Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 24 Mountain Climbing

Chapter 24 Mountain Climbing
Chapter 24 Mountain Climbing
"It was raining heavily outside at that time. I just thought Brother Xing didn't care about the rain, so I didn't ask any more questions. But when I got home, this man was still stunned, holding the umbrella and sitting on the sofa. Sneer on me.”

At this point, Lu Shaoyan finally sighed sadly, "My intuition was wrong, so I called Bu Yu over. Bu Yu didn't know how to persuade people, so Brother Xing finally went to take a shower. Then I was curious about what the umbrella was." Is there any secret? As soon as I touched the umbrella, Brother Xing rushed out of the bathroom and kicked me out."

The more Lu Shaoyan talked, the sadder he became. He pulled Li Yuyang to complain, "Tell me, what is all this about?"

Meanwhile, room 1602.

"...Okay, Uncle He, don't worry, I will persuade Brother Xing to return to the capital during the summer vacation."

Bu Yu hung up the phone call to He's father and glanced at He Zhixing, who had a gloomy face in the room, through the balcony glass door.

"Brother Xing, although your old man didn't lower his face and apologized, he clearly meant that he hoped you could return to the capital."

He Zhixing's tense face relaxed slightly, and then he sneered disdainfully.

Abandoning his son for the so-called love and letting the person who fell in love with him come into the house, he really didn't know whether to be grateful that he was an only son or to be ironic that he was the fruit of that so-called love.

"Where are you going? Uncle He sent the housekeeper to see you. It's not a good idea to leave now."

Bu Yu stopped He Zhixing from striding away and frowned slightly.

He Zhixing stopped and his eyes fell on the small and exquisite flower umbrella on the sofa, his thick eyelashes drooping.

He was afraid that she would look down on him and deliberately showed off his identity in the restaurant, but he was still disgusted.

―"On the contrary, your character..." I look down on you. Even your biological mother hates you so much. How are you qualified to stand next to the daughter of a university professor?
He was afraid of hearing those harsh words, so he interrupted her roughly.

Also, she has lived in the sun since she was a child, clean and pure, while he has been hiding in the sewers and waterways for a long time, stinking and dirty.


There was a sound of broken umbrella bones, and Bu Yu seemed to be expecting it. She silently watched He Zhixing break the umbrella with an angry face and throw it into the trash can resolutely.

Two months flew by.

This summer vacation, Luo Yue felt gratified for the nth time. Before the second year of high school started, her daughter not only completed all the high school courses by herself, but also became much stronger.

In recent years, if it weren't for physical reasons, based on her teachings and her daughter's qualifications, her daughter would have entered college long ago.Just because of physical reasons, she did not dare to take that risk, so she had to let her daughter study step by step.

Now, after moving to S City, her daughter's health has improved and she has finished her high school courses early. Luo Yue is more determined to let her daughter live in S City.

"Yiyi, would you like my mother to take you to go hiking?"

In mid-September, autumn had passed long ago. Seeing the cool weather, Luo Yue wanted to take her daughter to mountain climbing.


Happiness came so suddenly, Luo Yiyi could hardly believe it.

She has always wanted to experience the feeling of "seeing all the mountains and small mountains at a glance", but her body didn't allow it, because it was related to her body, and her mother also had strict control over her in this regard.

She knew that her mother's analysis was right, so she could only be obedient. She didn't expect that her mother would take the initiative this time.

"Of course, take Yuyang with you." Luo Yue smiled.

"Mom is so nice! Thank you, mom! mua~" Luo Yiyi cheered, hugged Luo Yue's neck, and blew a soft kiss.

Luo Yue's face was full of love, enjoying this hard-won family relationship.

She hoped that through mountain climbing, her daughter would understand the benefits of staying in S city, and her long-cherished mountain climbing dream would come true so easily.

"Hey, Bu Yu, am I dazzled? Isn't that the transfer student from your class? Didn't she transfer back? Why is she here?"

At the gate of Hongshan Park, Lu Shaoyan's eyes lit up in the back seat. This transfer student was quite beautiful, but it was a pity that he left within a day after he arrived.

He has always regretted this, so he was deeply impressed by Luo Yiyi and recognized her just from the car window.


He Zhixing, who was in the driver's seat, slammed on the brakes and subconsciously looked at the figure in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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