

He Zhixing didn't move forward. He just stretched out his hand and held on to a small sign he took out of his pocket. A frivolous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Look, classmate, this is my student ID card. I'm not a bad person."

Luo Yiyi actually glanced at it, and in her haste she only saw the name of No. [-] Middle School engraved on the top.

Now Luo Yiyi was sure that this was a false certificate. No. [-] Middle School was the middle school she was going to transfer to. The school rules were extremely strict. How could students be allowed to have their ears pierced and dye their hair red?There were also fights.

Luo Yiyi glanced at He Zhixing's gangster-like appearance and the wound on his cheek.

Luo Yiyi regretted it very much at this moment. She just saw this... brother who looked like a human. Although his clothes were a bit unconventional, there was no one else to ask on the road. The map led her to this ghost place again. That's why I mustered up the courage to ask him.

But who would have known that this was a little gangster. If she had known that someone who exuded such a cold aura would behave in such a frivolous and frivolous way, she wouldn't ask any questions!

He Zhixing didn't know Luo Yiyi's psychological activities. He only knew that he had proven that he was not a bad person, so this little idiot wouldn't be wary of him anymore, right?
Luo Yiyi's inner alarm rang loudly, and she ignored He Zhixing, grabbing her suitcase and walking quickly toward a populated area.

"Hey, classmate, you really don't have to avoid me. I'm not a bad person."

The unruly second generation ancestor had no idea how stupid his behavior was at this moment. Did the bad guy say that he was a bad guy?
Wouldn't you feel guilty if you emphasized it so much?Luo Yiyi ran harder dragging her suitcase.

He Zhixing took a few big steps without running away. His tall body quickly blocked Luo Yiyi again.

"Classmate, you—fuck you!"

He Zhixing was racking his brains to clear himself up, when a strange spray suddenly sprayed into his eyes!
Wolf spray!
He Zhixing covered his eyes and fell into the burning darkness!

In the scorching darkness, there was a rapid and distant sound of a pulley rolling!

When a certain second-generation ancestor finally sees the light again from the burning darkness, how can he still spot a ghost on the road?
A cute little white rabbit that looks so cute and harmless can actually bite people?
He Zhixing sharpened his back teeth, it was best not to let him catch him again!What the hell, after playing hawk all my life, I was blinded by a house sparrow!It’s shameful to spread this news!
house sparrow...

He Zhixing rubbed his eyes that were still burning and left bitterly. After taking only two steps, the vibrating sound of his cell phone sounded in his pocket.

He Zhixing's eyes were like a layer of ice, and he opened his eyes impatiently, his voice was so cold that he wanted to chop someone off, "Lu Shaoyan, you'd better tell me something important."

Lu Shaoyan's trembling cry came from the other end of the phone, "Brother Xing, your old man is really angry this time. He said it's okay if you want to move to Qingquan Garden to live alone, but you have to agree to the accommodation he arranged for you." Friend, supervise your daily study."

He Zhixing's face was as cold as ice, and he said with a half-smile, "Is this what you want to tell me?"

Lu Shaoyan seemed to have seen the scene of his skin being peeled off and dried by He Zhixing, and he said hurriedly: "But Brother Xing, the boy who moved over, I have found out clearly, he is a nerd, very weak. As long as the brothers We will give him a good fist and keep him obedient and obedient. Brother, just treat him as air, or as an aunt or hourly employee hired by the family."

After saying that, fearing that He Zhixing would disagree, he quickly lowered his voice, "Brother Xing, if you can't bear it, your plans will be ruined. Brother Xing, you have to endure it for a while."

He Zhixing raised a hint of cruelty in his eyebrows and coldly uttered two words, "Address."

Lu Shaoyan was released as if he had been released, and without a breath, he quickly reported a series of addresses, "1602, Tower A, Qingquan Garden."

Not long after Luo Yiyi dragged her suitcase, a gentle and familiar laughter came to her ears, "Yiyi, here."

When Luo Yiyi saw Li Yuyang, her beating heart suddenly calmed down. Li Yuyang had already run towards her and took her suitcase skillfully. He looked at Luo Yiyi with lingering fear on his face and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Running so fast."

Luo Yiyi was afraid that he would be worried, so she made an excuse and pulled her away. She was afraid that he would ask more questions, so she smiled and asked, "Yuyang, where is the house that my mother arranged for me?"

Li Yuyang smiled and replied: "1601, Tower A, Qingquan Garden."

(End of this chapter)

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