Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 269 The most heartbreaking thing is the orphan

Chapter 269 The most heartbreaking thing is the orphan
Chapter 273 The most heartbreaking thing is the orphan
When Li Yuyang turned the front of the car, Sisi's figure was no longer under the street lights. There was only a lonely umbrella thrown away, and the figure of a man carrying Sisi into the van.

Li Yuyang almost immediately thought of three words: human trafficker!
This is no small matter!If Sisi falls into the hands of these crazy people, let alone ruining her life, being able to die well is a blessing she earned from saving the world in her previous life!

Li Yuyang stepped on the accelerator without any hesitation. He said calmly and quickly: "Yi Yi, I want to follow the van in front now. I don't have time to take you back first. Sit tight, I'm going to speed up."

Luo Yiyi was sitting in the passenger seat and did not see Sisi being carried into the van by a strange man. Even if she had seen it, she could not have imagined that Sisi might be subjected to perverted and inhuman sexual assault and torture.

Li Yuyang's mind had already seen countless inhumane cases of young girls being perverted and sexually assaulted. He honked the car horn without hesitation and honked loudly to warn the van in front of him to prevent "the tragedy of delayed justice."

At the same time, in the van, the young man pressed Sisi on the car seat, tore off Sisi's new clothes with a lewd smile, and violently penetrated Sisi's young lower body with his rough hands.

Sisi was so afraid of the pain that she cried loudly. At this moment, a high-pitched whistle sounded from behind the car, accompanied by strong and dazzling high-beam lights!

The perverted man was so frightened that he stopped intruding. He didn't care about torturing the young Sisi. He fled to the seat and quickly started the car.

Li Yuyang, who was behind, saw the car start and tightened his grip. He quickly accelerator and said in a deep voice: "Yi Yi, call the police. They say there are traffickers!"

Before, he was still lucky and did not dare to call the police rashly because he was afraid that he would make a mistake in judgment. Now that the van is carrying Sisi Luohuang and fleeing, it is obvious that he has a guilty conscience!

Even though Luo Yiyi was shocked by this sudden change and didn't know what was going on, she had an instinctive trust in Li Yuyang. She moved faster than she thought, and said quickly while picking up her phone: "Okay!"

In the van, the young man glanced at the Volkswagen that was chasing behind him, but the car showed that it was low on fuel!

The man's perverted eyes squinted, and when he saw Sisi who was still crying like crazy, he yelled angrily, "Don't cry! If you cry again, I'll kill you!"

As a child, Sisi didn't understand much. The perverted man only yelled and cursed a few words in an irritable manner. As expected, Sisi was too scared to cry.

The perverted man's inner rage rose like a snake. He glanced at the oil level, an even uglier lewd smile flashed across his dirty eyes, and drove the car in the direction of One Night City.

He first took the little thing there to hide, and after he played with the little thing first, he sold the little thing inside.

The ordinary person driving a Volkswagen behind will definitely not dare to enter the One-Night City rashly. Even if he enters the One-Night City, he will not be able to reach the One-Night City.

Not to mention, just for one——

"Why are you alone on the road? Are you lost with your parents?" The perverted man slowed down his voice and looked at Sisi in the back seat through the mirror.

Sisi was so frightened that she couldn't speak, she didn't dare to cry, but she was still crying in tears. The situation was urgent, and the perverted man had no time to torture people. For a moment, he was not sure whether the Volkswagen chasing him was really Sisi. parents.

From behind, Li Yuyang was chasing after him. After tracking for a certain distance, he obviously found that the van in front was trying to escape like crazy, but it was slow to pick up speed.

(End of this chapter)

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