Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 282 What is He Zhixing washing?

Chapter 282 What is He Zhixing washing?

Chapter 286 What is He Zhixing washing?

Luo Yiyi did not reject He Zhixing, but she also did not respond to He Zhixing. In fact, she did not know how to respond.

Sweat dripped onto her neck, He Zhixing's heavy breathing, Luo Yiyi's eyes were still a little blurry from his kiss, He Zhixing raised his head from her neck, Luo Yiyi felt that her cheeks, ears, forehead and even her neck were all wet. Sticky with heat and humidity.

Thinking of the scene just now, Luo Yiyi was so embarrassed that she couldn't see anyone, but He Zhixing raised his head from the crook of her neck, and without even daring to look at her, he left her in embarrassment and fled to the bathroom in large strides. .

Soon, Luo Yiyi heard the sound of water rushing in the bathroom.

Luo Yiyi slowly got up from the carpet. He Zhixing used too much force just now, and she was almost breathless from the pressure.

Luo Yiyi originally thought that He Zhixing would just rinse it off for a while, but she didn't want to hear the sound of water stop for a long time. She looked at the time and saw that her mother was coming back soon. She was going home.

"He Zhixing?" Luo Yiyi stood at the bathroom door and tried to call him.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Luo Yiyi didn't know if she heard it wrong. She seemed to hear He Zhixing's heavy breathing.

Before she could think about it, He Zhixing's voice, which was not quite right, came from the bathroom, "What did you say? There was the sound of water just now, but I didn't hear it clearly."

Luo Yiyi didn't explain that she didn't say anything, and said along the way: "My mother is coming back, I am going home."

He Zhixing's muffled sound that something was wrong came from the bathroom again. Luo Yiyi was confused. She asked with some worry: "He Zhixing, are you okay?"

In the bathroom, He Zhixing lowered his head and looked ugly. He hadn't come out after doing it for so long.

"Yi Yi, call me."

Just after he finished speaking, He Zhixing cursed secretly. She didn't know anything yet, how could he let her be the target of his asshole? !
Even if he is just deceiving himself.

Luo Yiyi, who was still waiting for the answer, suddenly heard He Zhixing's request and was a little confused.

Before she could ask, He Zhixing's dull voice came from the bathroom again, "Pretend I didn't say anything, go back quickly."

Luo Yiyi had a question mark on her forehead, but she packed her schoolbag obediently and said softly, "Then I'm leaving. Remember to have dinner."

This time there was no sound of He Zhixing coming from the bathroom, but the sound of rushing water.

Not long after Luo Yiyi returned home, Luo Yue came back.

Luo Yue brought food back from the canteen today. She smiled when she entered the door and said, "Baby, wash your hands and eat. I won't cook today. Mom bought food from the canteen."

Luo Yiyi stepped forward and took the food bag from her mother's hand. After dinner, Luo Yiyi secretly sent a message to He Zhixing behind her mother's back: Have you had dinner?
No one came back.

After waiting for a few minutes, no one responded. Luo Yiyi was a little surprised. It was not like He Zhixing's style not to reply immediately.

Luo Yiyi took out a magazine and read it while waiting for news from He Zhixing. While waiting, she realized that when did she start waiting in front of her phone, waiting for news from someone?
This is not a good habit. This kind of anxious waiting will only affect her efficiency. Luo Yiyi promptly corrected the bad habit that was about to show up and began to answer questions quietly.

After she finished answering the questions, He Zhixing over there responded to her message, probably 10 minutes after she sent the message: Not yet, I just came out of the shower, and I just saw the message.

Luo Yiyi was stunned. It took another 10 minutes after she finished eating before he took a shower.

What is He Zhixing washing?

(End of this chapter)

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