Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 268: Please clean yourself before marriage and don’t give up!

Chapter 268: Please clean yourself before marriage and don’t give up!
Chapter 272: Please clean yourself before marriage and don’t give up!
Luo Yiyi subconsciously said: "Yuyang, stop the car! Sisi is chasing us."

Li Yuyang also saw Sisi chasing the car under the street lights in the rearview mirror. He did not stop the car in a hurry, but advised: "Yi Yi, even if I stop the car, it will be useless. The children in the orphanage are longing for someone to adopt her." Families are like refugees who suffered from famine in ancient times and longed for someone to give them food. Even if I stopped the car, you would only say a few words to her at most. When you send her to the orphanage again, it will only make her more sad. Can you take her home and let Aunt Luo raise another child?"

Luo Yiyi was stunned, and Li Yuyang continued: "If you can't bring her out of the abyss, then don't think about her in the first place, otherwise the greater your hopes, the greater your disappointment. The moment your expectations fail, the hurt will be unprecedented. enlarge.

When dealing with Sisi, you just need to make her feel that you are as good a person as those good aunts and uncles who help them. Don't let her have the idea of ​​being greedy again.

I can stop the car, but if I stop like this, are you sure you are not drinking poison to quench your thirst and causing greater disappointment and harm to Sisi? "

Luo Yiyi was at a loss. This feeling was just like when she rejected He Zhixing. She couldn't bear to make the boy sad again and again, but she was afraid that getting close to him would make him have more impossible thoughts and hurt him even more, so she had to Make up your mind to refuse his offer.

Now, she chooses to be with her boy, but can she choose Sisi again?

If she had the ability to raise Sisi, she thought she would, but now she was consuming her mother's life and energy, and her ability could not afford her compassion to save the world.

Perhaps, coming to the orphanage to visit Sisi on behalf of Yang Nuan today was a wrong decision in itself. It was her who gave Sisi more ideas.

Under the warm yellow car lights, Luo Yiyi painfully looked at the smaller and smaller figure in the rearview mirror. Li Yuyang looked sideways at her. Finally, he couldn't bear it, so he slowed down the car.

The little figure in the rearview mirror had stopped, and suddenly it began to drizzle. Luo Yiyi could no longer suppress the tears in her eyes.

"Yuyang, drive back! It's raining, and Sisi has been running out of the orphanage for so long. No one is following her. What if she can't find the orphanage and encounters bad guys? I'll send her back!"

Li Yuyang did not hesitate this time, he said gently: "Okay."

As he turned the car around, he was not sure whether his rational but cold analysis just now made his girl dislike him. After all, he always followed her.

During the blind spot when they turned around, Sisi, who was eagerly chasing the car under the streetlight, almost hit a man in his early thirties.

When she was about to bump into a strange man, Sisi slowed down her pace because she was too tired and did not bump into the man.

She was still wearing the beautiful clothes Luo Yiyi bought her, and her childish face looked pink and tender under the street lights, which could easily arouse men's criminal perversion and dirty desires.

The umbrella that the man was about to open fell from his hand. Sisi picked up the umbrella obediently. She looked at the strange man with a childish face and smiled sweetly: "Uncle, your umbrella."

The strange man picked up Sisi, with an evil and adulterous smile on his greasy face. He ravaged Sisi in his arms and panted heavily before getting into the van.

Li Yuyang was a novice, so turning the car was not as easy as drinking water like He Zhixing, he was very fast.

(End of this chapter)

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