Chapter 355

Chapter 376

"It's nothing."

The big dog spoke depressingly.

Luo Yiyi also knew that he was lying to her, and was about to question him, but unexpectedly the phone rang.

It's Dr. Shen.

Luo Yiyi was surprised, what was Dr. Shen calling her for?
He Zhixing had the advantage of height, saw the note on the call clearly, and was so flustered that he stopped it immediately, but it was too late.

Luo Yiyi has already pressed the speakerphone.

"Doctor Shen, how are you?"

Dr. Shen's voice came from the phone, "Miss Luo, hello, I want to talk to you about Luo Yue."

"Yiyi, who are you on the phone with?"

Luo Yiyi was puzzled, and He Zhixing suddenly asked with a smile, but Dr. Shen heard it contained countless warnings.

Dr. Shen was not afraid, and explained with a smile without rushing: "Master, my subordinates have something to report to Miss Luo, about Miss Luo's mother."

Luo Yiyi gently tugged La He Zhixing, motioning him not to speak, but hearing what Dr. Shen said, He Zhixing was also afraid of revealing too much, so he reluctantly answered her with a smile.

Dr. Shen continued: "Miss Luo, it is your mother who has the real problem, not you. She can no longer support you and needs to leave you. She will never see you again, and you will never have any contact with her again. She wishes to bid you a good farewell after she leaves this world."

Dr. Shen said a lot of things that Luo Yiyi couldn't understand at all, and Luo Yiyi couldn't understand a lot, but she heard one thing: Mom is leaving her!
How could Luo Yiyi believe it?The first time he dialed Luo Yue's number, but he couldn't get through.

Luo Yiyi panicked, she asked Li Yuyang, and Li Yuyang also looked stunned.

The siblings hurried back to the capital, but Luo Yue was really gone.

He Zhixing hugged Luo Yiyi who was crying uncontrollably, his eyes were dark, Luo Yue seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace of her anymore.

"He Zhixing, I beg you to help me find my mother, woo woo woo"

He Zhixing touched her face full of tears, feeling distressed, "Little idiot, I will look for you if you don't tell me."

However, the days passed day by day without any news from Luo Yue, until the thunderstorm night, when lightning struck, the familiar thin figure in the dream appeared in front of Luo Yiyi with a loving expression.


In her sleep, Luo Yiyi hugged the illusory figure and cried uncontrollably. Luo Yue was heartbroken and hugged her daughter full of nostalgia, her tears falling quietly. "Mom, don't you want to work too hard? Wuwuwu..."

Luo Yue cried bitterly, choked up, "How could it be? Mom spent so much effort creating you..." How could she be willing to leave you behind?
Later, Luo Yue couldn't continue, she gently pushed her daughter away for a while, and said earnestly: "Baby, Mom has an opportunity to tell you something: this world is a book..."

early morning.


In her sleep, Luo Yiyi suddenly cried and shouted.

"Baby, what's the matter? Have a nightmare again?"

Luo Yiyi was teary-eyed, surrounded by familiar arms, and He Zhixing kissed her brows and eyes tenderly.

Luo Yiyi gradually woke up, and almost forgot about the dream, she whispered: "I'm fine."

He Zhixing patted her on the face, carried her off the bed, and said fiercely on purpose: "Don't cry anymore, or I won't let you see my son off to school later."

Seeing that Luo Yiyi was about to curl his lips, He Zhixing subdued: "Hey, my eyes are red, my son saw it, maybe he thinks I'm bullying you."

Luo Yiyi blushed instantly.

She didn't understand how it was such a coincidence that she was pregnant for the first time.

After that, her heart gradually improved. I don't know how much He Zhixing worked hard, but she is completely recovered now.

The morning light fell on the window sill, and Luo Yiyi looked at the familiar blue cover, and seemed to be attracted by magic to open it.

"He Zhixing, who sent the book?"

He Zhixing looked at the little girl obsessed with the book, his eyes softened, and he looked up at the window.

Passing through time and space, the past four years are closely remembered in my mind.

Misunderstanding, healing, marriage, and having children, everything is as she wishes.

The time is quiet here, the girl in front of the window sill who is concentrating on reading a book, and the man beside her who is watching her tenderly.

I only wish that the baby I love will always be happy (ω)

(End of the article)

(End of this chapter)

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