Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 45 My little idiot is a top student

Chapter 45 My little idiot is a top student

Chapter 45 My little idiot is a top student

The dean attributed all this to his hard work throughout the summer.

The dean went downstairs with a smile on his face, his hands behind his back, and a happy mind and body.

As for the boy who harassed Luo Yiyi in the morning, when he arrived at the entrance of the examination room, he caught a glimpse of He Zhixing from the window and ran away in panic.

"A top student, you finished writing so quickly?"

The exam bell rang, He Xin collected the test papers, and He Zhixing walked slowly to Luo Yiyi's table and smiled.

"Thank you."

Luo Yiyi lowered her head in embarrassment, the tips of her ears turning red.

"Tsk, it seems that my little idiot is a top student."

He Zhixing put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the table lazily, his long legs slightly bent, and his expensive, custom-made sneakers were casually placed.

"Don't talk nonsense," Luo Yiyi's ears turned red, "The test results haven't come out yet."

Although she was sure she could get full marks, she calculated each question twice and the results were the same.

"Yi Yi, Teacher Luo is still waiting for you at the school gate. Do you want to come with me?"

He Xin bound the test papers and walked towards Luo Yiyi with a smile while holding the test paper package.

"Yeah!" Luo Yiyi nodded.

"Then you have to go to the office with me first. I want to hand over the test papers." He Xin patted the heavy test paper bag in his hand and said with a helpless smile.

"Go back, see you tomorrow, Luo Yiyi."

He Zhixing stood up and got out of the way with a smile.

"See you tomorrow," the little girl's face was still pink, but she persuaded him in a very serious tone, "tomorrow, don't hand in any more blank papers."

The exam lasts for three days in total, and there are physical chemistry and English exams in the next two days.

"Okay." He Zhixing smiled softly.

The girl left the classroom with a smile on her face.The moment the girl disappeared from sight, He Zhixing's gentle eyes suddenly turned fierce.

The violent factor that had been suppressed for several hours was now clamoring to escape from the body.

He Zhixing walked out of the classroom, and soon a figure jumped out from the dark.

"Young Master He!"

During the exam, Liang Jian hid in the toilet. When the exam bell rang, Liang Jian didn't have the nerve to congratulate Zhixing in front of everyone.

Fortunately, He Zhixing was the last one to leave. The sixth floor was empty at the moment, with only her and He Zhixing.

"If you don't want to quit the teaching profession forever in this life, get out of here immediately."

He Zhixing was too lazy to talk nonsense, put down a few words, put his hands in his pockets, and went downstairs without looking back.

Liang Jian wanted to say something more, but after seeing He Zhixing's scarlet eyes, she suddenly thought of the rumors she had seen while hiding in the toilet not long ago, and she suddenly covered her mouth in fear.

During the hour or so she spent in the bathroom, she searched the He family in Beijing on Baidu.

She saw in a gossip that someone said that the young master of the He family was ill and that when he got sick, he would become a murderous lunatic. No one knew him.

Liang Jian didn't believe it at first, but after seeing He Zhixing now, she was so frightened that her legs trembled, and she fell to the ground weakly leaning against the wall.

"Who did it?"

He Zhixing left the school and stared at Lu Shaoyan waiting at the door with cold eyes.

"That boy was found by Zhang Duo. His goal was to make Luo Yiyi fail the exam and not enter No. [-] Middle School. Those in the bathroom were also those Zhang Duo and Yuying. The reason was that they were manipulated by He Xin because of Luo Yiyi. Not lightly, so I took the opportunity to retaliate."

There was a smile on He Zhixing's face, but his eyes were filled with scarlet blood, and he was surging with shouts.

"Where is the boy now?"

Lu Shaoyan cursed secretly in his heart. According to Brother Xing's temperament, he would have to chop off the boy's hand if he didn't want to kill him.

This is not the ancient imperial society, where power can lead to life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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