Chapter 52 His Light
Chapter 52 His Light
Tang Zhe was completely frightened.

He never expected that Li Yuyang, the Zhilan Yushu in his heart, would one day beat someone up in public.

And he is still the kind of person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much, but beats people to death.

"Are you fucking sick? I'm in your way..." Cao Rui was beaten to the ground by Li Yuyang until his nose was black and his eyes were swollen. He managed to avoid the punch and roared angrily.

As a result, before he could finish his roar, Li Yuyang kicked him to the wall again. Cao Rui immediately covered his stomach and screamed.

At this time, Tang Zhe also reacted and hurriedly ran forward to start a fight, "No, no, brother, who are you going to hit?"

Tang Zhe's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. Although his brother looked weak, he had actually learned martial arts, Sanda, and Taekwondo...

In short, he has learned all kinds of perverted self-defense and attack things. Otherwise, you would think that when he was a top student, he was thrown into the wolf den of their group of low-school students. In the end, not only was he not beaten to death, but he managed to keep them submissive.

Just rely on grades?By character?
But he was brought down. At first, he relied on his fists. With his fists, his brother hit him with a stick and gave him a candied date, and then he brought those scumbags who gave the principal a headache into submission.

For this reason, the school has been reluctant to transfer his brother to the first class dormitory.

But his brother has never taken the initiative to beat anyone in public!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhe hurriedly grabbed Li Yuyang, "Brother, brother! I'm begging you, brother. Look, there are a lot of people gathering in the corridor. It won't be good if the mad dog from the dean is attracted later."

When Li Yuyang punched Cao Rui for the first time, people were attracted to the corridor; by now, the corridor was already packed.

Everyone in No. [-] Middle School knows Li Yuyang. The male idol that girls love is so handsome even in fights.

In the eyes of the boys, he is a powerful rival. Not only does he have incredible grades and looks, but he also has incredible martial arts.

"Li Yuyang! Ouch!"

"Male God! Male God!"


The girls and boys went crazy at the same time.

What's more, they took out their secretly brought mobile phones and started recording like crazy to cheer for Li Yuyang!
Tang Zhe really had a headache and glanced at Cao Rui worriedly. This was totally his brother's unilateral defeat of Cao Rui!
On the other hand, Cao Rui was like a lost dog. He was beaten by Li Yuyang until he was unable to fight back, and he even ran away with his head in his arms.

However, Li Yuyang was still not satisfied. He grabbed the person and pushed him to the ground, beating him to death with his fists.

Tang Zhe's legs were shaking. If his brother continued to beat him like this, he was afraid that Cao Rui would be skinned even if he didn't die.

However, the students in the No. [-] Middle School didn't know whether they had been suppressed by the long-term boring study for too long. At this moment, seeing the top students fighting, they were so excited that they screamed like crazy.

"Why are you all making noise? Get out of here!" Tang Zhe said with a sullen face, blasting the crowd who were watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

But who fears him?They all surrounded Li Yuyang and howled.

Tang Zhe saw that the situation was untenable, so he could only go to Li Yuyang, "Brother, brother..."

However, before he finished speaking, Li Yuyang punched him and sent him a few steps away.

"Get out of here! Otherwise I'll beat you up too!"

Li Yuyang looked cold, kicked Cao Rui several times, and threw Tang Zhe away with all his strength.

Tang Zhe was also angry and yelled at Li Yuyang, "Li Yuyang, why are you so crazy?"

Li Yuyang glanced at Cao Rui, who was lying motionless on the ground, and said coldly, "Tang Zhe, from today on, you and I are no longer brothers."

The originally crowded crowd quickly opened a lane, and the excited No. [-] Middle School students, with stars in their eyes, tacitly made way for the boss.

Li Yuyang strode out of Shidiban with a sullen face.

It wasn't until he could no longer hear the screams of the crowd behind him that Li Yuyang collapsed weakly, with a wry smile appearing on his lips.

Aunt Luo, I'm sorry, Yuyang is going to disappoint you this time.

Aunt Luo enrolled him in various self-defense and attack classes since he was a child, teaching him that only boys with strong fists and strong strength can protect themselves and the people they love.

But now he uses the fists that Aunt Luo has worked so hard to cultivate to fight in school and cause her trouble.

He will bear all the consequences. Even if it happens again, he will still choose to beat Cao Rui to death.

If possible, at that moment, he really wanted Cao Rui to die.Li Yuyang took a deep breath, simply cleaned up his clothes, put the usual warm smile on his handsome young face, and walked towards Class [-].

"Luo Yiyi, are you really going to transfer to class one?"

In Class [-], Ning Yaner was assigned by the head teacher to help Luo Yiyi move her things. After tidying up for a long time, she couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah." Luo Yiyi smiled friendly.

Ning Yan'er felt a little uncomfortable. If she didn't know Luo Yiyi, it would be none of her business whether Luo Yiyi excelled.

But she happened to recognize this person, and this person was having an intimate conversation with her a few days ago.

She was obviously in the class with poor students, but within a few days, you told her that this "poor student" was actually a good student, the kind of top-notch good student.

A good life that she would never be able to catch up with in her life.

The fire of jealousy was burning, but Ning Yaner didn't have any bad thoughts, she just couldn't see Luo Yiyi's good intentions for a while.


Li Yuyang's gentle and elegant voice suddenly came from behind. Luo Yiyi's eyes were filled with a smile, she ran forward and shouted coquettishly, "Yu Yang."

Li Yuyang smiled and rubbed her head, asking concernedly: "Are you tired?"

Luo Yiyi smiled and shook her head. They had grown up together and were like brothers and sisters.

"You take hers, she has to go back to class."

Luo Yiyi avoided Li Yuyang's hand that was about to hold her book and looked at Ning Yan'er.

"Okay." Li Yuyang smiled warmly and turned to Ning Yan'er, "Give it to me. Thank you, classmate."

Ning Yaner recognized Li Yuyang. Before Luo Yiyi came, this top student occupied the first place in the grade several times in a row. Teachers often used this top student as an example in class.

"Oh, no, you're welcome."

Ning Yan'er was flattered and her face turned slightly red, especially when her fingertips accidentally touched Li Yuyang's fingers while moving books, her face turned red.

Li Yuyang smiled politely at Ning Yan'er, completely thanking her for helping Luo Yiyi.

Could it be that the top student is interested in me?Otherwise, why would he smile at me?

Although she doesn't know how to dress up and has short boyish hair, Ning Yaner thinks she is beautiful even without makeup.

Ning Yan'er was surprised and panicked. In her panic, she forgot to smile. Her heart was pounding and she turned around, her back straight, as if Li Yuyang was looking at her from behind.

Even though her grades are poor now, she can't lose her backbone in front of him.

Ning Yaner returned to the classroom with her head held high.

In fact, no one paid any attention to her. The burden of being an idol was too heavy and she took herself too seriously.

"Yuyang, why did you come here suddenly?"

On the way to the first class, Luo Yiyi talked to Li Yuyang.

There was a little smile in Li Yuyang's eyes, and he smiled gently, "I was worried that you couldn't hold the book, so I told Teacher He to come and help you."

"Brother Yuyang is the best to me, oh, and mom." Luo Yiyi smiled playfully.

When Luo Yiyi was a child, she always called her brother Yuyang. It was not until her junior high school classmates listened to her brother Yuyang that they would imitate her and look at them with ambiguous eyes. Luo Yiyi had to change her name to "Yuyang".

But sometimes in private, Luo Yiyi still calls "Brother Yuyang".

When she was in kindergarten, her mother told her that from today on, she would have an extra brother. The brother would be like her mother and would protect her with her from now on.

Because of Luo Yue's teachings, Luo Yiyi has been fond of Li Yuyang since she was a child and has always loved him as an older brother. Li Yuyang also dotes on Luo Yiyi, his younger sister.

It can be said that no one in this world can replace the tacit understanding between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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