Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 67 Are you only good at using your hands?

Chapter 67 Are you only good at using your hands?

Chapter 67 Are you only good at using your hands?

As a result, he was stopped by patrolling security guards, fined, and registered at the office. He Zhixing was ready to commit murder.

"No, there's no need to register anymore. Just be more careful in the future."

Just as He Zhixing was registering, the security guard was dumbfounded when he saw the three big characters with flying phoenixes.

But He Zhixing didn't reveal his identity at first, and the security guard knew that the young master was visiting privately incognito, so he pretended not to know him and let him go through the back door in a friendly manner.

"The community shouldn't speed up, don't worry." He Zhixing put down his pen, said a few words lightly, and left the office with his coat.

Back in 1602, He Zhixing didn't even have time to take off his shoes and rushed straight to the bedroom. He wanted to pounce on him, but he stopped his movement and slowly turned around and entered the bathroom.

In the bathroom, He Zhixing scrubbed himself hard and hard until he was sure that there was no trace of cigarette smoke or sweat anymore before he walked out of the bathroom.

He Zhixing threw himself onto the soft bed, sucking in the scent remaining on the quilt.

I miss her so much, it makes my heart hurt.

After coming back from a thousand miles away and seeing her, he just wanted to rub her in his arms and kiss her hard, damn gentleman.

The heartless Luo Yiyi, He Zhixing gritted his teeth, hugged the silk quilt and rubbed it hard to enjoy himself.

After a while, He Zhixing kicked off the silk quilt.

Damn, this little idiot no longer smells like this. Is he sick?Holding a shabby quilt and having sex here.

No, even if he smells like a little idiot, he won't hug a quilt.

He, he has no hands?
The next day, Class 8, Grade [-], No. [-] Middle School.

"Wow wow wow, Brother Xing, is it really you?"

Lu Shaoyan threw himself in front of He Zhixing's table with great emotion and was so happy that he almost burst into tears with mixed emotions.

"Get away from me." He Zhixing's face was filled with disgust.

Being disliked, Lu Shaoyan was not depressed, his eyes were still shining, "Didn't Bu Yu say you were going to transfer to Class [-]? Why are you back to Class [-]? Brother Xing, you don't have to answer me, I know you must be because Can’t you bear to leave me?”

After the words fell, everyone tacitly responded to Lu Shaoyan with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded.

"Brother Xing, listen to me. When chasing a girlfriend, you have to get close to the moon first. Although I can't let you go, brother, I am willing to sacrifice myself for Brother Xing." Lu Shaoyan continued to press without shame.

"Shut up," He Zhixing glanced at Lu Shaoyan coolly, "Noise."

After a pause, he said, "I can't possibly transfer to class one."

The little idiot has always been a good kid, the kind of good student who wouldn't get lost even if someone pushed her away in Hongshan. She definitely wouldn't fall in love in high school.

In any case, at least in high school, he had to restrain himself and not disturb her, unless she agreed to fall in love with him in high school.

Now in Class [-], if he doesn't see her all the time, he can still warn himself. If he really sees each other in Class [-], he may not be able to control himself.

Several people looked at He Zhixing and looked at each other with a look that didn't look like he was joking. Ji Chen half-jokingly asked, "Brother Xing, aren't you worried that Li Yuyang gets the moon first when he's near the water?"

He Zhixing kicked him with a bad look on his face, "Don't spread rumors. I'm a good student. Do you think it's you?"

In this regard, He Zhixing was extremely confident. Ji Chen and others also felt that good students would not fall in love in high school, so they stopped broaching the topic in silence.

Grade 1 ([-]) class.

Luo Yiyi was immersed in flipping through a book when something suddenly poked her back.

When he turned around, he saw Yu Yangnuan holding up a paper and pointing at something, "Luo Yiyi, do you know this question?"

"Yes, the question is written like this..." Luo Yiyi smiled sweetly and turned around, while Yu Yangnuan also hurriedly laid out the test paper.

"This is acting paper," Yu Yangnuan opened a notebook. Luo Yiyi was not polite and put her arms on Yu Yangnuan's desk.Originally, Luo Yiyi had a pen in her hand, so she used a piece of paper to draw pictures and analyze the questions. “Actually, all questions have the same steps. The first step is to review the questions and figure out why the teacher asked this question? He wants to test us. Which knowledge point? As long as we know what the teacher wants to test us and lock in the range of knowledge points, it will be much clearer what method to use."

Yu Yangnuan sounded a little confused. She just asked how to write this question, but Yu Yangnuan still nodded, "Yeah."

Luo Yiyi saw that Yu Yangnuan didn't understand what she said, so she didn't say anything more. Little Li swirled around and analyzed the topic for Yu Yangnuan.

What she said was just a small part of the method her mother taught her. When her mother was a child, she had no one to guide her in reading, so there was no method, so all her efforts had little effect.

What the students at Tsinghua University learned in one hour may not be fully understood by their mothers in ten hours. It’s not that they are stupider than others, but that the methods are wrong and the efforts are directed in the wrong direction.

It was not until the postgraduate entrance examination that my mother figured out a set of learning methods on her own, and later she gave this set of learning methods to her.

This method is highly targeted and highly efficient.

At the beginning, it was a little difficult for her to learn the methods given by her mother. After all, her mother taught her science from a very high level, but once she mastered the methods, she would benefit from them throughout her life.

Although her grades are so good, she does not spend all her time after class on studying. Two-thirds of her time is spent on her own hobbies.

She was lucky to have her mother's method since she was in the first grade. She was not used to it at first, but after half a year, she mastered the learning method. As long as it is knowledge, no matter what she learns, it is not to get twice the result with half the effort, but to use one as ten, no exaggeration.

This is the importance of methods. For students, learning takes not only time, but also the super efficiency produced by the right methods.

The knowledge learned in 1 hour VS the knowledge learned in 10 hours, completely beats that kind of high efficiency.

It is a pity that the parents of the vast majority of students have not received higher education. The vast majority of children can only cross the river by feeling their own way and explore learning methods, and few of them can find the right method.

This is the gap at the starting line. She heard her mother say this to her when she was very young.

But her mother only strictly demands herself and allows her to stand tall, thus giving her a high starting point.

When it comes to her, her mother is mainly based on probation and will not force-feed her anything.

Luo Yiyi quickly finished explaining the questions to Yu Yangnuan, and the next time was still a tense and orderly high school life.

No. [-] Middle School has a holiday once a month. On the Thursday of the holiday, after four morning classes, students are sent home and return to school on Sunday afternoon.

During the holiday this month, Luo Yiyi packed her schoolbag and was about to wait for her mother at the school gate when she received a call from Luo Yue.

Luo Yue was temporarily busy and couldn't pick her up, so she asked her to take the bus back by herself.

Luo Yiyi agreed softly. In broad daylight, if her mother had something to do, she would not push her away, but let her take the car home by herself.

Luo Yiyi also said that she would go to the library of Joy City first and then go back during dinner. Joy City was right next to Qingquan Garden, and Luo Yue immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yiyi discovered that she had forgotten to bring her water bottle in the morning. After drinking "Kou Warm" mineral water for a long time, Luo Yiyi decided to go home first to get a thermos cup.

"...Aren't you pretending to be shit in your head? Are you pretending to be shit?"

Qingquan Garden, 1601. As soon as the door opened, Luo Yiyi heard a burst of cursing.

Luo Yiyi was stunned for a while, and then followed the sound and found Luo Yue slumped on the balcony floor.

Luo Yue's eyes were so cold that there was no trace of warmth, and her face was even more cold-blooded and expressionless. The phone was placed casually on the floor, and she continued to curse from the speaker phone.

"...You are a stupid pig. You don't know what to say to your brother? You are the second sister and you should give in to your brother in everything!"

Luo Yiyi had never known anyone scolding her mother like this, and the person on the phone was spouting shit so unpleasantly.

Luo Yue listened expressionlessly, saying nothing from beginning to end, and finally said lightly, "The child is back, I'll hang up first."

Luo Yiyi thought Luo Yue had discovered her, and was shocked. Before she could think of what to do, the insults on the other end of the phone became even more furious.

"Why are you pretending to be shit?! It's hard for our family to get to where we are today, because you have been laughed at so many times! You even brought that useless oil bottle! A dead little girl is not a son, so I called you Throw her to death in a cold pit, pretending to be stupid! She is not a short-lived ghost!"

"Please stop your mouths full of shit." Luo Yue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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