Chapter 354 For Homework
Chapter 375 For Homework
Facts have proved that between Mr. He and Little White Rabbit, it will always be Luo Yiyi who is tricked.

He Zhixing looked at the stack of books that were as high as others, with a wicked curve on his lips.

He hugged her, gently bit the tip of the little girl's shining ear, which was still turning pink, and smiled like a devil, "Sure, but there are so many, I'm sure I won't be able to do it. I asked the little teacher to accompany me, and you can't do it anyway during the summer vacation." Nothing."

The reason is so strong that it seems impossible to refute it.

Luo Yiyi looked at her face seriously and thought seriously for a long time, and finally felt that she had to believe He Zhixing.

The good baby looked at him obediently and said, "Then you should do your homework well."

He Zhixing agreed with a smile.

Just in case, Luo Yiyi added a special request, "During the summer vacation, let's go to the classroom to do homework. Anyway, No. [-] Middle School belongs to your family, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to find a study room, right?"

He Zhixing: "..."

He reluctantly agreed, "It's up to you."

A classroom is just a classroom. If you were to stay at his home, you wouldn't learn anything during the summer vacation, and you might even end up eating someone.

Seeing that he agreed, Luo Yiyi felt more relieved, thinking that if he wanted to do bad things, he would definitely not agree to her so readily.

"Then I have to tell my mother, otherwise I will always go to No. [-] Middle School during the summer vacation, and my mother will be suspicious."

He Zhixing hardly needed to think about this reason. He said casually: "Let He Xin tell Auntie that he temporarily asked you to help him return to No. [-] Middle School to take care of students and experience life as an intern. Your mother will definitely agree."

This method is good, Luo Yiyi obediently agreed.

He Zhixing's efficiency was extraordinary. When Luo Yiyi came home in the evening, Luo Yue had already told her daughter what He Xin had said on the phone.

After saying that, Luo Yue did not forget to tell her: "Baby, although Axin is fine, he has become a single boy again after all. You still have to pay attention, understand? Don't lose your precautions."

Luo Yiyi's eyes were crooked and she smiled sweetly, "I know, Mom, I video chat with Mom every day."

Luo Yue was relieved and said again: "I asked Yuyang to accompany you. Mom is worried about you being a girl outside."

Luo Yiyi had already guessed that her mother would arrange it like this. It had always been like this anyway, so Luo Yiyi obediently agreed. Only then did Luo Yue talk about other things.

The next day, He Zhixing drove Luo Yiyi to No. [-] Middle School. Li Yuyang, with a gentle smile, accompanied Luo Yiyi into He Zhixing's car.

He Zhixing's face turned cold almost the moment he saw Li Yuyang——

"... I decided that Yi Yi's other half would be Li Yuyang when she was young."

This sentence was like a demonic sound that lingered in He Zhixing's ears and could not be dissipated.

But since he and Yiyi fell in love, Li Yuyang had never done anything out of the ordinary, and since he was Yiyi's beloved brother, He Zhixing was really in trouble, so he could only hold back his anger depressedly and let Li Yuyang go. Got the car.

After all, He Zhixing will definitely not be able to drive people away like that time when Li Yuyang gave him extra lessons, otherwise the little ancestor in the co-pilot will have a big fight with him in the next second.

On the way to No. [-] Middle School, He Zhixing was in a bad mood and said nothing with a stinky face.

"He Zhixing, what's wrong with you?"

After getting off the car, Li Yuyang said goodbye to them with a smile and went to find He Xin. Luo Yiyi raised her face and quietly asked a certain big dog next to her with her head drooping aggrievedly.

(End of this chapter)

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