Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 3 He saw the little idiot!

Chapter 3 He saw the little idiot!
Chapter 3 He saw the little idiot!
"I'm opposite you. Aunt Luo said it's convenient. We can take care of each other if anything happens." Li Yuyang smiled again.

"That's great." There was a faint smile in the girl's wet eyes, and a shallow pear dimple appeared next to her soft cheeks, which was cute and delicate.

Luo Yiyi heard from Luo Yue that Li Yuyang was worried that she would be bullied when she first arrived in S City in an unfamiliar place, so he volunteered to accompany her to transfer schools.

Luo Yue also felt relieved about Li Yuyang, the child she sponsored, because with Li Yuyang accompanying her, Luo Yue would feel relieved even if her daughter left the south of the Yangtze River.

"Yi Yi, be careful, Che!"

Luo Yiyi and Li Yuyang were still on the way back to Qingquan Garden when a red sports car suddenly drove towards them. Li Yuyang, with quick eyes and quick hands, pushed Luo Yiyi and hid behind a tree.


There was a sudden sound of braking, He Zhixing slammed on the brakes, pressed the window down button with some urgency, and looked out the window in a certain direction.

Under the sycamore tree stood a weak-looking pretty boy, looking at him with a somewhat complicated look. His face was full of joy just now, and he even looked at someone outside the car with a naughty smile. His face suddenly looked as ugly as if he had eaten a fly. !

He Zhixing turned away and pressed the window up button.

He actually regarded such a weakling as that little idiot!There must be nothing wrong with his eyes!

Well, yes, it’s not a problem with his eyes!It must have been the anti-wolf spray!
Thinking of this, He Zhixing grinded his back molars resentfully again.

"Pfft! Brother Xing, why did you brake suddenly? You almost choked me to death!"

Lu Shaoyan, who was in the passenger seat, was holding the still sizzling Coke bottle with one hand and wiping the Coke juice all over his face sadly with the other hand. He was completely unaware of He Zhixing's face, which was as dark as the bottom of a century-old pot.

"How come you didn't choke to death?"

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Shaoyan felt He Zhixing suddenly glance at him with a cold gaze that was so cold that it made him shiver.

"Ouch, I really didn't mean to do it, Brother Xing! I..." Lu Shaoyan looked at the coke he sprayed all the way from the center console to the windshield, and he was so frightened that he shivered.

This was the first car Xing Ge bought after getting his driver’s license, and he actually sprayed a car full of Coke!
"Lu Shaoyan, get out of here right away."

He Zhixing's face was so dark and ugly, his fists clenched loudly, his eyes staring at Lu Shaoyan were blazing, as if they were about to spit out fire in the next second.

"Yes, Yuyang, I heard from my mother that you have a roommate, right? How is your roommate?"

Luo Yiyi glanced at the fiery red sports car that drove away. Its speed was as fast as if God had given him a pair of "angel wings". Under the blazing sun, the car body seemed to be coated with a dazzling light. This light It was so intense that it pierced people's eyes, giving those who watched him from a distance a sense of arrogance and arrogance.

Subconsciously I wanted to run away from him.

"There is one. He should be okay. He is from No. [-] Middle School."

Li Yuyang recalled the unintentional glimpse just now, the young man's arrogant face and the same unruly driving skills, but he still chose to wear a gentle and elegant smile.

"Are you a student of No. [-] Middle School? That's okay, at least he's not a gangster." A circle of sweet pear circles appeared next to the girl's cheeks. When she smiled, her almond-shaped eyes were like a moon floating on the water, beautiful. The light shines brightly.

"Hey, Brother Xing, if you really don't want to see that kid, then I'll lock the door and if I can't open it, the kid will definitely give up."

In Qingquan Garden, Lu Shaoyan was afraid that He Zhixing would skin him, so he carelessly dragged Bu Yu to live and die together. He chased after him, and hurriedly approached He Zhixing to offer him "good advice."

He Zhixing gave him a cold look and stepped into the bedroom with his long, graceful legs.

Luo Yiyi and Li Yuyang got out of the elevator and saw two teenagers of sixteen or seventeen years old waiting in front of the elevator.

The two teenagers both have yellow hair and dazzling diamond earrings on their ears. There is a strong sense of bohemianism in their energetic and sunny handsomeness.

When they saw the elevator arriving, the two teenagers had either stern or cold expressions on their faces. They put their hands in their trouser pockets and entered the elevator sternly.


Before the elevator door was completely closed, Luo Yiyi caught a glimpse of one of the boys covering his forehead and screaming. It was the other boy who hit him.

"Is Brother Xing such a stingy person? Locking people out."

Before the elevator door closed, the clear and cold voice of the young man with cold eyebrows vaguely came out of the elevator.

"Yuyang, fortunately your roommates are not them." Luo Yiyi covered her chest with lingering fear and looked at Li Yuyang seriously.

Now seeing a person dressed in this outfit, Luo Yiyi would automatically think of the gangster whom she sprayed with anti-wolf spray not long ago.

"Yes." A smile appeared on Li Yuyang's lips, and his eyes dimly looked at the closed security door on the right.

After a quick glance, Li Yuyang calmly looked away and pushed his suitcase towards the door of 1601.

"We're here. You have a good rest today. I'll take you to report to No. [-] Middle School tomorrow."

Li Yuyang helped Luo Yiyi carry the suitcase into the house, and then retreated to the door in a gentlemanly manner.

"Well, thank you for today, Yuyang. You should also go to bed early."

Before closing the door, Luo Yiyi stood at the entrance and looked at Li Yuyang, smiling sincerely.


At this moment, the door to the opposite room suddenly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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