Chapter 334
Chapter 345
He Zhixingzhen continued, "Well, let's wait until college to discuss the wedding time. Now that you are talking about getting married in high school, your vision is limited and you can't accept it for the moment. When you get to college and see the outside world, maybe you can accept it. College and I are married.”

Luo Yiyi was sullen and silent. He Zhixing knew that she meant disapproval, so he could only retreat with a helpless smile, "Well, my last condition is that I can wait until you graduate from college, but the premise is that you must be with me. I'm together, if you propose breaking up during this period, don't blame me for forcefully getting married."

Now Luo Yiyi felt relieved, and she obediently agreed: "Yes!"

After agreeing, she didn't forget to whisper in his ear, "He Zhixing, I said, unless you fall in love with another woman, I will not mention breaking up."

He Zhixing's holding hand immediately patted her butt, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who mentioned it in the car just now?"

Luo Yiyi blinked her eyes innocently, "You have always been gentle to me, but suddenly you are impatient with me. Isn't it because you grow flowers outside that you are impatient with me as a domestic flower?"

Young Master He was in such a damn good mood!
House flowers!

Young Master He said in a good mood: "Sure, it's up to you! If I'm impatient with you, I'll allow you to do domestic violence until you wake me up!"

Luo Yiyi pouted, "I'm not that violent, and I can't beat you either.

If you hadn't woken up just now, you wouldn't have let me hit you to coax me.

After all, you were still the gentle He Zhixing you treated me just now, hahahaha~"

Young Master He felt that such a proud little idiot really wanted to kiss him hard!
He Zhixing didn't hold it in, he still hugged the person, suddenly lowered his head and kissed him hard!

Luo Yiyi was too embarrassed to see anyone, so she immediately hugged his neck and buried her little face tightly in his arms. He Zhixing laughed happily.

Until they came out of the quiet long street, Luo Yiyi saw someone and started to make a fuss about He Zhixing to let her go. He Zhixing could only put the person down reluctantly. Putting down the person here, he immediately wrapped the person's little hand tightly and took possession of it. Desire is as strong as ever.

Luo Yiyi finally understood that He Zhixing was a bit like a boss in this aspect, but he could accept it and there was still a hint of sweetness in his heart.

The style of the noodle restaurant that He Zhixing brought Luo Yiyi to was as elegant and luxurious as ever. When ordering, Luo Yiyi stretched out her little hand to stop He Zhixing's pen from outlining the names of the dishes.

"He Zhixing, when I go home in the evening, my mother will cook noodles for me to eat. Please order less today and don't coax me to eat more."

After saying that, she pouted her little mouth aggrievedly, obviously dissatisfied with the fact that he had to coax and trick her every time she ate, and he used all kinds of tricks to get her to eat more.

He Zhixing smiled and said, "Sure, it's up to you."

As she said that, she erased a few places of handwriting, and really generously omitted a few items. Luo Yiyi's eyes curled up, and she smiled happily, showing her little white teeth.

"Didn't you say that aunt won't celebrate your birthday? Why do you still have to cook noodles when you get home at night?"

After ordering the food, He Zhixing chatted lazily with others while waiting for the food.

Luo Yiyi answered obediently: "Mom won't tell me, but she will cook noodles for me on my birthday."

He Zhixing looked at her deeply and said, "Your mother's habits are quite extraordinary."

Luo Yiyi was embarrassed by him and smiled slightly, "Okay, actually, my mother doesn't like excessive liveliness, because after the liveliness dissipates, there will be desolate loneliness. My mother was very afraid of loneliness, and she once used Daiyu's words to tell me explain:
There is no such thing as a feast that never ends. When people gather, they part ways. When they gather, they are happy, but when they part ways, why don’t they feel cold?Since it is cold, it will lead to sadness, so it is better not to get together.For example, when the flower blooms, it makes people admire it, but when it fades, it makes people sad, so it is better not to bloom.

My mother said that she would rather live such a plain and sweet life for the rest of her life than have the fleeting excitement of setting off fireworks. She is a secular person and cannot bear sudden joys and sorrows, hot and cold, so she only hopes that the years will always be quiet. "

He Zhixing smiled and asked casually: "Yi Yi, why do you think Lin Daiyu is a pessimist?"

Luo Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Lin Daiyu's pessimism is probably due to the fact that she lost her mother when she was young, left her hometown, and lived under the influence of others, so she developed this temperament to see the world through colored eyes, and everything she sees is in cold colors. "

He Zhixing hummed and chatted casually, "Your mother's views on the world are somewhat similar to Lin Daiyu's." Luo Yiyi's eyebrows were curved, and her little pear dimples were slightly raised, "Of course, my mother is a loyal Daiyu. pink!"

He Zhixing: "..."

Little idiot, I want to remind you, what kind of experiences did your mother have to have to develop such a cold-blooded character?
"Fans are fans, xinxing is xinxing, these are two different things." He Zhixing said with a smile.

Luo Yiyi blinked in confusion and said "oh" like a baby.

He Zhixing gave up. He originally wanted to remind her tactfully, listen to her talk about Luo Yue's childhood and teenage experiences, and learn about Luo Yue.

In fact, Luo Yue's cold-blooded nature could be guessed by He Zhixing even if he didn't know about Luo Yue's past.

He must have suffered spiritual damage in his childhood and adolescence. Otherwise, why would a person with great love who can sympathize with and help the weak be so cold-blooded?

But judging from the little idiot's reaction, she probably doesn't understand Luo Yue's past. Also, Luo Yue loves her so much and probably doesn't want her to know those bad things.

Fortunately, he didn't ask her directly just now, otherwise it would be bad if she got interested and would be sad if she found out the truth.

He Zhixing began to change the topic calmly, and Luo Yiyi was quickly taken elsewhere by him.

"Hey? He Zhixing, is this a small building owned by your family again? Why do I have to wait every time I have dinner with you? Can't you, the master, make a reservation in advance?"

He Zhixing sighed slightly, "It would be nice to talk to you while we wait. It's a date anyway, so we can just be together. We can save the time of waiting for food, and then finish eating early and send you back?"

Luo Yiyi: "..."

She asked silently: "Wouldn't it be better for you to take me directly to a busy restaurant every time? Why do you always come to a high-end place with such a quiet environment and almost zero customer flow?"

He Zhixing frowned in disgust, "The smell in that place is so strong that it could kill someone."

Luo Yiyi: "..."

He Zhixing: "Also, the environment of the places I brought you to is quiet and quiet, but the passenger flow is not zero. It's just that I asked people to clear the place."

Luo Yiyi: "..."

She spoke sincerely: "He Zhixing, you are so powerful, I feel so stressed when I am with you."

He Zhixing was amused and pinched her cheek across the table, "Isn't that right? Luo Yiyi, what age are we in now? The concept of family status is so important?"

Luo Yiyi looked at him seriously, "Have you not read a survey? Among people who divorced, more than 44% did it because their family backgrounds were too different, and more than 40% did it because they had different interests and hobbies. A good match between family backgrounds. important!"

He Zhixing couldn't stop laughing, so he simply told her clearly, "Come on, let's talk about this issue of family status today. Do you belong to the upper class?"

Luo Yiyi was silent for a moment and nodded.

He Zhixing pointed at himself, "Then do I belong to the upper class?"

Luo Yiyi nodded again.

He Zhixing spread his hands and said, "Isn't that enough? People from the upper class fall in love and get married with people from the upper class. Is there any family that is more suitable than ours?"

(End of this chapter)

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