Chapter 51

Chapter 51

The fastest thing in No. [-] Middle School is correcting test papers.

Luo Yiyi was still reading magazines at home in the evening, and the math teachers from each class in No. [-] Middle School had already come to the class to scold her.

Regardless of whether his grades are good or not, he must scold these bastards.

"Teacher, Yiyi got perfect marks in math and English this time, nearly perfect marks in Chinese, and A+ grades in physics and chemistry."

The two science experimental classes failed to get a perfect score in mathematics. Luo Yiyi's results caused a sensation throughout the second year of high school.

Through the phone, Luo Yue seemed to be able to see the excitement on He Xin's face, but...

"Nearly perfect score in Chinese?" Luo Yue asked doubtfully.

He Xin couldn't hold back her excitement, "Yeah! Later, the surveillance was adjusted and it was found that Yiyi had not cheated, but was being harassed. The invigilator was also fired by the principal for poor invigilation. She was originally an intern and didn't know how to restrain herself. point."

He Xin also realized that she had strayed from the topic, and brought it back with a smile, "Yi Yi's Chinese essay only had no answers in the composition, but the parts she answered earlier were almost all correct. So the principal decided to calculate Yi Yi's composition score based on a hundred-point system, with a full score of 160. Our Yi Yi scored 151 points, and we are 230 points ahead of the grade No. [-] in Chinese. Now, the old man from Class [-] is already talking to the principal and wants to transfer Yi Yi to his class."

He Xin went round and round and finally got to the point. One second he was smiling so much that he was crying, the next second he was crying, "Teacher, you must help me find this back door. I can't let Class [-] The old man snatched the Yiyi away."

For grade No. 1, the principal will award a lot of money to the class teacher; for those with perfect scores, the principal will also award money to the corresponding teacher.

Because of this, the two classes, which were already at odds with each other, almost came to blows.

The key is to teach a city champion, no, this Luo Yiyi can directly sprint to the provincial champion!
Then it will be much easier to evaluate special teachers. After all, it is one of the necessary conditions to be the city's number one!
Not to mention that this is still the provincial number one seed!
Luo Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't worry, I will transfer Yiyi to class one."

After receiving Luo Yue's answer, He Xin took reassurance and said with a smile: "Then I won't disturb the teacher. I'll find a seat and tablemate for Yiyi first."

When the results were official, the name Luo Yiyi became famous overnight in the second grade of high school.

The second class teacher relied on his elders to sell his elders and competed with He Xin to steal people. He Xin couldn't match the seniority and smiled without saying a word.

A class of mathematics and English teachers saw that He Xin was young and incompetent, so the two senior teachers, wearing thick glasses, went into battle in person, with bright tongues, and started a fierce exchange of words with the class teacher of the second class.

Until Luo Yiyi was brought to the first class classroom by the principal, the second class teacher hid in the corner and cried uncontrollably while hugging all the second class teachers.

He is over 50 years old, and it is not easy for him to reach his current position. He is only one step away from being the top teacher in the city, and in the end, he was intercepted!

The second class teacher almost fainted from crying and died in the toilet.

If Luo Yiyi's performance created a gust of wind among teachers, it definitely set off a tornado among students.

After all, No. 80 Middle School is the best high school in S City. Even in the Shidi class with the worst grades, the final pass rate for the second grade was over [-]%.

If it is said that food is the first priority for the people, then the students in this middle school absolutely regard grades as the first priority, excluding a very small number of people.

Therefore, the students in the No. [-] Middle School were very enthusiastic when talking about this guy who suddenly appeared as the number one guy in the grade.

"Don't tell me, Brother Xing has such awesome vision."

In front of the bulletin board, Lu Shaoyan couldn't help biting his tongue as he looked at Luo Yiyi's frightening numerical results on the red list.

"Hey, Bu Yu, didn't Brother Xing originally plan not to let Hua Hua go to class one? Why did he change his mind at the last moment? You don't know, in the bathroom just now, I saw that the old man in class two was so angry that he almost fainted. I can roll my eyes at any time."

Lu Shaoyan thought of the gray-faced look of the old man from the second class, and his shoulders couldn't stop shaking from laughter.

"No matter whether Luo Yiyi can take the first place in the exam in the future, He Xin will treat her well; but the second class teacher will not. If Luo Yiyi does not perform as well as this time in the future, the second class teacher will probably do something if she is disappointed. Something that hurt her self-esteem. The key is, He Xin will not put pressure on Luo Yiyi."

Lu Shaoyan silently gave a thumbs up, "Brother Xing, you're awesome."

Luo Yiyi was transferred to Class [-], and Li Yuyang was also happy.

Li Yuyang had been admitted to Class [-] during the summer placement test. He Xin also knew about the relationship between Li Yuyang and Luo Yiyi, so when Li Yuyang asked to go to Class [-] to help Luo Yiyi move together, he agreed nicely.

"Hey, hey, isn't this a top student? I visited the Shidi class today, and the shop is really shining!" The person who spoke was Tang Zhe, who was in the same dormitory with Li Yuyang before the liberal arts and sciences were divided into classes.

Taught by Luo Yue, Li Yuyang did not make friends based on grades in middle school and sincerely helped students with poor grades. For this reason, Li Yuyang was deeply loved by scumbags like Tang Zhe.

"I saw your results this time on the red list. Your scores are better than before." Li Yuyang smiled warmly and patted Tang Zhe on the shoulder.

Tang Zhe grinned and was about to chat with Li Yuyang when a person suddenly appeared next to him, "Zhezi, who is this?"

Li Yuyang glanced at the uninvited guest, who kept his fashion sense.

According to the fashionable positioning of this hairstyle, the hair is concentrated and falls to one side. The obvious tilt effect is very visual impact and more masculine.

But Li Yuyang didn't know what happened to this uninvited guest. Such a fashionable hairstyle on his head gave people a sense of indecency.

Tang Zhe hurriedly pulled Li Yuyang and introduced him solemnly: "Brother Rui, this is the Li Yuyang I often tell you. He is my best brother in No. [-] Middle School."

As soon as Tang Zhe finished speaking, Li Yuyang finally understood why the uninvited guest could make the fashion positioning feel obscene, and the reason came from his heart.

Brother Rui, Li Yuyang heard Tang Zhe say, his real name is Cao Rui, he is almost a gangster in society. He got a girl pregnant not long ago, and then he took it as an honor and publicized everywhere that it was the girl who took the initiative.

Li Yuyang felt sick even thinking about such a scumbag with no sense of responsibility, let alone seeing him in person, so he only nodded lightly as a greeting.

This is all for Tang Zhe's sake.

Aunt Luo taught him that making friends should be based on character since he was a child. Tang Zhe's grades were just a little low, but he was a very kind man. I didn't understand how he could have such a scumbag friend as Cao Rui.

"Are you Li Yuyang?" Cao Rui's eyes lit up.

But seeing Li Yuyang's indifferent expression, Cao Rui just thought it was a good student looking down on a bad student, and slandered Tang Zhe, saying that he didn't make friends based on his grades, I'm afraid it was a lie.

But this did not hinder his purpose of coming to No. [-] Middle School. Cao Rui stared at Li Yuyang as if he were staring at a piece of meat, and whispered obscenely at Li Yuyang: "Is the new beauty from your school with good grades in your class?"

Li Yuyang's expression suddenly turned cold. He was afraid that if he heard Cao Rui's obscene tone one more time, he would beat him up.

Li Yuyang pushed Tang Zhe away, "I still have something to do. I'll see you another day."

Tang Zhe also knew that Li Yuyang despised people with bad character, so he secretly cursed bad luck. Why did Li Yuyang meet Cao Rui?

At this moment, Tang Zhe saw that Li Yuyang's expression was not good, so he smiled and said, "Brother, you go and do your work first. I'll come back to you if I have some questions that I don't know about another day."

Li Yuyang looked at Tang Zhe gently this time, patted him on the shoulder, and then left.

"Is this what you mean by making friends without looking at grades?" Cao Rui said disdainfully before Li Yuyang had gone far.

"He is in a bad mood today," Tang Zhe explained casually and changed the subject, "Brother Rui, why did you come to our school today?"

Cao Rui's grades in the high school entrance examination were poor. He came from an ordinary family. He had no ability or background and went to No. [-] Middle School. He went to high school in the Yuan Middle School next door. Today, he borrowed Tang Zhe's school uniform and sneaked in.

Hearing Tang Zhe ask about this, Cao Rui had a lewd smile on his face, "I heard that there is a beautiful school belle in your school. It is said that she is in class. I don't want to get my hands on her for fun."

Influenced by Li Yuyang, Tang Zhe admired a top student like Luo Yiyi in his heart, and hurriedly advised Cao Rui, "Don't leave. This is not Mu Xiaosu, a top student from the capital."

Mu Xiaosu is the girl that Cao Rui calls "active".

"It's from the capital city. It must be more exciting to play!" Cao Rui became even more excited, "I saw the photo of Luo Yiyi. I don't want to hide it from you, so I just looked at the photo. Here I am..."

There was a burst of obscene laughter after that. Li Yuyang clenched his fists, stopped, turned around and stared at Cao Rui coldly.

Cao Rui was completely unaware and told Tang Zhe some dirty jokes and smiled lewdly, "It is said that he is not in good health yet. When you mention it - hehehehe..."

Tang Zhe and Cao Rui were laughing and having sex together, but the next second he saw Li Yuyang, who had left, come back at some point, almost madly pushing Cao Rui to the ground and beating him wildly.

It's not a beating, it's a beating to death.

(End of this chapter)

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