Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 4 8 poles can’t hit 1 piece

Chapter 4: Eight poles can’t hit one piece

Chapter 4: Eight poles can’t hit one piece

"It's you?"

"It's me, hello, Mr. He."

After quickly talking to Luo Yiyi, Li Yuyang had already closed the door for him, and faced He Zhixing's cold eyes with a polite smile on his lips.

The roommate the old man found for him turned out to be him, and He Zhixing looked disgusted.

If he hadn't been rude to him about his roommate at noon, he wouldn't have let the little idiot get out of here without even looking at him.

It's better now, I scared people away and I don't even know how to find them.

"Ha." He Zhixing let out a soft snort, put his hands in his pockets, and turned around and entered the house handsomely.

Li Yuyang pursed his lips slightly, not feeling embarrassed, and followed He Zhixing into the hall calmly.

Luo Yiyi, who was hiding behind the peephole, had already widened her eyes. Yuyang's roommate turned out to be that little gangster!
Luo Yiyi spent the night in all kinds of uneasiness. Before going out in the morning, she contacted Li Yuyang in advance to ensure that she would not run into He Zhixing when she went out.

Because she didn't sleep well, Li Yuyang was shocked when he saw the dark blue under her eyes when they met at the breakfast shop.

"Yi Yi, are you acclimated?" Li Yuyang's eyes showed a trace of concern and worry.

"Ah, no. Yuyang, how is your roommate?"

It was easy for her to solve this problem. As long as she was more careful when going out, she wouldn't encounter that little gangster. But Yuyang had to live with that little gangster, and he couldn't afford to offend him or hide from him.

"It's okay, don't interfere with each other." Li Yuyang caught the worry in the girl's eyes, and the calm sea of ​​his heart rippled slightly. The trace of annoyance originally hidden in the eyebrows also quietly slipped away, and a little smile overflowed.

"Ouch, good morning, handsome guy. I heard that there is a super academic over there in the capital who is going to be transferred to your class, right?"

In the office of the Chinese language group of No. [-] Middle School, the teachers were sharing apples with each other. When they saw He Xin, who was giving them apples, walked in, they smiled and said hello.

He Xin, as his name suggests, although he is a handsome young man in his early twenties, he loves to smile like a little girl, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth are always full of joy.

The sunshine and morning glow reflected the moonlight on his happy smiling face, as bright and bright as a rose.

Before He Xin came to No. 20 Middle School, there were more than [-] teachers in the high school Chinese language group office. Except for the two old men, the other male teachers were all female.Therefore, before He Xin entered the office of the high school Chinese language group, she had a circle of fans among her sisters. The sisters and mothers did not expect that He Xin turned out to be such a cute and charming sunshine boy next door.

Therefore, on the first day He Xincai entered the office, he received warm love from the sisters and mothers in the office. Now, he is already the favorite of the high school Chinese language group office.

"No, she is the daughter of my university teacher. The teacher even sent a box of apples she grew. I was frightened for several days."

He Xin walked to the desk with a water glass and smiled lightly. With such a smile, two small dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"Oh, this is an apple planted by a university professor. I have to keep it and go back to sow it so that the kids in my class can get some luck and go to college as soon as possible."

One teacher hurriedly put down the apple, and several other teachers burst into laughter. The office was filled with joy.

In the midst of laughter and laughter, another lament suddenly sounded, "Oh, little national treasure, your teacher only knows that you are in charge of Class [-], but doesn't he know that Class [-] has a thorn in his side? When the time comes, you will be assigned a position, but you must not take that person. Good baby, go with the prickly head platoon of your class."

He Xin's smile suddenly turned into a sad look, "That's for sure. To be honest, I was embarrassed when the teacher found me, but it would be even worse if I pushed the teacher for this reason. I am also worried now."

The teacher next to him was chewing an apple, patting He Xin on the shoulder and comforting him: "Don't worry about that. The university professor's daughter is a top student and must be a good baby. Just put her in the front row and sit in your class. Then He Zhixing has been sitting in the last row for many years and has been absent from class every day. How could he notice your teacher's daughter?"

He Xin suddenly smiled happily, "I thought so when I promised the teacher before. Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. If the teacher's daughter and He Zhixing are not in the same boat, they are not from the same world. How can they attract He Zhixing's attention? "

Teacher He Xin sat in the office with full confidence, waiting for the well-behaved children in his class to report.

"Is it Luo Yiyi?"

Not long after, Li Yuyang led Luo Yiyi to the language group office. When He Xin saw the person, he got up from his seat with a smile and took two disposable cups.

"Come, sit down and drink a glass of water first." He Xin received two glasses of water for the two of them, returned to the desk, and said with a smile.

The two of them thanked each other politely and took the paper cup from He Xin's hand.

He Xin graduated from university not long ago, and she has no airs as an old teacher in front of students. She always has a youthful smile on her lips, like a beautiful flower blooming in the morning sun.

"Li Yuyang, thank you for helping the teacher pick up the new students. You can go back to class first." He Xin looked up at the quartz clock on the wall and smiled at Li Yuyang.

"Yes, see you again, Teacher He." Li Yuyang smiled politely and said goodbye to Luo Yiyi and He Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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