Chapter 20
Chapter 20
"Thank you this time."

Luo Yiyi thought about him sending her to the hospital. Although the words were a bit difficult to express, she still wanted to thank him.

The key is, they probably won't see each other again, so just say thank you and apologize.

"I thank you like this every time, so why don't you thank me at all? Do I need this thank you, Master?"

He Zhixing was so happy that pink bubbles popped up in his heart, but his mouth was unforgiving. Luo Yiyi pursed her lips and said nothing.

Surprisingly, He Zhixing didn't find any more trouble. He looked at her with burning eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Hey, what I said on the road was just to scare you, don't take it seriously."

He Zhixing spoke awkwardly, Luo Yiyi pretended not to know, raised her watery almond eyes, and looked at He Zhixing innocently, as if asking, what are you talking about?
He Zhixing just thought that she was shy and was too embarrassed to mention it again. He thought that since he had already explained it, he would take it for granted.

"Okay, as long as you're fine, I'll leave first. You don't have to attend class in the afternoon. I'll ask you for leave."

He Zhixing stood up, suddenly reached out his hand and patted her little head gently, smiling.

Luo Yixing's eyes widened and she quickly realized what she was doing. She glared at He Zhixing angrily and puffed out her little cheeks, as angry as a little puffer fish.

"Male, female, give, receive, no, kiss."

He Zhixing was so happy and looked so cute when he was angry!
"Little idiot." He Zhixing chuckled and shouted mischievously.

Luo Yiyi remembered this.

"Don't call me that."

A wicked smile appeared in He Zhixing's handsome eyes, and he looked at Luo Yiyi Xiexie, "What are you not allowed to call me?"

Luo Yiyi had the intuition that he was digging a hole and ignored him. He Zhixing clicked his tongue. It was a pity that the little idiot didn't fall for the trick.

"Then what should I call you?"

Luo Yiyi ignored him this time, "My name is Luo Yiyi."

He Zhixing nodded seriously, "Special meaning?"

Luo Yiyi's face was expressionless, "The job's tears of Yiyi Ren, repeated words."

"Okay, job's tears~" He Zhixing's voice trailed off in a cadence.

Luo Yiyi didn't want to look at him anymore, so she turned around and pretended to take something, but she heard a slow voice behind her.

"Remember, my name is He Zhixing. Zhixing is the combination of knowledge and action, Zhixing-heyi, remember?"

He Zhixing suddenly leaned forward, his warm breath hitting Luo Yiyi's cheek.

"I didn't ask for your name." Luo Yiyi hurriedly avoided him and muttered in a low voice, and even gave him a bold and dissatisfied look.

He Zhixing wanted to stay here, but thinking that Luo Yue was coming back soon, he suddenly felt guilty, "I'm really leaving. Have a good rest. I'll ask for leave for you."

He said this as if Luo Yiyi wouldn't let him go.

Luo Yiyi was cruel, ignored him, and looked away.

He Zhixing just thought she was in a bad mood, smiled, and went out. However, after seeing the text message that came in, He Zhixing's smiling eyes suddenly darkened.

[Brother Xing, we found out what happened this morning. It was Yuying and the others who framed good students. 】

The news was sent by Lu Shaoyan, and the good student naturally meant Luo Yiyi.

He Zhixing returned to school. As expected, he didn't see Luo Yiyi coming to class in the afternoon. He Zhixing nodded with satisfaction. He was so good, so obedient to him.As for Yuying's girls, something happened at Yuying's house and they didn't come to school. Only Zhang Duo was there.

He Zhixing was tired of looking at girls, especially these scheming bitches. He felt dirty even if they said anything, so he let Lu Shaoyan handle it.

Lu Shaoyan has always wanted to get involved with Zhang Duo, but he didn't dare to disobey Brother Xing's orders.

Zhang Duo is a typical coward, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. The moment Lu Shaoyan came to the door, he was so frightened that he could not speak clearly, but he did not dare to confess Yu Ying, otherwise Yu Ying could crush her to death with one finger. , so I cried and choked with tears.

Seeing that the man was so frightened, Lu Shaoyan didn't embarrass Zhang Duo anymore. He showed mercy and let him go, and went to ask He Zhixing for help.

Knowing that the matter was settled, He Zhixing was too lazy to stay at school any longer, so he skipped class and made an appointment with Lu Shaoyan and the others to play basketball indoors.

The next day, He Zhixing came to the classroom early, but after waiting all morning and not seeing Luo Yiyi, He Zhixing became a little worried.

Is it because your body is not well yet?

However, Luo Yiyi was not seen in the classroom for several days. He Zhixing was no longer calm and went directly to ask the little national treasure.

He Xin thought about He Zhixing sending Luo Yiyi to the hospital that day, and didn't hide it, "Yi Yi won't come to our class anymore, and is going to go back to the capital to study."

Alas, it took a lot of effort for someone in the class to improve the average score of the class, but even those unsatisfactory ones were forced to leave.

He Xin got angry when she thought of this. Recently, she has been making trouble for Yuying and Zhang Duo in class. Zhang Duo, especially, has always been the good boy in the teacher's heart. Now, the mask of hypocrisy is torn apart, every day. Life is worse than death.

"Although Yiyi will not come to our class, the teacher still wants to thank you on behalf of Luo Yiyi for sending her to the doctor that day..."

He Xin was trying to please this man more, hoping that he would be happy and add some equipment to the school, such as adding an air conditioner to the office, but He Zhixing turned around and left.

"Luo Yiyi!"

Just as Luo Yiyi entered the community gate, the sound of a sudden brake suddenly sounded in her ears.

"He Zhixing?"

Luo Yiyi was immersed in the shock of meeting He Zhixing, and for a moment she forgot that He Zhixing's voice when he called her just now was full of anger and anger.


Seeing the little girl's cute face, especially her soft and sweet "He Zhixing".

It turned out that his name flowed out of her mouth so beautifully!
He Zhixing's anger dissipated, and when he saw Luo Yiyi holding a sun umbrella, he put his arm on the edge of the car door and gestured for Luo Yiyi to get in the car with his lips pressed.

"Where to go? Get in the car and I'll take you there."

With that said, fearing that Luo Yiyi would disagree, he walked out of the car and asked people to get on.

Luo Yiyi would not dare to get into a stranger's car even to death. He Zhixing was almost a stranger to her.

"No, no need, I'll be there soon." Luo Yiyi clenched the lace parasol in her hand and stepped back.

He Zhixing became angry when he thought that she was going back to the capital, and said with a sullen face, "Are you afraid that I will sell you out?"

Luo Yiyi pursed her lips and said nothing, the meaning was self-evident.

He Zhixing had no idea. He felt that this little idiot was really good at angering people to death, so why should he be so defensive?
"You live here?"

He Zhixing seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at Luo Yiyi with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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