Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Almost as soon as He Zhixing got into bed, Luo Yiyi's curled up body stretched out to hug his hot body.

The string called "self-discipline" in He Zhixing's mind was tightened. He pressed Luo Yiyi, grinding his back molars with a warning, his voice was hoarse and unbearable, "Luo Yiyi, don't let me move around."


Luo Yiyi felt that she was walking in a world of ice and snow. In the end, she was so cold that she lost consciousness. Then she hugged a big stove to keep warm.

He Zhixing was breathing harder than ever before, and sweat like water gathered on his forehead, dripping down in large drops.

He felt as if his body was about to explode. His eyes were red as he stared at the person beneath him, wanting to swallow her at all costs.

Luo Yiyi gradually regained consciousness, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Hmm..." Luo Yiyi couldn't help but sigh.

He Zhixing's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but breathe heavily at the seductive voice.

"Luo Yiyi, you should just kill me!"


The tiring moment was actually not that long. The body temperature of Luo Yiyi in front of him was freezing, and this coldness kept He Zhixing awake.

The difficulty was that when Luo Yiyi was about to wake up, she hugged him and refused to let go, trying to absorb the heat. He Zhixing had to let her go but couldn't do anything to her.

Luo Yiyi was awakened by the scalding heat on her body. When she opened her eyes, she saw He Zhixing naked on top of her.

And her hands and feet were tightly hooked on him. He Zhixing's eyes were red, his breathing was rapid and rough, and his eyes were filled with some kind of lust that wanted to tear her bones apart and eat her.


Luo Yiyi screamed in fear.All of He Zhixing's passion was frightened away by this shrill roar.

He Zhixing expressionlessly lifted up the quilt, stood on the carpet with bare feet, picked up the bathrobe and put it on.

He also didn't forget to tuck Luo Yiyi into a quilt, and explained with a stinking face before Luo Yiyi burst into tears.

"Stop shouting, it will make you feel like I did something to you."

Luo Yiyi buried herself firmly in the bed, her tears already gushing out like a flood.

I felt the only panties and suspenders left on my body. When were the clothes taken off?

Luo Yiyi's howling and crying overflowed, and she cried so hard that her heart was broken.

Young Master He swore that he had never done such a "thankless" job in his 18 years of life!
He Zhixing forcibly pulled the person out of the quilt and looked at Luo Yiyi expressionlessly.

Luo Yiyi buried her face and cried loudly. Because she cried so hard, her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

He Zhixing held his forehead helplessly, looked up to the sky and cried!
"Luo Yiyi, you fucking listen! I didn't rape you! The heating at home ran out and you were unconscious from the cold, so I had to use this method to restore your body temperature!"

After He Zhixing finished shouting, the room fell silent for a short time, and soon intermittent sobs followed.

"Did you already know that the heater was going to run out?"

He Zhixing laughed angrily, "Yes, I did it on purpose! Then I took advantage of you!"

Luo Yiyi cried loudly again, and He Zhixing felt his temples twitching, and he swallowed all the dirty words.

"Are you an idiot? Do you know that for a man, not getting relief is more uncomfortable than killing him? If I really had any bad intentions, how could I hold them in for so long just now?
How uncomfortable it is for me to hold back, didn't you feel it just now? ! "

He Zhixing was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. He looked aggrieved, as if someone owed his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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