Chapter 50 She's Back
Chapter 50 She's Back
"I just came here from Dr. Li, do you need it?" In the dark corner, Bu Yu handed over a bottle of medicine.

He Zhixing unscrewed the bottle cap, took out a few pills, and chewed them into his mouth.

Bu Yu remained speechless and slowly squatted down to sit next to He Zhixing. When Lu Shaoyan saw Bu Yu, he finally dared to run out from the darkness.

"Brother Xing, why bother? There are people chasing you everywhere, so why do you have to be just Na Luo Yiyi? To be honest, I feel bad looking at it, so we can't..."

Lu Shaoyan hesitated to speak. What he actually wanted to say was why should he treat himself so badly?

It's not worth giving up any dignity to chase a woman.

But before he finished speaking, he received a fierce glare from He Zhixing. Lu Shaoyan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't say anything anymore."

He Zhixing was not in the mood to pay attention to him at the moment and leaned against the wall dejectedly.

Here, Luo Yiyi ran for some distance before stopping. What a coincidence that the place she stopped was the school hospital.

A few months ago, she fainted in front of the classroom door. He used her as a human mat without hesitation and carried her to the school hospital...

Scenes from the past came to mind. Luo Yiyi froze in her steps and turned to look at the way she came, but her phone was vibrating in her pocket.

It's Luo Yue.

"Baby, why haven't you come out yet?" Luo Yue asked in a concerned tone on the other end of the phone.

Luo Yiyi's eyes moistened and she whispered: "Mom, a classmate fell in the examination room. I happened to meet him and sent him to the infirmary."

Luo Yue didn't think too much and just gave a few instructions, "Ask the classmate to call his parents. Come to the school gate quickly."

Luo Yiyi responded, hung up the phone, hesitated, and finally entered the infirmary.

Luo Yiyi left the infirmary carrying a pack of iodine, cotton swabs and band-aids.

She was not sure whether He Zhixing was still there, but thinking of He Zhixing's bloody hands, Luo Yiyi returned along the original route without hesitation.

When she hurried downstairs just now, she seemed to see He Zhixing punching the wall again. He was more or less angry with her, so she bought him some medicine to pay for it.

He Zhixing didn't have the strength to leave at all, and sat helplessly in the corner, wiping the blood on his hands with his shirt.Seeing Luo Yiyi coming back, He Zhixing still couldn't believe it.

"Here you go." Luo Yiyi's tone was stiff. She placed the medicine bag next to He Zhixing and turned around to leave. A shadow quickly stopped in front of her.

"Why did you come back?" He Zhixing's voice was hoarse and his eyes were filled with water.

She must have been horrified to see his violent side.

Luo Yiyi didn't want to pay attention to him and pushed him away to leave. However, He Zhixing trapped him in a corner and asked aggressively, "Why are you back? Aren't you afraid that I will lose my temper again?"

Luo Yiyi was forced to lose her patience and looked at him with red eyes, "Yes, I shouldn't have come back. I would have let you bleed to death."

A smile slowly appeared at the corner of He Zhixing's mouth. Luo Yiyi was so scared by his smile that she pushed him away with all her strength.

He Zhixing didn't stop her and she ran away easily.

After the others left, He Zhixing's eyes fell on the bag of medicine, and his dark eyes suddenly softened.

He took out the iodine and dipped the cotton swab into the wound.

His Yi Yi was caring about him. She was not afraid of him going crazy, so she bought him medicine.

Several people were afraid of him going crazy. When he was sick, he drove and killed someone, but that person blocked him. Some people said that he was still sick and pushed his pregnant stepmother down the stairs, making her unable to get pregnant again in her life.

The old man was furious and asked him to give the woman an explanation; he was too lazy to explain that what was in the woman's belly was not his seed from He Yuanshan at all.

In a fit of anger, he left the capital and came to S city.

I thought I would wander around S City like this, but I didn't expect to meet her.

He Zhixing lowered his eyes, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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