Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 42 He Zhixingzhang Examination Room

Chapter 42 He Zhixing returns to the examination room
Chapter 42 He Zhixing returns to the examination room

Hospital, not long after, Luo Yiyi woke up.

What he saw was his mother's red and swollen eyes from crying. Luo Yiyi curled her lips and said coquettishly, "Mom, you're crying again."

Luo Yue smiled and wiped away her tears, lay down and gently touched her daughter's face, and asked softly: "Baby, are you awake? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head, thinking that her mother had found her and probably figured out the cause and effect. She comforted Luo Yue with a sweet smile.

"Mom, the smell in the toilet was so bad. I couldn't stand it, so I fainted. Don't worry, Mom."

Luo Yue tried her best to hold back her tears and put her smile on her daughter's forehead, "Mom, don't worry, the test results say so. The air in S City is very suitable for your recuperation."

At the mention of City S, Luo Yiyi stiffened.

Luo Yue also felt it and quickly comforted her daughter, "Baby, we won't go to No. [-] Middle School. We will study at home and take the college entrance examination."

To Luo Yue's surprise, Luo Yiyi refused.

"Mom, escaping is not the solution. I can't stay at home all my life. I have to be in contact with the outside world. Even if I go to college, I still have to get along with my classmates."

Luo Yue held back her tears and said with a smile, "Okay, mommy listens to you."


"Teacher He, what happened to Yi Yi's body? Why..."

He Zhixing didn't ask any more questions later. He was originally going to have someone investigate, but when it came to Luo Yiyi's privacy, He Zhixing didn't let anyone investigate.

It was like he was sick and he was afraid that Luo Yiyi would know.


Perhaps realizing that he was full of bird talk, He Xin chewed a mouthful of food and swallowed it.

Then he answered with difficulty: "I said, like you, I don't know anything."

He Xin swallowed two mouthfuls. She was no longer so hungry and in no mood to eat anymore, so she sighed.

He knew the teacher's childhood experience very well, and he also knew how important Yiyi, his daughter, was to the teacher.If Yiyi had an accident, the teacher probably wouldn't survive.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, so He Xin simply threw the cake into the trash can.

"Hey, where are you going?"

He Xin was still scratching his hair with a headache, and He Zhixing turned around and left.


He Zhixing uttered two words indifferently.

He Xin realized something was wrong and ran over to catch the person, "He Zhixing, don't act recklessly. If you do something wrong, you will be punished by the school. Don't think that just because your family has background and money, you can do whatever you want."

He Zhixing glanced at the room. Luo Yue had helped Luo Yiyi sit up and was feeding Luo Yiyi. The little girl was coquettishly trying to feed her.

Luo Yue looked helpless on her face, but her movements were full of love and doting.

The whole scene is a happy one, with a loving mother and a filial daughter.

"Take care of her." He Zhixing lowered his eyes and patted He Xin's shoulder, "Thank you this time."

After saying that, He Xin was left messy in the wind. What should I thank him for?
Thank him for dragging him to school to do hard labor when he was smelling of alcohol when he was in a bad mood?

He Xin, kid, don’t you really want to think about why you are still single at the age of 23?
He Zhixing was very honest and didn't really do anything.

Not only did he not make any moves, he also became a good student for the first time.

That's right, during the afternoon exam, when Lu Shaoyan saw He Zhixing appearing in the exam room, he almost thought he was hallucinating.

"Damn it, Ji Chen, am I not dreaming? Is that handsome young man over there who makes people and gods angry, really our handsome young man, Mr. He?"

Speaking of the latter part, Lu Shaoyan opened his mouth in cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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