Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 23 I can’t bear to force Coix

Chapter 23 I can’t bear to force Coix

Chapter 23 I can’t bear to force Coix

Luo Yiyi didn't tell Luo Yue about this incident because they would never see each other again and there was no need to tell her mother.

"Didn't you say you were going to read a book? Why did you buy a cup?"

Luo Yue asked her daughter to take a hot bath. While Luo Yiyi was taking a bath, she also prepared a table of lunch, and Li Yuyang also came.

"I didn't buy it, it was given to me by the staff inside." Luo Yiyi whispered after finishing her meal slowly.

Luo Yue didn't think much and spoke to Li Yuyang again, "Yuyang, are you sure you want to transfer back to the capital?"

At first, Yuyang came to S city half a year early because her daughter was going to transfer to S city. Now she has finally gotten used to the life here, but she has to transfer back to the capital.

Luo Yue felt sorry inside.

"Aunt Luo, I've decided. Moreover, Yiyi and I have been studying together since childhood, and I'm not used to being separated." Li Yuyang said with a smile.

Luo Yue said no more.

After the meal, Luo Yiyi felt a little feverish because of being caught in the rain. Luo Yue, as if facing a formidable enemy, ordered Luo Yiyi to drink a large glass of boiling water, and then asked her daughter to get under the quilt and take a nap to recuperate her spirits.

Luo Yiyi felt her head was a little heavy, so she obediently agreed.

After leaving her daughter's room, Luo Yue sighed worriedly.

"Aunt Luo, are you worried?"

Li Yuyang was reading in the hall when he suddenly heard Luo Yue sighing. He quietly put down the book and asked with concern.

Luo Yue didn't hide anything, and said with a somewhat sad face: "Yu Yang, you have also seen that Yi Yi's physical condition and the air in the capital are not suitable for her. But Yi Yi doesn't want to stay in S city because she has a mental disorder after going out this time. Shadow, I don’t want to try to go anywhere else, I… sigh!”

Luo Yue stopped talking and just sighed helplessly.

"Aunt Luo, did Yi Yi decide to transfer to another school because she was bullied by the two girls in the class?"

Luo Yue shook her head, but Li Yuyang was not his daughter after all. Luo Yue could not talk about sexual matters with him, so she simply said, "There is a red-haired boy in your class, and he seems to be chasing Yi Yi. Yi Yi I was a little annoyed, and because of what happened with the two girls, I made up my mind not to stay in S city."

Li Yuyang thought about He Zhixing's mocking gaze and the girl's firm attitude in defending him, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Aunt Luo, Yi Yi's attitude is actually an escape. Even if you can't offend her, why can't she hide? But Aunt Luo, it's not good to just run away when faced with things. You can protect Yi Yi for a while, but you can't protect her forever. There are some things that I have to learn to solve on my own, rather than trying to avoid them."

Luo Yue sighed helplessly, "That's true, but Yi Yi insists, and I can't force her." Li Yuyang was also helpless and smiled, "Yes, I can't bear to force Yi Yi either."

"But this matter is related to her health. I can't leave her alone like this." Luo Yue's voice suddenly changed.

"Yuyang, you and Yiyi grew up together. If you find a chance, help me persuade her. I will stay in S City this summer vacation, and Yiyi will stay at home while I teach her. If before school starts, Yiyi She is still determined to return to the capital. I will have to see if her physical condition allows her to do so. If not, I hope I will not force her to do so."

Luo Yue said the last sentence with energy as thin as a thread, full of fatigue.

"Isn't this the squad leader from Class [-]? Why are you here?"

"piss off!"

Li Yuyang had just left Room 1601 when he met Lu Shaoyan who rolled out from Room 1602 opposite. The furious sound of the door closing was mixed with He Zhixing's roar.

"I'm here to tutor Mr. He." Li Yuyang held a pile of teaching materials in his hands and smiled gently, pretending that he had not seen the scene just now.

Lu Shaoyan's mouth opened in an O shape, "Isn't it right? You are the one who teaches Brother Xing? Aren't you that little weakling in your class?"

Li Yuyang's words were concise and to the point: "This classmate didn't dare to come to tutor He, so he came to me for help."

Lu Shaoyan touched his butt, which was still aching, and nodded in sympathy.

"Then you are quite generous." Lu Shaoyan praised Li Yuyang sincerely.

He thought he had gotten the wrong information before.

Li Yuyang smiled but said nothing.

"I advise you, don't mess with Brother Xing now. He seems to be in a bad mood. Just now, ahem, you saw it too."

He probably thought Li Yuyang was a good person, and Lu Shaoyan kindly reminded him.

Li Yuyang thought of what Luo Yue said at noon and couldn't help but ask, "Then do you know why Mr. He is angry?"

"How did I know this?" Lu Shaoyan was filled with bitterness when he mentioned this, "Don't mention it. It was raining so heavily outside at noon. I came to see Brother Xing to play. On the way, I met him walking in the rain, as if he was in a daze. Yes, he just let the rain fall. I kindly ran over to hold an umbrella for him, but found that this man was still holding an umbrella in his arms."

"Good guy, I'm soaked all over! But the umbrella was covered in my arms, protecting it airtight, and no water got wet at all." Lu Shaoyan said impassionedly, his expression still as if he had been struck by lightning. .

(End of this chapter)

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