Chapter 76 Chills
Chapter 76 Chills
Luo Yiyi slowly raised her head, expressionless, "He Zhixing, you are talking nonsense again."

He Zhixing spread his hands and said, "I'm not lying to you. You know your physical condition well and you can't stand the cold anymore.

You will be sweating coldly at night. This is not the north, there is no heating, and you can't leave the air conditioner on for too long, right?
Are you sure you want to go back in this case?If you want your aunt to come over from the capital in the middle of the night. "

Luo Yiyi's hand froze when she lifted the quilt, and He Zhixing continued: "I have a heater here. You can sleep here with me for the night."

Luo Yiyi habitually planned to remain silent, but for some unknown reason, she suddenly changed her mind.

Luo Yiyi stretched her beautiful eyebrows, looked at He Zhixing with watery eyes, and said: "Why do you have heating here? The heating seems to be boiled water. This is a national project. How can it be possible that there is no heating in one building, just you?" here has?"

He Zhixing did not expect that Luo Yiyi would seriously discuss the issue with him. This was something that had never happened before. He Zhixing was a little dazed for a moment.

It took a moment to calm down, but he couldn't help but feel cheap. He Zhixing smiled evilly, pretended to be secretive, and said sternly: "Have you never heard that money can make ghosts go around? Do you want to know why, a top student?"

Luo Yiyi regretted that she had asked so many questions before she wanted to say that she didn't want to know anymore, so He Zhixing said: "Forget it, I understand that you really want to know even if you don't tell me, so I'll tell you.

The reason why I have heating here is because I burn natural gas!

How about it, are you surprised? "

Luo Yiyi said "hehe" twice in cooperation and said expressionlessly: "It's a surprise."

He Zhixing pinched her cheek. Luo Yiyi opened her eyes wide, her face turned red from suppressing it, and she looked at He Zhixing angrily.

"This is the surprise." He Zhixing said with a mischievous smile.

Luo Yiyi finally discovered that this guy likes to have bad taste, so just ignore him.

Luo Yiyi continued to lift the quilt and get out of bed. He Zhixing knew that she would not stay in his house obediently, so he held Luo Yiyi's hand and prepared to make a long speech with sincerity.

"He Zhixing, let go."

He Zhixing didn't let go, his eyes were scarlet and bright, just staring at her.

Luo Yiyi's face was almost buried in her arms, and the tips of her ears were filled with pink: "He Zhixing, I just got out of bed to meet my physiological needs."

A question mark slowly floated above He Zhixing's head. ?
After being stunned for a moment, He Zhixing immediately let go of his hand and moved it aside awkwardly.

When Luo Yiyi returned to the room, He Zhixing had already brought a bowl of hot rice porridge, which was obviously for her to eat.

Luo Yiyi had no appetite and shook her head, "I don't want to eat, you can eat."

In this regard, He Zhixing would not let her go and repeated what Dr. Shen said.

He Zhixing didn't know if he had seen it wrong, but Luo Yiyi's eyes dimmed for a moment, and then she picked up the bowl obediently.

As soon as she got closer to the porridge, Luo Yiyi couldn't help but feel nauseous, and her brows furrowed in disgust.

He Zhixing looked at Luo Yiyi thoughtfully and said, "Luo Yiyi, you are not pregnant, are you?"

Luo Yiyi gave him a cold face, and his words were more astonishing every time.

This time Luo Yiyi didn't get angry with him, but explained in a good-tempered way: "I just have a bad appetite, and the last time I went to the hospital for a checkup was in mid-October, and now it's only early December. You think you will vomit after more than a month of pregnancy." ?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing with an idiot's look, her expression was a bit hard to describe.

He Zhixing touched the bridge of his nose, looking quite innocent.

But she was secretly happy that he was just teasing her. She didn't expect the little idiot to explain it so seriously.

Luo Yiyi felt a little sick in her stomach. She didn't have the energy to argue with him, so she stopped looking at him. She held the bowl and swallowed the porridge.

During this period, He Zhixing noticed that Luo Yiyi wanted to vomit after swallowing, but he forced himself to swallow the porridge.

Originally, he thought she would lose her temper and refuse to eat porridge. He had already thought about how to coax her, but he didn't expect her to be so good.

After finishing the porridge, Luo Yiyi got into bed again.He Zhixing didn't expect that she would stay at his house so obediently. She refused to let him have a meal before, but tonight she didn't resist at all and just slept at his house obediently.

He Zhixing always felt that Luo Yiyi's attitude towards him seemed to have changed. In the past, she would not talk so much nonsense to him about heating.

But the most basic point is that He Zhixing can still see that there is no star of admiration in Luo Yiyi's eyes when she looks at him. She just no longer wants to draw a clear line with him as before.

But this can be regarded as a big step. Although it is not clear why Luo Yiyi changed, He Zhixing is still very happy. After all, Luo Yiyi's change in his attitude is a real good thing.

Luo Yiyi got into bed, originally just wanting to hide away. After all, she didn't know how to face He Zhixing, so she fell asleep with her eyes closed.

He Zhixing didn't expect Luo Yiyi to fall asleep like this, and kept waiting, preparing to let Luo Yiyi wash up first.

He Zhixing gently turned off the lamp in front of Luo Yiyi's bed before exiting the room.

After washing up and leaving the bathroom, He Zhixing shivered subconsciously.

The heating was on in the room, so it shouldn't be cold. He Zhixing was a little confused, but when he looked up, he saw the sky was getting brighter outside the window. He Zhixing was startled, it was actually snowing.

It snowed in City S in December, which was really a rare weather event.

He Zhixing remembered what Dr. Shen said, fearing that Luo Yiyi would be cold and feverish again in the middle of the night, so he wiped his wet hair to check the heater.

He had turned on the heater before going to bed, now he just wanted to make sure.

However, after such an inspection, He Zhixing wanted to curse, and the heater stopped supplying heat.

The reason was that he had run out of natural gas, so no wonder he felt cold.

He Zhixing threw away the towel, rushed to the bedroom in panic, and went straight to the bed.

The remaining heat in the quilt was very limited. The little girl couldn't gather any heat and had already curled up into a ball.

Especially my feet, which were already frozen into ice cubes.

"Yi Yi, wake up, Yi Yi!" He Zhixing called someone to handle the heating while shaking Luo Yi Yi.

Luo Yiyi woke up, but was confused by the fever. Suddenly she touched He Zhixing, a big source of heat, and instinctively hugged He Zhixing, crying sleepily, "He Zhixing, I feel uncomfortable..."

Of course, He Zhixing knew that she was uncomfortable. She had a low fever, her feet were frozen to ice, her body was shivering from the cold, and there was no heat in the bed.

"Doctor Shen!"

He Zhixing forced the person back into bed, stuffed the bed tightly, and woke up a certain doctor in his sleep in the middle of the night.

Dr. Shen was very unhappy to be disturbed in his dream. After hearing He Zhixing's roar over the phone, he combed his hair twice, then suppressed the urge to curse and tried to force out a calm smile.

"What's the point of tucking the quilt tight? She can't store much heat, and the heating will take at least an hour. Even if I go there, it won't be of much use.

You won't let me warm her with my body, right?Although this is a good idea, young master, this subordinate is a self-disciplined doctor who does not sell his body. "

After Dr. Shen finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a good mood.

You dare to act like a domineering president with him, and squeeze out his legitimate sleep time as a doctor and good friend for a woman in the middle of the night.

Hum, taste this burning sensation for yourself.

Dr. Shen directly turned off the phone and continued to meet Duke Zhou.

He Zhixing looked at the extinguished mobile phone screen and was stunned, but he quickly came to his senses.

Because Luo Yiyi's lips were white, her delicate little face was wrinkled and twisted in pain.

He Zhixing gritted his teeth, finally took off his bathrobe, lifted the quilt, and got into bed.

(End of this chapter)

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