Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 43 Brother Xing was asked for debt by some girl?

Chapter 43 Brother Xing was asked for debt by some girl?

Chapter 43 Brother Xing was asked for debt by some girl?

Ji Chen smiled and kicked him, "Fuck you, you dare to show off in front of Brother Xing."

As he said that, he sat down in front of He Zhixing and said with a smile, "Brother Xing, you smell like alcohol, isn't it because some girl was collecting debts and hid in the classroom to hide from the debts?"

He Zhixing smiled softly and raised his fingers, "Come closer and I'll tell you."

Ji Chen felt that He Zhixing's smile at this moment made his legs tremble, so he waved his hands and ran away, "No, no, I suddenly don't want to know anymore."

He Zhixing was not in the mood to deal with him at the moment.

Lu Shaoyan and Ji Chen looked at each other for a few times, knowing that He Zhixing was in a bad mood. After making eye contact for a while, they sat down in their seats and pretended to be ostriches.


"Mom, the doctor also said that I'm fine. I can take the exam in the afternoon."

Luo Yiyi hugged Luo Yue's arm and rubbed her head against Luo Yue, acting softly and coquettishly.

"Professor Luo, your daughter's condition allows her to take the exam. Although she fainted at noon, it's not a serious problem." The doctor explained with a smile.

Luo Yue was worried after all, but her daughter was still attached and the doctor said it was okay. Luo Yue could only nod in agreement, but quietly winked at He Xin.

He Xin understood that the teacher was asking him to drive slower on the road. If he missed the exam time or was 15 minutes late, he would not be able to take the exam when he got to school.

The exam consumes a lot of energy, and Luo Yue is worried about letting her daughter take the math test under such circumstances.

Originally, He Xin was also an invigilator, so it was definitely not possible to ask for temporary leave. However, after He Zhixing called, the principal personally approved the leave for He Xin.

The dean of students thought He Xin was some kind of back-door relative of the principal, so he called He Xin personally and told him not to worry and to take his time to deal with personal matters.

He would just arrange for someone else to invigilate the exam.

This made He Xin sigh with emotion, power is such a good thing.

By the time we arrived at No. [-] Middle School, the entire campus was so quiet that the sound of falling leaves on the ground could be clearly heard.

The person in charge of the last examination room was still the young female teacher from the morning, Liang Jian. "Report."

When Liang Jian saw Luo Yiyi, she was in a trance for a moment, but she quickly recovered and walked to the door of the classroom with high heels. She looked at Luo Yiyi with disdain and said disdainfully: "I'm late. This test cannot be taken.”

Luo Yiyi was confused and looked back at He Xin, "Teacher He, is that so?"

He Xin had long seen the dazzling red-haired boy in the classroom and wanted to say that with him around, all the rules in No. [-] Middle School were useless.

In No. [-] Middle School, he is the rule.

Seeing the little girl looking at him with hope, He Xin really couldn't bear to refuse, but thinking of her mentor's eyes on him when he was in the hospital, He Xin could only bite the bullet and comfort Luo Yiyi with a smile.

"Yi Yi, there is such a rule in No. [-] Middle School."

Seeing He Zhixing from the corner of his eye, He Xin was afraid that he would come out and cause trouble, so he did not forget to emphasize, "Exams consume energy. You are not suitable for exams now. Can you go back with the teacher? There will be exams next month."

Luo Yiyi shook her head firmly, looked at Liang Jian again, and begged: "Teacher, I can explain what happened in the morning. However, this exam is really important to me. Can the teacher let me take the exam?" ?”

Liang Jian was only in her early twenties, looking at Luo Yiyi's overly beautiful face, pleated skirt with knitted butterfly collar sweater, and carefully cared for hair.

Liang Jian's eyebrows instantly turned into worms. How could this typical bad student pretend to be cool in front of her?
Also, can good students be assigned to the last examination room?

Liang Jian looked at her with contempt, dismissed her as a beggar, and said in an impatient tone: "Don't stand here and affect other students' exams."

With that said, he turned around and entered the examination room.

"Come in."

Liang Jian just turned around when a lazy voice came from the back of the classroom.

Before Liang Jian could calm down, the young man had stood up from his seat, walked directly to the door of the classroom, and stood next to Luo Yiyi like a prince guarding her.

The young man's eyebrows were soft and he chuckled softly: "Little idiot, take the exam well; no one dares to disturb your exam as long as I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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