Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 75 Tonight, Sleep With Me

Chapter 75 Tonight, Sleep With Me

Chapter 75 Tonight, Sleep With Me

"You, please help me call you Ban Luo Yiyi."

He Zhixing kept his eyes on Luo Yiyi and pointed at a boy who was about to enter Class [-]. That boy was Fang Qin, who was going to make up lessons for He Zhixing before.

He Zhixing originally wanted to break into Class [-], but when he raised his foot, he remembered that Luo Yiyi didn't like students who violated disciplines, so He Zhixing retracted his foot obediently.

Fang Qin and He Zhixing had stayed in Class [-] for a year and knew about He Zhixing's "misdeeds". They did not dare to offend him and hurriedly ran into the classroom.

"Luo Yiyi, someone is looking for you outside." Fang Qin panted.

Unexpectedly, there was no response from the person lying on the desk. Fang Qin raised his voice and shouted again, but the result was the same.

Outside the window, He Zhixing's eyes completely darkened, and he no longer had any patience, so he strode into class.

The school stipulates that no one is allowed to wander around classes and dormitories, but no one in the first class dared to stop He Zhixing. They all sat in their seats and looked at Luo Yiyi with deep meaning in their eyes.

"Luo Yiyi, teacher He from your class is looking for you."

He Zhixing made an excuse in front of everyone, and the melon-eaters in the class lost a lot of little fire in their eyes when they heard this.

However, Luo Yiyi still didn't respond. All the students in class one gave Luo Yiyi a thumbs up in their hearts.

He Zhixing frowned and put a slightly cool hand on Luo Yiyi's red cheek. He Zhixing's fingertips were burned by the little girl's hot cheek.

Luo Yiyi developed a fever.

He Zhixing's heart sank to the bottom of the sea and he couldn't care anymore. He quickly picked up Luo Yiyi, who was burning and unconscious.

"Hey, what are you doing? Forcefully hugging a girl in broad daylight and in public..."

Yu Yangnuan was awakened by the noise in the classroom and put down her fur-collared hood, only to see He Zhixing rushing out the door with Luo Yiyi in his arms.


He Zhixing's face was as cold as ice, his eyes were scarlet, and he glanced at Yu Yangnuan coldly.

Yu Yangnuan was so frightened by this sight that her heart went crazy and she swallowed hard. She cherished her life very much and knew herself very well. She knew that she could not stop He Zhixing.

He Zhixing hugged Luo Yiyi and hurriedly flew to the infirmary. Yu Yang Nuanming was too afraid to follow He Zhixing quietly.

After following him to the infirmary, Yu Yangnuan finally knew the reason.

"Yi Yi is fine, why does he have a fever?"

Yu Yangnuan has only one goal in life: making money.

I only focus on two things every day: studying and novels.

Yu Yangnuan was not interested in the legendary He Zhixing, which caused her impression of He Zhixing to remain as a sunny and handsome boy who picked apples for them that night.

So now even if she is face to face with He Zhixing, Yu Yangnuan has nothing to fear.

He Zhixing had a vague impression that the four-eyed girl in front of him seemed to be the little idiot's friend, so he couldn't let the impression get bad, so as not to give him eye drops later.

"Go back to the classroom and help Yiyi and the teacher ask for leave." He Zhixing suppressed the disgust in his heart, spoke expressionlessly, and left.

"That's for sure," Yu Yangnuan waved her hand, and then looked at He Zhixing curiously, "What is your relationship with Yi Yi?"

He Zhixing thought for a while and then said: "Friend."

Yu Yangnuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Does that mean you won't fall in love?"

It’s not that I don’t fall in love, it’s that I don’t know how to fall in love.

The difference between the two words has completely different meanings. The former represents temporary, while the latter symbolizes eternity.

He Zhixing was very annoyed with this ugly guy who didn't know how to live or die. Veins appeared on his forehead and he looked at Yu Yangnuan coldly.

Yu Yangnuan was very embarrassed to be looked at by him, especially when the other person was a powerful and handsome guy like He Zhixing. Yu Yangnuan felt like a deer nudged her heart, her little face turned red and she said shyly: "You are looking at me like this what I do?"

He Zhixing said coldly: "Looking at you, I thought of something."

Yu Yangnuan's face turned even redder, and she quickly thought of the romance novels she read. Whenever the male protagonist started a conversation with the female protagonist, they would often start with this kind of opening remarks.

"What are you talking about?" Yu Yangnuan mustered up her courage and looked at He Zhixing.He Zhixing's eyes were as cold as ice, and he uttered five words indifferently.

"Ugliness brings trouble."

Yu Yangnuan's eyes widened in disbelief. She looked at He Zhixing's handsome face. After all, he was a thin-skinned girl. Yu Yangnuan seemed to have received a huge blow, and her eyes turned red uncontrollably.

"Master He, classmate Luo Yiyi's temperature has dropped, but it will take some time to wake up. But we can't attend class today. It's best to go back to the dormitory and rest for a day."

The doctor performed simple physical cooling on Luo Yiyi, and then spoke like a rain of words, breaking the silence in the room.

"Thank you." He Zhixing simply said a few words, stood up with Luo Yiyi in his arms, and walked directly out of the infirmary, completely unaware of the lingering warmth in the pear blossoms opposite him.

Yu Yangnuan stumbled out of the infirmary for a long time, facing the messy medical equipment in front of him.

"He Zhixing."

Not long after, Luo Yiyi woke up, lay in He Zhixing's arms and called out weakly.

Before He Zhixing could speak, Luo Yiyi looked at him pleadingly, "Don't let my mother know about my fever."

After saying that, he fell asleep in He Zhixing's arms again.

"Yi Yi!" He Zhixing hugged him tightly and shouted anxiously, but Luo Yi Yi had already curled up in his arms and slept peacefully.

He Zhixing carried Luo Yiyi directly back to Qingquan Garden and asked for a family doctor.

Doctor Shen returned from a long journey across the ocean, checked Luo Yiyi's physical condition, and then looked at He Zhixing with deep meaning, "She had the disease in her womb. There is something wrong with her immune system. She will suffer from common colds." Serious injury emergency.

When she wakes up later, remember to feed her some hot rice porridge. She may have a bad appetite, but she must eat.

Her body is already weak and she cannot starve. She must have hot soup and vegetables to warm her stomach. "

He Zhixing noted that Dr. Shen continued to add: "She will still feel cold at night, so remember to keep her warm.

If he continues to suffer from the cold, he may have to be hospitalized. "

Doctor Shen couldn't help but complain: She is such a delicate flower, she can't stand a little bit of wind and rain, and she doesn't know how her mother made her so big without being too burdensome.

"What else do you want?" He Zhixing glanced at Dr. Shen.

Doctor Shen thought for a while and then said: "It's nothing, I just feel a little emotional about the greatness of maternal love. In fact, her physical condition can be detected in the test tube. Her mother can give up this test tube baby and get a new one.

Such a delicate flower cannot bear the slightest bit of wind and rain, and it is rare that her mother has to endure all the hardships to pull her up to this size. "

He Zhixing shouted in a low voice: "Shut up!"

After saying that, he glanced at Luo Yiyi on the bed. Fortunately, he didn't wake up. He Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Dr. Shen coldly.

"You are not involved in the matter, so please stop talking nonsense."

In winter, when the days are short and the sky is dark, I wake up from the torsion of labor.

"Cough cough..."

Before she even opened her eyes, her throat was already dry and itchy, and Luo Yiyi's cough was weak and intermittent.

"Want to drink water?"

Dimly, she heard a gentle voice asking her, and then the clear and sweet water poured into her mouth.

Luo Yiyi still had her eyes closed, holding He Zhixing's hand and swallowing the water anxiously.

"Slow down, don't rush."

After He Zhixing finished feeding him a glass of water, Luo Yiyi woke up. She looked around and quickly recognized that this was He Zhixing's bedroom.

"anything else?"

He Zhixing sat on the edge of the bed, tapping the glass with his fingertips.

Luo Yiyi shook her head, lifted up the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but was stopped by He Zhixing.

"Don't move, you can't go anywhere tonight, sleep here with me."

(End of this chapter)

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