Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 46 Don’t tell Yi Yi

Chapter 46 Don’t tell Yi Yi
Chapter 46 Don’t tell Yi Yi
Lu Shaoyan was scared and decided to run away.

Bu Yu came out to persuade him, "Brother Xing, you also know what happened in the morning. It's okay if Luo Yiyi loves you, the key point is——"

Before he finished speaking, he received a cold look from He Zhixing.

"Okay, okay, I'm scared of you." Bu Yu surrendered, "Don't look at me like that again, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in the middle of the night."

It wasn't until He Zhi walked far away that Lu Shaoyan emerged from the bushes tremblingly.

"What the hell, Bu Yu, what are you doing?"

Bu Yu glanced at him coldly, "If you can handle it, why did you push me to be a lobbyist just now? Well, he hasn't gone far yet, you go and persuade him."

Lu Shaoyan was stunned for a moment, laughing and smiling, "No, no, I think you are very good at Bu Yu!"

As he spoke, he gave Bu Yu a thumbs up, but Bu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Hey, Bu Yu, I think you must be confident in telling Brother Xing without reservation, right?"

Ji Chen squeezed to Bu Yu's side and looked at Bu Yu with a clear face.

Bu Yu didn't deny it, "Don't worry. It's not an emergency. He still wants to pursue his sister-in-law innocently, so he won't cause trouble for himself. It should be a borrowed knife to kill someone."

He had just deliberately persuaded people just to test whether He Zhixing was sick.

He Zhixing just glanced at him coldly.

Bu Yu could see that He Zhixing was surrounded by violence, but his reason was still there and he would not do anything extraordinary.

Lu Shaoyan, who had just come up to him, heard the words "kill with a borrowed knife" and immediately felt a chill of cold air blowing across his neck. He tremblingly asked, "I seem to have offended Brother Xing today. Brother Xing won't use me as a knife, right?"

As he finished speaking, he received disdainful looks from Ji Chen and Bu Yu.

"As for your position, Brother Xing still doesn't like you."

Lu Shaoyan didn't feel any shame at all and raised his head proudly, "I call fools lucky."

This idiot looks like a fool, without any sense of shame in being a fool.Forget about the shame of not being a fool, I feel proud instead of ashamed.

Ji Chen and Bu Yu turned to stone at the same time, looked at each other, and turned to look at the sunset in tacit understanding.

"Axin, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

After sending Luo Yiyi to Luo Yue's car, He Xin smiled and said goodbye to Luo Yue, but he didn't want Luo Yue to get out of the car.

"Teacher, what do you want?" He Xin put away her smile and said seriously.

In fact, Luo Yue's face was too serious.

"Axin, I know this may not be right, but I hope you don't tell Yiyi that He Zhixing helped her when we found her at noon."

He Xin scratched her head in embarrassment, "Teacher, are you afraid that they will fall in love prematurely?"

If this is the case, it seems that it is too late. Just now in the examination room, He Zhixing had already saved a beauty once again.

"Yes or no, that child, the teacher still wants you to help me thank him."

She is just a cold-blooded mother who only wants to protect her children and does not want her children to be involved with a madman.

Even if this lunatic helped her child, she could thank him in other ways, but she couldn't risk her daughter to thank him.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely express my gratitude to him." He Xin said with a smile.

"No, I mean, you thank him in the name of helping your classmates and as a teacher. Don't let him know that this is what I meant."

"Ah?" He Xin looked confused. Monk Zhang Er was confused and looked at Luo Yue in confusion.

"Okay, don't worry, teacher. I know you don't like these social interactions, and I will thank He Zhixing."

Luo Yue didn't explain, patted He Xin on the shoulder, turned around and got in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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