Chapter 22
Chapter 22
"Can you eat spicy food?"

When the crayfish arrived, He Zhixing remembered the chili pepper when he looked at the red-oiled shrimp king.

"You can eat a little."

Probably influenced by Luo Yue, Luo Yiyi restrained her desire for food, but seeing He Zhixing looking at her with hope, Luo Yiyi softened her heart.

He Zhixing smiled and plucked a shrimp for her personally, "Are you so moved that you cried if you can eat the shrimp that I plucked with my own hands?"

Luo Yiyi originally felt that she had a heavy psychological burden and was about to refuse, but she stopped with this sentence. Luo Yiyi was so choked that she couldn't say anything and ate the piece of shrimp angrily.

"Is it tasty?"

"Yeah, but it's too spicy. I can't eat it anymore. Thank you."

Luo Yiyi gasped slightly because of the heat, and took a sip of the milk.

At this moment, He Zhixing also saw that Luo Yiyi really didn't want to stay here. He thought that the little idiot might not like the style of this restaurant, so he didn't force it anymore and stood up and left.

"Let's go, I'll take you to another house."

He Zhixing picked him up and left. Luo Yiyi wanted to shake him off, but he didn't have the strength to let him go.

"You asked me to put down the milk."

Just when she was holding the milk, He Zhixing walked up to her and pulled her away.

"No, just take it and finish it."

"What should I do with the cup? I have to return it to the restaurant."

Before He Zhixing could say anything, the manager on the side laughed loudly and said with a wink, "Classmate, I will treat the cup as a gift to you. There is no need to return it!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he received an approving look from the young master.

Oops, there's hope for a promotion.

The manager looked at the two beautiful figures leaving, his eyes narrowed with laughter.

"Don't you want to buy something? It's almost dinner time, you have to buy it quickly."

Luo Yiyi indirectly issued an expulsion order and signaled He Zhixing to leave. "Are you so anxious to drive me away?"

This time, He Zhixing didn't show he didn't care about anything like before, and his face was a little gloomy.

The way he gets angry is always scary, just like when he told her to get lost when they first met, his whole body exudes evil energy, making people subconsciously want to escape.

But this time Luo Yiyi didn't want to escape. She looked directly at He Zhixing's gloomy gaze and said, "Yes, I don't want to eat with you. I've declined you tactfully many times, but you always play catch-up. I think you do it on purpose." Pretending not to understand."

Be angry. After getting along for a short time, she saw the domineering side of his character.

Domineering and pride often go hand in hand. He is such a proud person, and if she loses face like this, he will definitely hate her from now on.

"Also, that day you said you were interested in me because I was good-looking, but I can tell you that I don't like you. On the contrary, your personality-"

Luo Yiyi thought she was crazy for daring to provoke He Zhixing like this.

"Luo Yiyi, what do you think you are to me?"

Before Luo Yiyi finished speaking, He Zhixing interrupted with a sullen face.

"You also said that I just saw you as beautiful and wanted to play with you, so I wasted some patience on you. Do you deserve to be liked by me?"

Luo Yiyi left the supermarket expressionlessly.

It was the height of summer, and the sun was still shining brightly outside before entering the supermarket, but now it was raining heavily.

The bar code of the locker was in He Zhixing's place. Luo Yiyi glanced at the pouring rain and ran into the heavy rain, protecting her head.

"Baby, you didn't bring an umbrella and called your mother to tell her. Why did you get wet like this?"

Luo Yue was still cooking in the kitchen when she suddenly saw her daughter walking slowly in the rain on the asphalt road below, and hurriedly put down her food.

Just as Luo Yiyi entered the door, she was wrapped in a bath towel. Luo Yue wiped her with water and said distressedly.

Luo Yiyi couldn't bear it any longer and hugged Luo Yue, burying her wet little head on Luo Yue's chest, choking and crying, "Mom..."

(End of this chapter)

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