Chapter 281 Coax him
Chapter 285 Coax him
He Zhixing hummed, still lowering his eyes and not looking at her. Luo Yiyi reached out and hugged him, patted his back gently with her little hands, and coaxed him softly: "Can we be together?" Shall I talk about it? Although I may not be able to help you solve it, I can listen to you."

He Zhixing rested his chin on her soft shoulder and said in a hurt tone, "It's nothing, I just think of the prince and princess in the purple city and feel like they are like us."

Luo Yiyi chuckled, "He Zhixing, how do we resemble them?"

He Zhixing left her shoulder, pushed her slightly in front of him, held her slender waist with both hands, stared at her with burning eyes, and said seriously: "Like! The princess will not hurt the prince, you are the same as the princess , will not hurt me. The princess can only pave the way for the prince, but will not hand over herself to the prince. You are the same, right? You wish me well, but you will not lose your soul because of leaving me, right? Even if One day, if I give you a choice, you can abandon me without hesitation, right?"

The more He Zhixing talked, the more nonsense he got. Luo Yiyi was so angry that she wanted to slap him in the arms with a cactus ball.

"No." She pouted, resisting the urge to hit him with a cactus.

He Zhixing saw that the little girl was angry, so he didn't dare to be tough with her anymore, but he pressed his lips tightly and said nothing, obviously not believing her.

Luo Yiyi was so angry that she felt distressed. She held his hand and explained softly: "He Zhixing, don't be suspicious. If you really feel that I have no love for you and always make you feel insecure, then when I become an adult, I’m clinging to you just like you’re clinging to me.”

After saying that, she lowered her head with a flushed face and said softly: "I'm just not used to being in such close contact with someone. Except for my mother, I have never had such close physical contact with anyone else."

He Zhixing stared at her with a sullen face, "But I am your boyfriend."

Luo Yiyi was amused by his stiff cheeks and wanted to laugh. She gently poked He Zhixing's cheek with her little hand and smiled softly, "So I've been adapting to you."

After saying that, she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms, with a pink face, and whispered: "He Zhixing, can you give me time to adapt? As you said, if I can't enter your world, then it's up to you. Enter my world. He Zhixing, my world is open to you at any time."

After Luo Yiyi finished speaking, she was so embarrassed that she could not raise her face. She rarely took such initiative. He Zhixing remained silent for a long time. Luo Yiyi could only feel her heart beating in front of her face.

My world is always open to you.

Yes, he is not the prince, and she is not the princess who completed the mission. How do they resemble the princess and the prince?
He Zhixing hugged her, "Baby, it was my fault. You didn't become my girlfriend just to complete the task."

Luo Yiyi raised her little head from his arms and blinked her big eyes, "Do you really think so?"

He Zhixing nodded and looked at her with deep eyes. Luo Yiyi bit her lip lightly. During the conversation just now, the posture of the two of them unknowingly changed to sitting facing each other.

He Zhixing hugged the little girl in his arms, held her cheek this time, and kissed her hard.

Luo Yiyi squeaked a few times, but the sound was quickly swallowed up. He Zhixing pressed her down onto the carpet and kissed her uncontrollably.

Normally Luo Yiyi would definitely push him, but just now he was so sad and suspicious, and they were about to leave, Luo Yiyi could only give him a few nods and let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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