Chapter 8
Chapter 8
"Ahem, aren't all good girls polite? I helped you in the classroom without even a hint?"

He Zhixing's eyebrows were raised, and he still stared at Luo Yiyi casually and looked at her without any formality. He even whistled at Luo Yiyi in an arrogant manner.

Even though Luo Yiyi was frightened to the point of leaving her body by the playful whistle, she still breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that he was pestering her because of things in the classroom. Yesterday, she was covered up tightly. How could he recognize her?
Luo Yiyi bent down mechanically, looked at He Zhixing sincerely with her big watery eyes, and thanked him obediently: "Classmate, thank you for helping me just now."


Like an uncle, He Zhixing closed his eyes and responded with satisfaction, and then continued to wait for a response, but there was no response for a long time. this the end?
He Zhixing's first thought was that this thank you was very insincere, Luo Yiyi was trying to deal with him!

Lowering his head, he found that the little white rabbit had red and moist eyes, looking at him like a good woman being bullied. The eyes that glanced at him from time to time and grabbed her wrist seemed to accuse: She had already expressed her gratitude, why didn't she let go? Drive her?
He Zhixing took a deep breath.

"You're so cruel, I've already taken the blame for the incident in the classroom."

This is the first time that Mr. He, who has been around for a long time, has lost in a gaze contest.

Luo Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief immediately and tried to pull back her wrist, not wanting He Zhixing to hold it tighter.

Luo Yiyi looked at him in confusion, but she saw He Zhixing staring at her teasingly, with an interest that could not be concealed in his handsome eyes.

"I've been through it all in the classroom, but what about the pepper spray? Good girl."

He Zhixing suddenly lowered his head, his handsome face approaching Luo Yiyi's face, and the boy's slightly hot breath sprayed on the girl's slightly cool skin.

He Zhixing saw the little white rabbit who had been pretending to be calm and shook her body the moment he approached. He Zhixing thought that she was quite cute when she was afraid of him. He was about to tease her a few more times, but he saw the little white rabbit underneath him. The rabbit suddenly raised its furry little head, its clear eyes flickering at him, confused and innocent.

"What are you talking about? Classmate."

Pretend to me?
He Zhixing became interested and deliberately made a sullen face to scare people, "You were the one who sprayed me with anti-wolf spray at noon yesterday, right?"

Luo Yiyi looked innocent, "What kind of anti-wolf spray?"

He Zhixing tightened his grip on Luo Yiyi's wrist, and his face was once again close to Luo Yiyi's, almost touching her. Luo Yiyi was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but He Zhixing simply put his arm around her waist while the other hand still held her wrist, forcing her. The ground was trapped beneath him.

Luo Yiyi's inner alarm suddenly rang, and she tried to resist and escape from He Zhixing's arms. She didn't want the hands that trapped her to be so powerful that they were as immovable as Mount Tai, trapping her forcefully.

"Same...classmate, this!"

Luo Yiyi was so frightened that she trembled even when she spoke. She didn't know whether her words "at school" were meant to comfort her or to threaten He Zhixing not to act recklessly.


He Zhixing laughed evilly and leaned forward to get closer to Luo Yiyi. His sexy Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably, and Luo Yiyi felt a warm and restless breath slap on both sides of her cheeks.

"Little idiot, are you threatening me?"

He Zhixing raised his thin lips slightly, raising a lazy and playful smile. The dazzling black eyes looking down at Luo Yiyi seemed to be able to see through her heart. "What threat?"

The little white rabbit was obviously so scared that his fur was trembling, but he still sweetly tried to pretend to be calm.

How the hell can he be so cute!

He Zhixing's eyes were full of smiles, and he had a bad taste. He hugged the person tightly and whispered evilly into the person's ear -

"I can do...bad things in school."

After saying that, He Zhixing found that a certain part of his body suddenly reacted, and then He Zhixing felt that the whole little white rabbit in his arms had stiffened!
Luo Yiyi was panicked and scared at the moment, her teeth were chattering, and her tears could no longer be controlled and were about to fall.

Seeing that the person was about to cry, He Zhixing didn't dare to tease him any more. He immediately released his hold on Luo Yiyi's waist and moved his face away. After taking a few steps away in embarrassment, he subconsciously watched Luo Yiyi's reaction.

The little white rabbit's face turned red, and its big watery eyes were filled with anger and annoyance. He Zhixing felt that the little idiot probably didn't understand these things, after all, he was such a well-behaved and good girl.


He Zhixing's eyes looked a little guilty, and he pretended to cough. He took out a piece of ham from his trouser pocket and said angrily, "Which bastard put this in my pocket?"

After he finished speaking, He Zhixing noticed that the little white rabbit looked at him without any precautions in her eyes, replaced by a trace of self-blame and shame. Her originally fair face turned red from embarrassment, not anger.

He Zhixing thought to himself that he would have to thank Lu Shaoyan for helping him.

However, He Zhixing still felt that he was overthinking it, and it was impossible for a little idiot to understand those things!
"Have you had breakfast? Here you go."

He Zhixing handed the ham sausage to Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi shook her head silently, probably because she thought He Zhixing was acceptable, and she didn't forget to thank her politely and obediently, "No need. I've had breakfast, thank you."


He Zhixing laughed evilly. This obedient and soft voice sounded the same to him as yesterday.

"Little idiot, didn't your mother teach you? If you lie, you will be picked up by the big bad wolf. Were you the one who sprayed me with anti-wolf spray yesterday?"

Luo Yiyi was silent. He Zhixing licked his teeth, chuckled, and bent down to approach. Luo Yiyi immediately leaned back warily. He Zhixing did not force her. He cleared his throat and said: "Since you If you don’t admit it, then I’ll believe you for once.”

Just as Luo Yiyi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the black shadow from above struck again, "But if I find out it's really you, I will definitely——"

He Zhixing suddenly paused, his eyes scanning Luo Yiyi up and down aggressively, and then he whispered the following words into Luo Yiyi's ear -

"I'll bully you to death."

Well, the good impression I had managed to build up with Luo Yiyi was completely wiped out in an instant by these words.

(End of this chapter)

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