Chapter 79 Open Your Heart
Chapter 79 Open Your Heart
After Luo Yiyi finished speaking, tears rolled down her cheeks. He Zhixing was at a loss what to say, and his words did not match his words.

"Don't cry. If you don't want to drink it, don't drink it. I won't force you. I just saw that you were coughing just now."

Luo Yiyi cried harder. She didn't seem to hear what He Zhixing said and just kept mumbling to herself.

"He Zhixing, I don't deserve you to be so nice to me, not worth it, not worth it..."

The straps of He Zhixing's nightgown were loosely tied, the little girl's face was pressed against his skin, and hot tears streaked down his stomach.

He Zhixing chuckled heartily, "Little idiot, who said it's not worth it? It's worth it!"

Luo Yiyi wiped her tears, let go of the hand holding He Zhixing, and sobbed, "I cried just because I knew you thought so.

He Zhixing, I now believe that you only have feelings for me as a friend.

I was indifferent to such a big reaction, so he definitely didn't have any inappropriate thoughts about me.

Sorry, I always misunderstood you before.

I am very touched that you are willing to sacrifice yourself so much and suffer so much for a friend. "

He Zhixing: "..."

The charming atmosphere disappeared instantly.

He Zhixing: "Okay, don't cry. It's ugly to begin with, and it becomes even uglier when you cry."

He Zhixing said that he didn't mean what he said.

Obviously, when I saw her crying in Hongshan before, I just felt sad. Now when I see her crying, I just want to bully her and make her cry again.

That night, Luo Yiyi stayed with He Zhixing, and went to No. [-] Middle School with He Zhixing early the next morning.

He Zhixing keenly discovered that after that night, the estrangement between Luo Yiyi and him disappeared, and she no longer avoided him.

It seems that the ancient saying that as long as you work hard, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle is not unreasonable.

He Zhixing showed a knowing smile, looked up at the morning sun, and entered the barber shop.

On this day, Luo Yiyi was shocked when she entered the classroom. She saw Yu Yangnuan with panda eyes, as if her soul had been drained, and she was lying on the table helplessly.

"Yang Nuan, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Yangnuan glanced at her resentfully, "It's not the books you recommended me to read."

Luo Yiyi thought carefully about the novels she recommended, "What's wrong? I remember that there are no female supporting characters who fight for love."

Yu Yangnuan gets angry when mentioning this, "But the heroine in it is too stupid, isn't it? The male protagonist is too humble, too? The heroine obviously doesn't love the hero, she's not that good, and she's involved with so many male partners. Qing, the male protagonist is such an outstanding person, is he blind? He fell in love with such a woman!
I seriously doubt that if the heroine didn’t have a strong halo, the hero would love her?The author is messing around! "

Luo Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and consoled her: "That's how it is in women's novels. In men's novels, the rich and beautiful heroines love the poor hero together."

Yu Yangnuan deeply doubted the world, "Then at least don't write the heroine so cheap! She doesn't have to love the hero, but she shouldn't get involved with other male characters!

If this were the case, I would rather the female protagonist take over and save the male protagonist!Who cares about the heroine! "

Yu Yangnuan lay weakly on the table, as if her energy had been drained.

Luo Yiyi felt that she was just too busy to read a few crappy romance novels here.

Luo Yiyi pulled out an exercise book with an expressionless face and pushed it in front of Yu Yangnuan.

"This is a competition question I gave you. You must complete it within this week."

Yu Yangnuan was so frightened that her hair flew up. She stared at the thick exercise book in disbelief and took a deep breath.

Soon Yu Yangnuan squeezed out a flattering smile on his face, and pulled Luo Yiyi's arm in a friendly manner, "That Yiyi..."

Luo Yiyi was unmoved and sneered: "If you keep talking nonsense, don't expect me to sell apples with you on Christmas Eve."

What an old swan!This is too cruel!
Yu Yangnuan was stunned, her eyes widened in disbelief, "Yi Yi, you actually learned how to threaten people?"

Luo Yiyi unfolded the exercise book and worked hard without showing any emotion: "I remember I asked you to go home and read those romance novels again. You are still in school, but you have already finished reading those books. It's obvious You secretly took your cell phone with you."

Yu Yangnuan gasped in shock again. Luo Yiyi came close to her and patted her head obediently with a gentle tone.

"So you must finish writing the exercise book, otherwise I will tell the teacher that you secretly brought your mobile phone."

Yu Yang Nuan turned to stone, beating her chest and covering her heart, condemning her heartbrokenly.

"Yiyi, you actually want to do such a villainous thing as snitching?"

Luo Yiyi was unmoved, "As long as it works."

Then he glanced at the clock expressionlessly and gave a friendly reminder: "There are still 10 minutes left, so I'll start reading early."

Bang bang bang bang...

Yu Yangnuan rummaged through the boxes and drawers and fumbled for a handful of acting paper. She opened the exercise book with a crackle, put her head on the chicken coop, grabbed a pen and studied diligently.While writing vigorously, he cursed loudly.

What kind of bastard turned such a cute and cute Yiyi into a sly wolf that eats people without spitting out their bones?
Perhaps Yu Yangnuan's resentment was too strong, and God heard her inner thoughts and sent that bastard to the door of class one.

Seeing the young man coming against the light, Yu Yangnuan dropped the pen in his hand on the table in shock.

The smooth pen shell rolled along the smooth tabletop. It was about to fall off the desk and perform a free fall motion. A gracefully curved line fell above the corner of the desk.

He Zhixing's fingertips slightly touched the table and he easily stopped the rolling pen.

The morning light was like flying snow, falling around the young man through the mottled branches and leaves.

Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the king of clouds is coming one after another.

He was like a god who strayed into the mortal world, surrounded by holy light, as bright as the sun, moon and stars.

Yu Yangnuan's face turned red, and her heart was pounding like a deer. She lowered her head in panic, not daring to look directly at her radiant god.

She was vulgar and was deeply fascinated by He Zhixing's cold and ascetic handsomeness. She grabbed the pen and pressed her palm tightly against the penholder.

It seems that you can still feel the breath remaining on the pen barrel from his fingertips.

"Are you so studious?"

He Zhixing only saw Luo Yiyi, and he stopped the pen that was about to fall without even noticing it in his peripheral vision.

Luo Yiyi was immersed in writing and had no idea when He Zhixing came. Suddenly, a shadow appeared on the book, so she reluctantly moved her eyes away from the exercise book.

Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing with a puzzled expression, and asked, "He Zhixing, what are you doing in our class?"

He Zhixing poked her cheek with some punishment. Luo Yiyi knew his bad taste, so she pursed her lips and didn't argue with him.

"You still don't know why I'm here?" He Zhixing lazily leaned against Luo Yiyi's desk.

Luo Yiyi looked at him and was really shocked.

He Zhixing's dazzling and arrogant red hair was not only shaved, but also dyed back to black.

Luo Yiyi subconsciously said: "Why did your hairstyle change?"

He Zhixing finally had a smile on his face and said arrogantly: "I said you should study hard, of course you have to start from scratch!"

He Zhixing put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaned sideways on the desk, and swayed his long legs leisurely, looking arrogant and begging for praise.

Luo Yiyi felt that he needed to put a tail on He Zhixing at this moment. He would definitely be able to dance on the spot.

Thinking of that scene, Luo Yiyi suddenly wanted to laugh.

But Luo Yiyi also knew He Zhixing's virtues of shining brightly when given a little sunshine and laying eggs when given a chicken coop. Luo Yiyi suppressed her laughter and kept her little face serious.

"Is that so? Are you coming to see me for anything?"

He Zhixing sighed helplessly. He was a little idiot, so why was his reaction so slow?
He Zhixing reluctantly bent down and approached Luo Yiyi's ear, speaking in a low and sexy voice.

"Little teacher, I studied hard, do you want to praise me?"

Little, little teacher.

Luo Yiyi felt her ears feel warm. Especially, I wonder if she was being sentimental, but she always felt that the cry of "little teacher" was meaningful.

He Zhixing looked at her fair and shiny ears filled with pink in amusement, and asked again in a low voice.

"Huh? Little teacher."

Luo Yiyi's face was pink, and He Zhixing's Adam's apple rolled, so damn cute.

He Zhixing couldn't hold it back and laughed softly.

Luo Yiyi finally understood that He Zhixing did it on purpose. She pushed He Zhixing away with her little hands and her face became serious.

"This is praise." Luo Yiyi took out the thickest book of basic exercises and handed it to He Zhixing.

The smile on He Zhixing's face froze.

"...Everything needs to be finished?"

He Zhixing tremblingly measured the thickness of the exercise book and looked at Luo Yiyi with pleading eyes.

Luo Yiyi suppressed her laughter and said with a sullen face, "I have to finish writing."

He Zhixing: "..."

Damn, could he regret it?
(End of this chapter)

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