Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 7 Everything feels wrong

Chapter 7 Everything feels wrong
Chapter 7 Everything feels wrong
Here He Zhixing chased him to the door of the office.

Little girl movie, want to escape?There are no doors!

We can't just let go of the debt he sprayed yesterday!

Don't think that because she was wearing a mask and a cap yesterday, he wouldn't recognize her today!

In the office, He Xincai bent over and took out an apple sent by his mentor from the box, and was about to squeeze a cup of apple juice to drink. As a result, just as the juicer was turned on, there was a "dong dong" knock on the door, and a sweet and sweet sound. Report".

"Oh, it's Yi Yi, come in quickly."

Hearing the sound, He Xin hurriedly put down the juicer, with a bright smile in her eyes.

Finally, I turned around and looked at Luo Yiyi who was soaked like a drowned rat at the door, "Did you fall into the water? Wipe it off quickly."

As he said this, He Xin turned around and rummaged through the cabinets and quickly found a dry towel and handed it to Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi thanked her and took the dry towel. After wiping it off, she silently returned the towel to He Xin. She did not say anything about Zhang Duo's bullying of her. She only said that she did not want to be the league secretary and asked He Xin to take back her position.

He Xin frowned. This was what his teacher had told him. After thinking about it again, he had to tell Luo Yue first and let Luo Yiyi go back to the classroom first.

After leaving the office, Luo Yiyi looked in the direction of the teaching building, feeling a little bit of fear in her heart. She didn't want to go back to that classroom at all.

"Little idiot."

While her thoughts were in a panic, a frivolous and playful laughter poured down from above her head. Luo Yiyi subconsciously wanted to run away, but not only did the figure forcefully stop her in front of her, but the slender and powerful hand also grasped it easily. Caught her wrist.

Luo Yiyi knew she couldn't escape, so she calmed down in the panic: yesterday she was wearing a mask and a cap, and her face was covered tightly. If this little gangster asked, she would just refuse to admit it.

"Hello, classmate?"

The little girl's big watery eyes were full of confusion and confusion, and she looked at him with a strange look.

This was the first time that He Zhixing saw her so close. The little girl had a standard classic oval face, like someone who had stepped out of a beautiful girl comic book. Compared with the big eyes of ordinary beauties, her The eyes are big and lively, and there seems to be water rippling in them, as if they are silently confiding something all the time.

Slightly thin and soft cherry lips, so fine and moist that it seemed that just one look could make him intoxicated. Her long, shiny black hair, as soft as water, poured down like a waterfall, and was draped just right on her slightly shaved shoulders.She looks cute and innocent, and she is the image of a good girl in school.

The little girl's face was calm, but her long eyelashes that were trembling slightly betrayed her emotions at the moment.

It was probably because she had just wiped her cheeks that the little girl's fair and flawless skin showed a faint pink color, and her thin lips were as delicate as rose petals.

His eyes lingered on the slightly thin and soft cherry lips. He Zhixing couldn't help but choked up his throat, staring at Luo Yiyi with an aggressive gaze.

Luo Yiyi was almost frightened to tears by the fiery gaze, and subconsciously wanted to run away. However, her wrist was firmly grasped by He Zhixing, and she could no longer pretend to be calm. Her misty eyes were filled with water, and her soft voice was filled with tears. He also became afraid of crying, "Same...classmate?"


He Zhixing also realized that he was an asshole, cursed in a low voice, and looked away in embarrassment.

Luo Yiyi saw He Zhixing's stinky face, as if she was holding something back and couldn't get an outlet, and was afraid that he would operate on her again.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for He Zhixing's expression to return to normal.


He Zhixing still held the person's wrist, coughed and turned his face awkwardly, his eyes scanning Luo Yiyi with interest, the corner of his mouth quickly raised a playful arc, and he said with a half-smile, "Good girl?"

Luo Yiyi didn't understand what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so she just opened her big innocent eyes and looked at him with confusion and innocence.


Can you please stop looking at me like that?

Seeing her like this, he wanted to bully her!

He Zhixing felt restless all over.

(End of this chapter)

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