Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 69 Beautiful Misunderstanding

Chapter 69 Beautiful Misunderstanding

Chapter 69 Beautiful Misunderstanding

"Am I so shameless?"

1602. At the entrance, He Zhixing stared at Luo Yiyi for a long time, and the whole living room was filled with an aura of resentment.

"Ah?" Luo Yiyi just escaped the disaster and has not yet recovered from the fear.

Suddenly asked by He Zhixing, Luo Yiyi looked puzzled and subconsciously made a sound.

Only when she met He Zhixing's gaze did Luo Yiyi realize the meaning of He Zhixing's words.

He misunderstood, but it’s okay for him to understand it this way.

Luo Yiyi avoided answering, with a pained look on her face, and asked weakly: "Can I borrow your bathroom?"

She was in a bad mood now and had no energy to deal with He Zhixing. She was worried that her secret would be exposed and He Zhixing would detect something, so Luo Yiyi found an excuse to run away.

"Follow me," He Zhixing didn't think much and walked in front to lead the way. He asked worriedly: "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head, indicating that she didn't want to talk. She happened to be in the bathroom. Luo Yiyi pretended to be uncomfortable, quickly entered the house, and locked the door.

He Zhixing returned to the living room, leaning on the sofa, staring dimly at the glass door of the bathroom, but his head was running wildly.

Why is the little idiot at his door?
Suddenly, He Zhixing's eyes lit up.

Did the little idiot come to see him specifically today?

When he picked her up at the door, he knew from the look on her face that she had been squatting at the door crying for a while.

Was she in a bad mood and came to him specifically?

When a girl is in a bad mood, what status does the person she thinks of have in her heart?
An answer is imminent.

The smile on He Zhixing's lips reached to his ears again.

He Zhixing was so excited that he discovered this shocking secret, and even Luo Yiyi's discomfort did not affect his good mood.

Now that he's in a good mood, He Zhixing has other things to think about. He can't be the only one secretly excited.

He Zhixing immediately turned on his mobile phone and asked the group of four people "every day, every day, every day" -

When a girl was crying very sadly, she ran to the door of a boy's house and cried. Does this mean that the girl likes the boy very much?

The first person to speak out was Lu Shaoyan: Damn it, brothers, wake up, Brother Xing has been hacked!

Then there is Ji Chen: Black Question Mark JPG.

Mr. He, who was addicted to the fantasy of love, was in a good mood and did not care about them. He directly sent a voice message: [Stop talking nonsense and answer my question]

The group was in a frenzy again, and Lu Shaoyan directly dialed the group video.

Seeing He Zhixing, Lu Shaoyan breathed out, "Brother Xing, are you here? I thought the voice was matched by someone else."

He Zhixing glanced around and saw that Ji Chen and Bu Yu were sitting next to Lu Shaoyan. The three of them gathered around a table and were playing Landlord...

Lu Shaoyan worked as a landlord for a night, but was attacked from both sides by these two guys and lost all his money. Suddenly, when he saw what He Zhixing said, Lu Shaoyan seemed to have seen a savior. He yelled, put down his cards, and went straight to the video.

Lu Shaoyan quickly expressed his opinion: "Brother Xing, I think since we are students, it is possible that the girl who was last in the exam was scolded by the teacher and was so sad that she ran to the door of the boy's house to ask for comfort."

He Zhixing's face crackled and he said with a dark face: "Girls are top academics!"

Lu Shaoyan said "oh" twice and persisted: "Just because I am a top student, it makes me even more sad to fall one place."

He Zhixing thought that there was something wrong with his brain, so he discussed this kind of matter with Lu Shaoyan, and said in a bad voice: "Shut up." Lu Shaoyan was afraid of being dragged back to fight the landlord again, so he hurriedly gave examples and arguments: "Brother Xing, I This hypothesis is not impossible. You see, Li Yuyang has always been the number one, and now he suddenly becomes the number two for ten thousand years. It must be very sad."

"It seems you care about Li Yuyang very much." Bu Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly glanced at Lu Shaoyan with a smile on his face.

"Hey, care about your classmates, it's human nature."

Hehe, he knows how to use idioms. Bu Yu looked at him coldly, "If you lose my money in Doudizhu, pay it back after the phone hangs up. Otherwise, don't try to copy my money in the next exam."

Lu Shaoyan's eyes widened in shock, and soon his face drooped in tears.

"Brother Xing, I think you are right, that girl must like that boy." Lu Shaoyan's IQ suddenly went up, and he had an idea.

"Oh, why?" He Zhixing said happily.

Lu Shaoyan was under great pressure, and his answer was related to whether he could borrow money from Brother Xing, "Because when I was in a bad mood, I would squat in front of Buyu's house to find comfort. Although I didn't cry, if I were a girl, I would have cried a long time ago. , this is called the beauty’s cruel trick.”

Ji Chen looked at them for a long time, then said seriously: "There is too little background information about boys and girls, so it is difficult to draw conclusions."

"Why is it so difficult to draw a conclusion?" Lu Shaoyan said angrily to Ji Chen.

Then a group of people chatted and discussed for a long time, and finally realized: How could Brother Xing ask such a question?
"Brother Xing, why do you suddenly ask such a question?" Ji Chen asked seriously.

He Zhixing slowly told the truth, "That boy is me, and that girl is Luo Yiyi."

"Cough cough cough!" A group of people were speechless, all choked.

"It's absolutely impossible to like him!" Lu Shaoyan blurted out.

Just as he finished speaking, a chilling voice came from the phone, "Oh? Why is it impossible?"

He Zhixing's face looked so bad that Lu Shaoyan wanted to slap himself for telling you to talk too much!

"Just...just..." After stumbling for a long time, Lu Shaoyan couldn't hold it back, and finally cried and begged for mercy, "Brother Xing, can you pretend that I never said that?"

He Zhixing smiled, "Lu Shaoyan, if you don't give me an explanation today, your credit card will definitely be frozen."

Damn it, why can't the little idiot like him?

After being kissed by him, I didn't rush to settle the score with him. Instead, I was so shy that I ran to the bathroom and hid.

Lu Shaoyan was about to cry, but at this moment, Bu Yu silently showed him the memo, and Lu Shaoyan was overjoyed.

Even though Lu Shaoyan was flattered and didn't understand why Bu Yu suddenly expressed his kindness, he still gave Bu Yu a grateful look very hard.

"Brother Xing, I mean it could be a coincidence. What if Luo Yiyi lives opposite your house? I can't rule out that she just didn't bring the key and cried in front of her house, right?" Lu Shaoyan tried to please him. road.

my day.

He Zhixing's face froze, and then he really remembered that he still didn't know who his opponent was?
However, He Zhixing never cared about such things, and he also guessed that what Lu Shaoyan said was just to relieve a temporary emergency. It happened that Luo Yiyi also came out of the bathroom at this time.

"Hang up." He Zhixing said hello, exited the video and walked towards Luo Yiyi.

"Follow me." He Zhixing put away his phone, grabbed Luo Yiyi's arm, and walked straight to the entrance.

"what is the matter?"

He Zhixing did not answer, but unlocked the lock with his fingerprint, and entered Luo Yiyi's fingerprint into the memory of the password lock.

"Little idiot," He Zhixing sighed helplessly, "Don't be so stupid next time. My home is your home. If you come to see me in the future, just come in directly. Don't wait around."

As he said that, he took Luo Yi's hand, put it on his heart, and said in a low voice: "I feel pain here."

(End of this chapter)

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