Chapter 335 We Are Family

Chapter 346 We Are Family

Luo Yiyi always felt that something was wrong. She shook her head and said, "No, the money gap between us is too big."

He Zhixing smiled like a fox, "This is even more nonsense, family status is not money. The reason why money gap often causes trouble is because the financial power of husband and wife is not equal. Don't worry, we sign an agreement before we get married, and I make money. It’s under your control, don’t worry about me using money to bully you in the future.”

The more Luo Yiyi listened, the more nonsense she felt. She couldn't laugh or cry, "He Zhixing, what are you talking about?"

Just as the waiter came in with the food, He Zhixing stopped talking and brought the noodles in front of her, "Don't burn your mouth and eat it, it's not good for your health."

The waiter was a young lady in her early twenties. Seeing the young couple loving each other, she glanced at Luo Yiyi with ambiguous eyes.

Luo Yiyi was so embarrassed that she couldn't raise her head. He Zhixing held back his laughter and waved to the waiter to go down.

"Be good, eat some noodles. I have to send you back early today. It's your birthday. He Xin won't be able to keep Auntie away for long."

Luo Yiyi ate the noodles obediently, while He Zhixing propped up his arms and looked at the little hamster in front of him with adoration, puffing out his cheeks and chewing the noodles.

So cute.

He Zhixing reluctantly picked up his chopsticks to eat, secretly glancing at the little baby opposite him from time to time.

After finishing the meal, He Zhixing took Luo Yiyi for a slow walk, and Luo Yiyi asked a question that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"He Zhixing, why did Teacher He help you... uh... chase me? Don't say it's to curry favor with you."

He Zhixing chuckled, "Why not?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head, "I don't think so."

He Zhixing rubbed her little head, she was not a little idiot sometimes, his baby was always very smart.

He Zhixing cleared his voice and said politely: "He Xin has a strange complex towards Li Yuyang."

However, Luo Yiyi understood instantly, and opened her small mouth as if the world had collapsed, "No, it can't be right?"

He Zhixing was very modest: "I'm just guessing, I'm not sure of the details."

Luo Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest gently with her little hand, "It's okay if it's not, it's okay if it's not."

He Zhixing only thought that she was a good baby and could not accept the sexual orientation of a man, but what did Li Yuyang have to do with him?
Anyway, his sexual orientation is hers.

The good baby breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked again.

"Hey? Then why did you say that? Even if Teacher He is really... ahem, what does this have to do with helping you?"

This time He Zhixing didn't hide anything, he looked at her deeply and said: "He Xin has read too many bloody stories, and he is probably afraid that Li Yuyang will grow up with you as his childhood sweetheart... Anyway, he overthought it, so he helped me catch you. Then wouldn’t he have one less love rival?”

Luo Yiyi: "..."

Completely speechless!
"He Zhixing, today is my birthday, so you made up a joke to make me laugh, right?"

He Zhixing smiled and praised: "So smart."

Luo Yiyi released her words again, "Next time, don't tell such... uh, roller coaster jokes, it's so scary."

He Zhixing smiled and agreed, "Sure."

Time passed unknowingly, and I finally got in the car. When I drove to Qingquan Garden, He Zhixing was like a clingy big dog, hugging Luo Yiyi and refusing to let go. He looked like he wanted to get tired of being in the car. Be tired for a while.

Luo Yiyi yawned sleepily, stretched out her little hand, revealing the rhinestone watch on her white wrist, and pouted, "He Zhixing, look, it's almost ten o'clock, I'm going home to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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