Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 72 The truth is revealed, silence

Chapter 72 The truth is revealed, silence

Chapter 72 The truth is revealed, silence

Luo Yiyi was so frightened by this wave of rogue operations that she cried, "Wow wow wow..."

This time it was He Zhixing's turn to be timid and panicked, "Yi Yi, I'm just scaring you, please don't cry, okay?"

Luo Yiyi was too lazy to pay attention to him. She was in a bad mood to begin with, but just because she didn't want to trouble He Zhixing, she suppressed the sadness caused by her mother's matter.

Shocked and frightened in tandem, Luo Yiyi couldn't hold it in any longer and began to cry as hard as she could.

He Zhixing almost died to prove his ambition, "The reason why I turned off the light is to teach you how to check whether there is a pinhole camera in the room!"

"Then let me down." Seeing that the deterrent effect was good, Luo Yiyi choked and spoke.

He Zhixing let go of his hand as quickly as possible. He was afraid of making people cry. He let go of his hand here and brought up the camera on his phone.

"Look, if you turn on the light function of the mobile phone camera, turn off the lights in the room, and take a picture around the room, if there is a pinhole camera hidden somewhere, it will show red dots."

Luo Yiyi looked along the light and found a red dot on the wall. Luo Yiyi opened her eyes wide in surprise and her attention was quickly diverted. She stared at the red dot in the middle of the snow-white wall and said, "There is a red dot there." Camera."

After saying that, he realized he was embarrassed and asked angrily, "Then you still let me take a shower?"

"Little idiot," He Zhixing chuckled in a good mood, "If I really wanted to do something to you, I would have taken a bunch of naughty photos of you when you stayed at my house last time and threatened you to obey. "

Luo Yiyi felt that her ears had been hit by a million points, and the pink color reached the base of her ears. "He Zhixing, can you please stop being so unobtrusive when you speak!"

There was a faint pain in her heart, and Luo Yiyi was afraid that her heart would really get worse if she stayed any longer, so she covered her chest and ran away.

Seeing the people running away, He Zhixing in the bathroom chuckled a few times in a good mood before walking out of the bathroom.

Luo Yiyi, who was in the outer hall, had already changed her shoes and opened the door to leave.

He Zhixing walked forward slowly with his hands in his trouser pockets, and said lazily: "You have already chased me to my door to confess your love, why are you so shy?"

Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing with a confused face, "What confession?"

He Zhixing explained kindly: "You squatted in front of my house and cried for so long. Didn't you just express your love to me?"

A string in Luo Yiyi's head snapped. She looked at He Zhixing for a while with her face turning red and white.

For a long time, Luo Yiyi was shocked and asked: "He Zhixing, is this why you are so perverted tonight?"

I'm an old swan. The ancients have not deceived me, and I will not survive if I do my own misfortune.

She just told a little lie, how could he make up so much?

Could it be that his mother is also a writer?

"He Zhixing, I'm sorry that I lied to you, but I can tell you that I really didn't come to find you; as for me squatting at the door and crying-"

Luo Yiyi gritted her teeth, "Actually, I'm here to see Yuyang. You can ask Yuyang, he lives across from you. I squatted at the door and cried because my mother was unhappy but I couldn't help. So I came to Yuyang to talk."

The room suddenly fell into a mysterious silence. Luo Yiyi did not dare to raise her head to see what He Zhixing's face looked like at this moment. It should be quite exciting.

"Then why did you lie to me?" He Zhixing asked silently for a long time.

Luo Yiyi swallowed her saliva and carefully observed He Zhixing's face, "I know that you have always disliked Yuyang, so..."

There was no need to explain the rest of the words, He Zhixing was furious.The heart is broken into pieces.

Damn it, she did all this for other men!

"Then, I'm leaving. Goodbye."

Luo Yiyi turned around and was about to run away, but when she opened the door, she met a confused Lu Shaoyan.


Lu Shaoyan looked at Luo Yiyi who appeared at He Zhixing's house, and then glanced at the dark night outside the house. He was so shocked that he couldn't hold his lunch box.

"Lu Shaoyan, would you like to drop the rice?"

He Zhixing's dangerous and cold tone came immediately, and Lu Shaoyan jumped forward with a "pop" and narrowly caught the fallen lunch box.

Lu Shaoyan glanced up and down at Luo Yiyi, and his gossipy eyes quickly settled on Luo Yiyi's big eyes that were watery from crying.

Gee, Brother Xing is really capable of fighting...

Ahem, Lu Shaoyan brought his thoughts back and stared at Luo Yiyi gossiping, "The top school beauty, you and Brother Xing have already gone to bed?"

What is the problem?
Luo Yiyi's three views were impacted by 100 million points. Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not what you think." Luo Yiyi looked at Lu Shaoyan with a sullen face, just like he looked at the bastard He Zhixing a few minutes ago.

"Oh~~" Lu Shaoyan protracted the ending meaningfully, and Luo Yiyi didn't want to explain anymore.

These people have brain problems, should she save some energy?
"Young school beauty, eat slowly." Lu Shaoyan diligently put the lunch box on the cabinet at the entrance.

"Lu Shaoyan, wait a minute, I'll go back with you!" Luo Yiyi hurriedly grabbed Lu Shaoyan's arm.

Lu Shaoyan received He Zhixing's death gaze and fled to the door in a hurry, "The top student in school, please forgive me for being helpless."

As he spoke, he glanced at Luo Yiyi and He Zhixing ambiguously, and closed the door with a bang.

Luo Yiyi completely gave up explaining. The more she explained, the darker the situation became.

"I'm going home, I really don't need you to send me off."

Luo Yiyi opened the door, but He Zhixing blocked the door and refused to let her go. Luo Yiyi could only look at him helplessly.

He Zhixing pursed his lips and said, "I just heard it. Auntie is going back to the capital. There is no one to cook for you when you get home. Go back after dinner and I will see you off."

His words literally sounded like a discussion, but his tone sounded like there was no room for rejection.

"Are you going to refuse again?" He Zhixing laughed at himself softly, "Luo Yiyi, there is a question I have always wanted to ask you, why do you always avoid me? Okay, that time in Joy City you seemed to answer Me."

He Zhixing's eyes darkened, "Then can you tell me why you can't like me?"

Luo Yiyi was helpless, "He Zhixing, we are still studying now, can you stop thinking about these things every day?"

He Zhixing said resolutely, "No, don't try to change the subject and tell me why you can't like me? Don't fool me by saying that the one in the examination room is not suitable."

After hesitating for a while, He Zhixing said, "Is it because of my illness?"

(End of this chapter)

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