Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 71 Didn't stop the car

Chapter 71 Didn't stop the car
Chapter 71 Didn't stop the car
He Zhixing tied the person in his arms, held the back of Luo Yiyi's head with his hand, and was about to kiss her.

Luo Yiyi was stunned, but fortunately He Zhixing deviated slightly when he came to the formation.

There was no rush, for now he had to be patient and wait for her to grow up.

If the kiss continued and it was at his home, He Zhixing couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't carry her to his bed next.

Then it will be out of control.

He Zhixing just pressed against Luo Yiyi's ear, breathing heavily, and Luo Yiyi also reacted, "He Zhixing, you, please put me down."

He Zhixing was wearing thin clothes when he entered the room, and she could feel He Zhixing's hot temperature.

Luo Yiyi panicked and struggled to get down.

"Don't move." He Zhixing slapped Luo Yiyi's butt with a fierce tone. It was so painful that he couldn't do anything to her, so at least let him hold her for a while.

After a while, He Zhixing's eyes turned red, "Luo Yiyi, I want to kiss you."

Luo Yiyi's face turned red. Before she could express any complex emotions such as fear or anger, her cell phone rang like a rain. It was Luo Yue.

"I-my phone rang, it was my mom."

Luo Yiyi didn't understand what was going on in her brain. At this moment, she clearly knew that her mother was calling. It seemed that she and her mother had made an appointment to go home at dinner time.

He Zhixing's lustful head was finally awakened by the sound of the phone, and he let go of Luo Yiyi with difficulty.

"It's my mother's phone number. Please don't say anything later." Luo Yiyi held the phone and looked at He Zhixing nervously.

"Then you promise me to go back after dinner." He Zhixing bargained with a heavy breath in his voice.

"No, my mother called me just to urge me to go back for dinner."

She is stupid and dares to stay in this wolf den.

He Zhixing took a step back and said, "I'll take you back later."

The ringing stopped while she was talking, and Luo Yue quickly dialed again. Luo Yiyi didn't dare to wait any longer, and immediately answered the phone, "Hello, Mom."

Although Luo Yiyi was desperate, she was still very worried about He Zhixing's misfortune, and glanced at He Zhixing uneasily from time to time.

To her surprise, He Zhixing didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Luo Yue's tone on the phone was still kind, and she just said that a student in her class had an emergency and she needed to rush back to the capital to deal with it.

"Then mom, please go back to school first. I'm almost home." Luo Yiyi said hurriedly, fearing that Luo Yue would be mentally burdened if she slowed down.

Luo Yue had no doubts. While packing her things, she said, "Okay, let's video chat with mom when we get home."

"Yeah." Luo Yiyi obediently agreed, and Luo Yue gave a few more instructions before hanging up the phone.

"Thank you."

He Zhixing secretly smiled to himself, little idiot, he didn't dare to say anything, let her mother know that she was with him, why shouldn't she come to the door with a 40-meter sword?
"Drink water."

He Zhixing turned around, took a disposable cup, took a cup of warm water, and gestured with his lips.

He remembered that she refused to use his cup last time. Seeing Luo Yiyi drink it without warning, He Zhixing felt nervous.

He was full of lust just now, and some dark thoughts flashed through him. Perhaps by possessing her, he could bind her to him for the rest of his life.

"Little idiot, how old are you this year? Has that relative of your family been here? It's menstrual period, period, and it seems that you are called aunt; no, it's menarche."

He Zhixing was afraid that people would not understand, so he explained very seriously.

"Pfft! Cough cough cough..." Luo Yiyi coughed violently and was shocked by He Zhixing's words.

"Drink slowly, don't choke. Believe it or not, I'm feeding you a drink?" Luo Yiyi actually understood his subtext "Hello". Adding to the question He Zhixing asked her, the tips of Luo Yiyi's ears turned red, " He Zhixing, can you not always speak vulgarly."

He Zhixing didn't take it seriously, took the cup from her hand, and said casually: "Didn't your mother teach you? You can't eat and drink alone in a stranger's house. What if you are drugged?"

"I have taught him, but you are not a stranger." Luo Yiyi looked at him seriously.

But in her heart she said, let her go immediately after drinking the water.

And even if she was really drugged, she would run out immediately if she felt something was wrong, since her house was right across the street anyway.

The most important thing is that in Luo Yiyi's heart, if He Zhixing really wanted to do something to her, the whole night last time was enough for him to do it.

She didn't want He Zhixing to know that she lived across the street from him unless she had to. She felt that if He Zhixing knew that she lived across from him, he would climb over the balcony and climb into her house in the middle of the night.

She didn't want to see this happen, and then it would be hard for her mother to move.

He Zhixing's hand holding the cup paused, then he raised his head for a moment, his dark eyes looking directly at Luo Yiyi, "Then who am I?"

"Friend, didn't you say that? I treat you as a friend. Can't you drink the water given by your friend?" the little girl asked seriously.

He Zhixing was not satisfied with the answer, but he didn't care.

"No," He Zhixing put down the cup and easily turned around in his arms. "My face is stained with tears. It's so ugly. Let's go take a bath."

It was the first time since childhood that someone called Luo Yiyi ugly: "..."

"Why are you so dazed? Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?" He Zhixing suddenly leaned forward and approached Luo Yiyi's cheek, with an evil smile on his lips. "Maybe you want to take a bath with me as a couple."

Luo Yiyi wanted to greet him with a slap, but she didn't have the courage, so she could only puff her cheeks angrily without speaking.

He Zhixing also stopped after seeing the situation, not daring to joke too much, and grabbed the person's wrist and walked forcefully to the bathroom. Luo Yiyi couldn't get away and was forced to the bathroom.

"I don't want to take a shower." Luo Yiyi grabbed the door handle and refused to go in with He Zhixing.

A girl actually took a bath in a boy's house. She agreed to He Zhixing because she didn't want to live anymore.

"And I didn't change my clothes." After saying that, Luo Yiyi regretted adding this sentence, and sure enough -

"It's okay, wear mine."

"I won't wear your clothes," I got goosebumps.

Luo Yiyi muttered something softly and firmly held on to the door handle, refusing to let go.

However, with her small arms and legs, He Zhixing bent down and easily picked up the person, no, carried her.

Suddenly being so far away from the ground, Luo Yiyi was so frightened that she almost burst into tears. Her heart and lungs were about to be crushed. She struggled on He Zhixing's shoulders, "He Zhixing, please let me down."

He Zhixing really put the person down, but changed from carrying him to hugging him. He kicked the bathroom door shut and turned off the bathroom light.

In the darkness, the young man's hot breath sprayed on her cheek, and the intimate skin-to-skin contact made Luo Yiyi couldn't help but think of those words -

When the sun goes down and there are four walls and a roof on them, that's it.

"Hey, He Zhixing, what are you going to do?"

Luo Yiyi's tongue trembled so much that she couldn't speak clearly, and she was stammering and trembling.


In the darkness, He Zhixing laughed evilly, buried his face in the crook of Luo Yiyi's neck, and took a deep breath.

It still smells really good.

(End of this chapter)

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