Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 21 I’m afraid you’ll hit me after hearing this

Chapter 21 I’m afraid you’ll hit me after hearing this
Chapter 21 I’m afraid you’ll hit me after hearing this
"No," Luo Yiyi quickly denied, "I'm here to buy something."

Luo Yiyi pointed to the towering building. Fortunately, there was Joy City next to Qingquan Garden. People from City S would take the subway to go shopping in Joy City.

He Zhixing didn't ask any more questions and just said, "It just so happens that I'm here to buy some things and go back, let's come together."

Just as Luo Yiyi was about to refuse, she heard He Zhixing mockingly say, "I have helped you several times. A good student wouldn't even agree to such a small request, right?"

Moral kidnapping, Luo Yiyi thought.

"I didn't, it's just that I got carsick. If you really want to be together, you have to walk." Luo Yiyi glanced at the supercar, her voice soft and sweet.

The cool and dazzling red supercar is becoming more and more flamboyant under the blazing sun.


He Zhixing got into the car without saying another word and quickly started the car.

Parking spaces in residential communities in S city are not tight, and you can park at will, unlike Beijing, where parking spaces are all specified.

He Zhixing parked the car quickly.

"Let's go."

He Zhixing parked the car and consciously got under Luo Yiyi's parasol. He was at least 20 centimeters taller than Luo Yiyi, so Luo Yiyi had to hold up the parasol high.

"Little idiot."

He Zhixing couldn't help laughing, he said something venomous, took the parasol in Luo Yiyi's hand, and then strode forward holding the parasol without looking at Luo Yiyi's angry and surprised eyes.

Luo Yiyi didn't understand what he meant, but she thought to herself that if he wanted to take over the umbrella, he could take over it. The worst she could do was suffer another heat stroke.

He Zhi walked a few steps and found that the place next to him was empty. When he turned around, he saw the little girl covering her eyes with her hands, walking slowly.

He Zhixing wanted to curse, "Are you an idiot?"

But he still swallowed his words, put one hand in his trouser pocket, held an umbrella in the other, and returned to Luo Yiyi expressionlessly.

Luo Yiyi felt that the eldest young master's character was really unstable, but there was no need to bask in the sun, so Luo Yiyi naturally followed He Zhixing obediently.

Seeing that the person was following him obediently, and the little one was following him step by step, He Zhixing felt better again.

"what to buy?"

When he arrived at the supermarket, He Zhixing put the umbrella in the locker and asked lazily.

"I want to take a rest first." The little girl looked a little sad.

After walking outside for so long, Luo Yiyi was already tired and out of breath. In addition, Luo Yiyi suddenly entered the cold air-conditioned room, and Luo Yiyi felt uncomfortable.

"Are you OK?"

He Zhixing frowned, feeling a little distressed. Could it be that he walked too fast?Tired the little idiot.

"It's okay," Luo Yiyi shook her head, "If you want to buy anything, go ahead and don't wait for me."

She had something go wrong during the IVF process and has been in poor health.

"You're like this, how can I leave you alone?" He Zhixing casually pulled her into a store.


He Zhixing had just entered the restaurant, and the manager had already rushed over to greet him, respectfully handed him the menu, stood by the table, and introduced him attentively.

"What would you like to drink?"

He Zhixing pushed the drink list in front of Luo Yiyi.

"No need." The little girl's voice was as thin as silk. She pursed her lips and remained silent after refusing.

Luo Yiyi's face was still a little pale. He Zhixing didn't know that Luo Yiyi didn't want to have too much involvement with him, so he directly ordered the manager, "Bring her a glass of hot milk."

The manager looked meaningfully at Luo Yiyi sitting on the seat. Since that incident, he has never seen the young master bring a girl here.

"Are you allergic to seafood?"

He Zhixing lowered his head and flipped through the menu, seemingly asking but not asking.

Luo Yiyi thought for a moment and thought that she had already lied about motion sickness once, so it would be nothing if she told him again. She was about to answer him when she heard He Zhixing say with regret: "If you are allergic, just order something else, but their crayfish is the best." It’s very good, it would be a pity not to be able to eat it.”

He Zhixing put down the menu, put his arm on the table to support his chin, and looked at Luo Yiyi lazily with his narrow peach blossom eyes.

"I don't really want to eat." Luo Yiyi decided to tell the truth.

Instead of spending so much time lying and trying to stop the boiling water, it would be better to just cut the fire under the cauldron.

Isn't this much better than letting the soup stop boiling?
However, Luo Yiyi really underestimated how domineering He Zhixing was. "That means I'm not allergic." He Zhixing smiled happily and pointed to the waiter who was left by the manager next to him. "You, please bring one of the signature lobsters here."

Luo Yiyi pursed her lips and left He Zhixing. At this moment, Luo Yue's call came in.

"Hey, Mom."

When He Zhixing heard these two words, he immediately pricked up his ears and held his breath.

"Yi Yi, didn't you say you would be back soon? Why haven't you arrived home yet?"

Luo Yiyi was afraid that He Zhixing would hear something, so she interrupted Luo Yue before she finished speaking, "Mom, I wanted to read a book, so I found a bookstore and will go back later."

Luo Yue was very relieved about Luo Yiyi's time arrangement and generally would not interfere. She gave a few instructions and then hung up.

"Ahem, is it aunt?"

Luo Yiyi nodded, thinking this was a good reason, "Mom asked me to go back early, why don't you eat first, I have to leave first."

"Didn't you tell Auntie to go back later?"

Luo Yiyi: "..."

Fortunately, He Zhixing didn't think too much. He just held his chin lazily with both hands and stared at Luo Yiyi intently.

Luo Yiyi thought of the scene when the two met for the first time, and He Zhixing stared at her with such a terrifying look.

"Are you going back to the capital?"

When Luo Yiyi was being stared at by He Zhixing and felt uneasy, He Zhixing suddenly asked.

"No," Luo Yiyi replied subconsciously, but when she wanted to retort, she realized it was already too late.

Sure enough, He Zhixing's eyes lit up when he looked at her.

"It's not that bad. Mom is here on a business trip and will stay for a few more days. But in a few days, I will return to the capital."

He Zhixing's expression did not change, and his tone was so light that no emotion could be heard, "Oh."

But Luo Yiyi felt that he was angry, and just then the manager brought milk and several dishes of side dishes.

"Drink the milk." He Zhixing put the milk in front of Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi picked up the milk, sipped it, and put it down silently.

He Zhixing also saw her perfunctory attitude, but what he was concerned about at the moment was her upcoming departure.

"Why? Are you being bullied?"

Luo Yiyi wanted to shake her head, but felt that this was not a good idea. After all, the reason for leaving was different in nature from motion sickness and allergies.

Luo Yiyi's face was almost buried in the milk, and she whispered softly, "No."


Sure enough, He Zhixing followed up and asked. Luo Yiyi raised her head and glanced at the dense crowd of diners downstairs. Based on her two days of understanding of He Zhixing, she felt that it was not appropriate to say it on this occasion. Although He Zhixing took her to the seat where It's good, there are fewer people, but it's still a public place.

She was afraid that He Zhixing would get angry and kick her down the stairs like he kicked Yuyang's table.

"Can I say no?"

He Zhixing looked at her with a half-smile, and asked instead, "What do you think?"

Luo Yiyi curled her lips and glared at him angrily, which made He Zhixing's heart flutter.

"I'm afraid you'll hit me, so I'd better go out and talk." After that, we just broke up and didn't have to eat together.

Unexpectedly, He Zhixing was no longer so curious at this moment. He leaned on the chair leisurely and said slowly: "No hurry, let's talk after dinner."

After saying that, he glanced at Luo Yiyi evilly, his handsome face full of interest, "I'm afraid you won't be full,"

Luo Yiyi felt that he didn't say anything nice, and sure enough -

"I can't bear the beating."

He Zhixing slowly said the next four words.

Luo Yiyi felt that she and He Zhixing were incompatible. Even if Yuying and her gang bullied her, she had never been angry. She was just aggrieved and wanted to hide in her mother's arms and cry.

But the person in front of her could make her angry. Luo Yiyi puffed up her cheeks and ignored He Zhixing.

(End of this chapter)

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