Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 270 Yes, she also has He Zhixing

Chapter 270 Yes, she also has He Zhixing

Chapter 274 Yes, she also has He Zhixing

Li Yuyang could not see that this was a sign that the gas was about to run out. He only knew that the speed was slow. He first observed the size of the van, estimated how many people it could hold, and how confident he was that he could kill the traffickers in the van by himself before the police arrived.

Thinking of this, Li Yuyang deliberately slowed down and asked calmly: "Yi Yi, how far are the police from us?"

Luo Yiyi explained the situation when she called the police before. The police knew that they were tracking and immediately asked Luo Yiyi to share her location.

Luo Yiyi looked at the moving dots on the mobile phone map and said quickly: "The map says there are still two and ten minutes until we arrive."

Li Yuyang took a breath. Twenty minutes was the best time to keep track. He was not sure how many people there were on the other side, and there was no guarantee of the possibility of him succeeding on his own.

Not to mention that there was Yi Yi in the car. He saved Sisi out of his most basic conscience, and Yi Yi was the one he protected with his life. There was no way he would let her be linked to danger.

Li Yuyang slowed down his pursuit slightly, allowing the police car to track them faster. However, the perverted man in the van in front suddenly found that the Volkswagen behind him had slowed down, and he was immediately delighted. Did the guy behind him run out of gas?

The perverted man felt relieved a lot, but he still didn't dare to relax and drove towards One Night City.

Before the police car caught up, the perverted man drove to One Night City, held Sisi hostage and hid in the building. Li Yuyang frowned to the extreme after noticing that the tracking location was One Night City.

Can a girl get out of this place safely?
Li Yuyang subconsciously felt that he couldn't. He couldn't take Yiyi in to chase people, let alone leave Yiyi alone in the car.

After much thought, he could only wait, although at this time, if he waited one more second, it would increase the chance of a perverted man committing a crime.

Luo Yiyi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had already seen the perverted man holding Sisi hostage into the building. It was vaguely visible that Sisi was not wearing any clothes, and she was nakedly carried into the building by the perverted man.

Luo Yiyi was frightened at this moment, but Li Yuyang was more determined to wait in the car after seeing this scene. No matter whether he took Yiyi in or left Yiyi alone in such a dangerous place, it would not work!
He must never let Coix turn into Sisi!
"Yuyang, let's follow quickly!"

Luo Yiyi's face turned pale with fright. She unbuckled her seat belt tremblingly and was about to get out of the car, but was stopped by Li Yuyang.

Before Luo Yiyi could speak, he calmly asked: "Yiyi, do you know where this place is?"

Luo Yiyi's pale little face was still blinking blankly. Li Yuyang took a deep breath and said, "Yi Yi, any girl who comes in here can't come out clean. I can't take you in or leave you in the car. I can’t let you become Sisi!”

Luo Yiyi understood, yes, to save the hostages, she had to protect herself first. She was not alone. She also had her mother and brother Yuyang. If something happened to her, her mother would be the first to survive.

Tears fell weakly on her pale face, and she murmured blankly: "Brother Yuyang, then I will just watch Sisi fall into danger and be... wu wu wu"

Luo Yiyi could no longer say the next words, she just covered her mouth and cried silently.

Li Yuyang's heart ached. He hesitated for a while and then said: "I heard that One Night City is He Zhixing's territory. Maybe you can..."

Before Li Yuyang could finish speaking, Luo Yiyi suddenly raised her head. She quickly wiped away her tears and opened her phone with a silly smile, "Yeah, why didn't I expect that there is He Zhixing..."

(End of this chapter)

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