Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 68 First kiss, gone

Chapter 68 First kiss, gone...

Chapter 68 First kiss, gone...

"I don't owe you. Since I started graduate school, I have worked two part-time jobs, and I have paid for the tuition and living expenses myself. Every day, academic tasks, part-time jobs, and finances weigh on me. It is common to stay up until the early hours of the morning. Your family's monthly income is hundreds of thousands. I can’t bear to spend my 1 yuan for graduate school tuition, but I can afford your son’s fourth house worth millions, and I can also spend tens of thousands of your son’s graduate school tuition...”

"Why didn't our family give you tuition? What do you mean? Why are my parents willing to pay for their son?" A middle-aged male voice said.

"I'm telling you, I figured it was a trap! She didn't take any money from our family, so she was waiting for our family here! What kind of evil did our family do? It would be better not to raise such a thing! She was born in the first place You should be strangled to death!" A sharper, harsher, more vicious voice from an old woman.

What followed was all kinds of bad words that Luo Yiyi had never heard of that undermined the Three Views.

And Luo Yue also scolded back indifferently, not using a single curse word but piercing the dirty hearts of the family every word, causing the mad dogs to rush and bite in groups.

Luo Yiyi felt that the amount of information was too much, and she wanted to rush forward and throw the phone away, but her mother had hidden it from her for so many years, and she could not let it be broken.

Before Luo Yue hung up the phone, Luo Yiyi quietly left 1601 crying. She was not in the mood to go to Joy City, but she did not dare to enter the house.

She was afraid that her mother would notice if she couldn't control her emotions, but she was also worried that her mother would be alone at home.

Luo Yiyi squatted at the door of her home, crying silently. Was it because of her being such a sluggish mother that her mother had lost so many opportunities?
I felt a dull pain in my heart, almost suffocating, and suddenly couldn't breathe.

Luo Yiyi regained consciousness and couldn't help comforting himself: Luo Yiyi, don't be emotional, keep your breath steady, keep your breath steady.

Her mother told her countless times that she was her salvation, and without her there would be no Luo Yue today.

The rapid breathing finally calmed down, and only the tears fell "swissly", hitting the ground as if they were free, making shallow splashes.

Not long after, a pair of leather shoes appeared in his sight, and then a shadow appeared above. The shadow shrouded it, and Luo Yiyi subconsciously raised her eyes.

"He Zhixing, why are you here?" Seeing He Zhixing, Luo Yiyi was still stunned.

He Zhixing saw a pair of eyes moistened by crying, and the little girl looked at him with tearful eyes.

She was squatting at the door just now, a small one, with her face buried in her knees and crying. If he hadn't stepped forward, she wouldn't have noticed anyone at the door at all.

He Zhixing still held a burning cigarette in his hand, and looked very depressed, as if he was about to go out but happened to pick up Luo Yiyi outside the door.

He Zhixing knelt down and said with a hint of resignation and distress, "My home is right here. I brought you here, have you forgotten?"

As she pointed to the door of 1602, Luo Yiyi remembered that He Zhixing was her neighbor across the door, but she was not in the mood to talk to He Zhixing at the moment. She quickly lowered her head and huddled in the corner, her face buried in her knees.

He Zhixing really didn't know how to comfort a girl who was crying sadly. In fact, he had never comforted her before, so he simply squatted with Luo Yiyi and took out his mobile phone to search online for tips on how to coax his girlfriend.

Strong kiss?

He Zhixing's Adam's apple rolled a few times and he continued to scroll down.

fuck her?

He Zhixing wanted to smash his phone. What kind of bad idea was this?Not as reliable as Lu Shaoyan.

When he accidentally glanced at the word "girlfriend", Master He realized later that he seemed to be searching in the wrong direction.

He Zhixing changed the question and replaced "girlfriend" with "girl". In the end, he clicked on a few web pages, looked at Luo Yiyi's unbroken tears, and searched for shit.

"Don't cry anymore," He Zhixing hugged her directly, his voice hoarse, "If you cry again, I will go crazy."

Unexpectedly, Luo Yiyi cried even harder and was out of breath, unable to speak.

He Zhixing's heart ached, his eyes were gloomy, and veins popped out on his forehead. He didn't even want to make her cry. Who wanted to die so much?
"Yi Yi is good, don't cry if you don't want to." He Zhixing's tone was stiff, and the hand that gently patted Luo Yi Yi's back was even more awkward and funny.

The cigarette in his hand was about to burn out, and He Zhixing was too lazy to put it out. He was originally smoking to relieve his depression when he was in a bad mood, but now that the girl he liked was crying so sadly in front of him, he was still helpless.

He Zhixing became even more depressed and simply took a deep breath to stop the problem.

Luo Yiyi smelled an irritating smell and stared blankly at the cigarette in He Zhixing's hand. "Ahem, I was in a really bad mood, so I lit up the cigarette. I will keep my promise to you."

He Zhixing remembered that he had vowed not to smoke in front of her not long ago, and he still felt guilty when he was caught.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yiyi sniffed the tip of her nose and asked, "Didn't you say you'd have to wait for a while to finish your work?"

Is she speaking for him?
Before He Zhixing could finish being moved, Luo Yiyi looked at him again with red eyes and said softly: "I want to take a sip too."

He Zhixing refused without even thinking, "No."

Luo Yiyi curled her mouth in grievance, "Why can you suck it? I can't?"

He Zhixing pinched her cheek in a playful manner and said confidently: "Good boy, you can't smoke."

Luo Yiyi slapped his hand away and turned her face away from him. He Zhixing looked at the cigarette butt that was about to burn out and asked in a hoarse voice, "Little idiot, do you really want to smoke?"

Luo Yiyi nodded, He Zhixing took a long puff of the cigarette, held her face, held her lips in his mouth, and gave the cigarette to her.

Luo Yiyi was shocked. He Zhixing was just teasing her in a bad way, but he actually kissed her——

Damn, it's so sweet.

Before kissing her, he thought of teasing her, but he would never actually kiss her. But at this moment, his mind was full of wanting to kiss Luo Yiyi, and the car in his mind was already driving uncontrollably on the highway.

The young man who was experiencing love for the first time still didn't know what tenderness was, he only knew how to follow his hormones and immerse himself in a deep kiss.

His movements were unknowingly rough mixed with lust, and the fingers that held the girl's chin were too hard, leaving a few bruises on Luo Yiyi's white and tender skin.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The pain finally brought Luo Yiyi back to her senses. Luo Yiyi was choked and had no time to get angry and shocked. When she realized what she was doing, she immediately used all her strength to push away the shameless person.

A certain shameless person had no sense of shame. He smiled from ear to ear. While patting people on the back diligently, he gloated and asked, "Do you want to smoke again?"

Luo Yiyi coughed so much that tears were about to fall. She was so angry at these words that she wanted to hit someone. She said with a sullen face every word: "I don't think about it anymore."

He Zhixing showed a very regretful expression, "I still want to feed you a few more times."

Luo Yiyi took out the handkerchief, wiped her lips fiercely, spitted, and shed tears.

The first kiss was gone, and He Zhixing was really ready to die.

If He Zhixing saw Luo Yiyi crying like her own mother had died, then Luo Yiyi now cried like a good girl who had just been bullied by a bully.

The bully soon realized that he was clearly disliked by a good girl. He Zhixing felt that he should be angry, but the little idiot cried so sadly again.

After all, she wasn't a girlfriend, so the forced kiss didn't seem to have much effect. The second ancestor touched his chin thoughtfully.

After thinking about it for a long time, I only came to one conclusion: How about trying to have sex with her?
Originally he was just thinking this, but he thought too hard and just said what was in his heart.

"He, know, and do."

Luo Yiyi was so angry that she vomited blood. Who are these people?Crying, I stood up and was about to leave, but my feet were numb and I stumbled to the ground.

Unsurprisingly, He Zhixing took her into his arms. Luo Yiyi felt like the world was spinning, and He Zhixing hugged her whole body.

"Come to my house, you're covered in ice." He Zhixing turned around and walked to the door of 1602 with the person in his arms, and entered his fingerprints neatly.

He Zhixing was ready for Luo Yiyi to refuse and forcefully carry her into the house, but he didn't want the door lock of 1601 opposite to suddenly twist.

Then a certain second-generation ancestor who was ready to bully him was pulled into the house by Luo Yiyi and slammed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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