Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 6 Don’t take advantage of those who bully you

Chapter 6 Don’t take advantage of those who bully you

Chapter 6 Don’t take advantage of those who bully you

Hearing this familiar and lazy voice, Luo Yiyi froze in her hurry to rush out the door.

She raised her head and met the young man's handsome face. His face was as clear as a sculpture, and his thin lips raised an indifferent arc. He still looked as bohemian on the outside.

It's just that those slender peach blossom eyes are full of hostility, making people dare not look directly.The straight bridge of the nose and the gracefully curved lips now revealed a strange and terrifying smile.

This was Luo Yiyi's first thought.

She was bullied by a new classmate on campus and met the gangster from yesterday. This good girl who had grown up in Wenrou Township was so frightened that her face instantly turned pale.

And He Zhixing saw that the little idiot was so frightened that his lips trembled slightly, but he just pinched himself tightly with his fingers to try to calm down.

He Zhixing's eyes suddenly turned cold when he glanced at Zhang Duo and the others, and his face became gloomy for a moment.

He Zhixing bypassed Luo Yiyi and walked to Zhang Duo and the others.


He Zhi walked up to Zhang Duo and the others, picked up a glass of water from the table with a cold face, and poured it down from Zhang Duo's head. Zhang Duo was so frightened that he immediately covered his head and howled.

"Even if you don't become the Communist Youth League secretary, you can't bully your people so easily."

He Zhixing lazily carried his school uniform jacket in his left hand and returned to Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi was still stunned in disbelief, but when she suddenly heard He Zhixing's strong and domineering tone from above, her movements were faster than her brain, and she nodded quickly and obediently.

He Zhixing's narrow eyes were filled with a hint of smile, and his stern face was like a dark cloud meeting the scorching sun. It all dispersed with a "swipe", and the frivolous and playful smile appeared on the corners of his lips again, and he was so naughty. He looked at Luo Yiyi with an angry smile.

Looking at it made Luo Yiyi's heart jump.

"I'm going to find Teacher He."

Luo Yiyi suppressed her inner panic, turned around and quickly slipped out of the classroom. When she left the classroom door, she could faintly hear the commotion in the class -

"What is the relationship between the transfer student and Mr. He? How could Mr. He protect her?" Luo Yiyi did not dare to stay, for fear that He Zhixing would recognize her, so she ran towards the office quickly without stopping, thus missing the restless gossip in the class. .

In the classroom, He Zhixing looked at the little rabbit who was panicking and running away from the door. The corners of his lips curled up with a hint of satisfaction. His whole body exuded the sour smell of "I'm in a really good mood right now"... the sour smell of love?

But Master He's good mood was quickly interrupted by an eyesore.

"He...Master He?"

A timid voice suddenly broke into He Zhixing's ears. He Zhixing glanced coldly, it was the girl who was so arrogant in front of the little idiot just now.

After receiving a cold glance from He Zhixing, Zhang Duo's legs suddenly became weak. She pulled the sister next to her in fear, her voice already filled with tears.


Although Zhang Duo was so arrogant and domineering when he bullied Luo Yiyi, he was actually a coward inside, a typical bully and shy of the strong.

Zhang Duo's many "glorious" deeds of bullying classmates in the past were actually due to her getting along well with the "first sister" in the class. Because of this first sister's support, Zhang Duo was able to dominate Class [-] like a fish in water.

What a coincidence is that the reason why this "first sister" can become the first sister is because everyone in Class [-] knows that the first sister Yuying is He Zhixing's younger brother!

There is He Zhixing taking care of Yuying!

Who in Quan No. [-] Middle School doesn’t know that He Zhixing is the one who should not be offended?
On the one hand, it was because of He Zhixing's strong background in the capital, and on the other hand, it was because of He Zhixing's uneducated and ruffian character.

According to the first biography, He Zhixing was thrown into a military compound by his family since he was a child and grew up. He used his skills to beat people with great force. He had been in countless fights. In the past few years, he was said to have maimed people in the capital. Just arrived in S city.

He Zhixing, who has the support of the He family, is lawless and acts recklessly. Not to mention No. [-] Middle School, even in S City, he is a terrifying existence that everyone hides from ghosts and worries about.

If anyone made him unhappy, he would be given a light beating and usually disappear directly from No. [-] Middle School or even S City.

At the moment, Zhang Duo just prays that He Zhixing's younger brother Yu Ying, who is also her good sister and the first sister in the class, can say a few kind words for her in front of He Zhixing and help her avoid this disaster.

Zhang Duo now looks at He Zhixing with fear in her eyes. No. [-] Middle School is the best middle school in S City. She worked hard to get in. If she is expelled, her mother will definitely let her go without hesitation. Dropped out of school and came down to work to earn money for her brother to study and find a wife in the future.

She doesn't want to die!
(End of this chapter)

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