Chapter 80
Chapter 80
Lu Shaoyan felt that he didn't sleep well last night and his eyes were dazzled.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously again, and this time he saw clearly.

He saw that He Zhixing, who almost never showed up at school, actually appeared in the morning reading class that started at 6:[-].

Even if he showed up in the morning reading class, his red hair turned into a black crop.

It didn't matter that his red hair turned into black hair, but his head was buried on the table and he was concentrating on the questions.

No matter how he looked at this style of painting, Lu Shaoyan felt weird.

"Brother Xing, are you okay?"

Lu Shaoyan carefully approached He Zhixing and touched He Zhixing's forehead worriedly.

He Zhixing frowned in disgust and glanced coldly at a certain dirty hand.

Lu Shaoyan took his hand away and laughed awkwardly, "Brother Xing, it's good that you don't have a fever."

He Zhixing said angrily: "Don't disturb me from doing the questions."

After saying that, he immersed himself in the sea of ​​questions again, his brows furrowed, and he looked very distressed and yet he was doing the questions seriously.

Lu Shaoyan glanced at Bu Yu with doubtful and pleading eyes. Ji Chen glanced at He Zhixing with a high-pitched voice and made an unclear sound, humming a high-pitched sentence off-key.

"This is... love~~"

He Zhixing came and went in a hurry and showed up briefly in Class 1, Grade [-]. Yu Yangnuan was not in the mood to do her homework, so she gently poked Luo Yiyi in front of her with her finger.

Luo Yiyi turned around, and Yu Yangnuan approached her and asked in a low voice, "Yi Yi, are you familiar with He Zhixing?"

Luo Yiyi thought for a while and answered truthfully: "It's not bad."

Yu Yangnuan did not doubt Luo Yiyi, but frowned with a solemn expression.

"Yi Yi, I'm not gossiping. I always feel that He Zhixing likes you."

Luo Yiyi opened her eyes wide in surprise and looked at Yu Yangnuan.

Normally, when high school students talk about the secret love between boys and girls, their eyes will be filled with strong gossip, but Yu Yangnuan didn't, and instead felt a little sad.

Luo Yiyi was very satisfied with Yu Yangnuan's reaction. The most important thing in high school is study, and usually only bad friends will encourage you to fall in love.

Although I didn’t have any malicious thoughts about making you fall, I definitely didn’t consider that falling in love might make you deteriorate in your studies, or even seriously ruin a girl’s life.

High school students, or anyone for that matter, like to join in the fun and make noise. Anyway, they don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun.

Only parents or people who really want your best will not make noises about this kind of thing.

Luo Yiyi was very grateful for Yu Yangnuan's attitude. She held Yu Yangnuan's hand with a sincere face.

"Yang Nuan, thank you for not gossiping, but I can tell you clearly that He Zhixing doesn't like me."

Seeing her friend's sincere face and the naivety of a little girl who didn't know what she was doing, Yu Yangnuan felt a little helpless in her heart.

She didn't know what it was like to be in love. She probably couldn't tell even if He Zhixing really liked her.

Yu Yangnuan simply changed the question, "Then do you like He Zhixing?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head sincerely, but Yu Yangnuan let out a breath as if a big stone had been lifted off.

"You really don't like He Zhixing?"

Although Luo Yiyi couldn't understand why Yu Yangnuan was chasing her and asking, there were no small flames in Yu Yangnuan's eyes when he looked at her, like he was blindly trying to cheer the crowd up.

Yu Yangnuan's no-gossip attitude made Luo Yiyi feel very comfortable, and Luo Yiyi nodded.

It was just Yu Yangnuan's words in the next second that made Luo Yiyi's eyes shattered.

"It's fine if you don't like He Zhixing, then I will pursue He Zhixing."

"Ahem..." Luo Yiyi tried to calm down.

Fortunately, there was no one in the classroom at the moment, otherwise such a big movement on their side would have attracted attention.

Luo Yiyi's little face was full of disbelief, "You want to pursue He Zhixing?"

Yu Yangnuan nodded without hesitation. In fact, she wanted to tell Luo Yiyi that He Zhixing likes you.That's why I asked you if you like He Zhixing. If you don't like He Zhixing, that's why I'm going to pursue him.

But considering that Luo Yiyi usually just wants to study hard and doesn't want to be bothered by other trivial matters, if she told her about this, it would only be troublesome for her.

Yu Yangnuan thought about the consequences and decided that it would be better not to tell Luo Yiyi than to tell her.

Luo Yiyi felt that as a friend, it was necessary to persuade Yu Yangnuan, but she hesitated for a while.

"Yang Nuan, you should study hard in high school. You said, especially for ordinary people, if they want to get ahead, the only chance to climb up is to study and go to a good university."

Yu Yangnuan said calmly, "Personal efforts are certainly very important, but it is very difficult to climb up alone."

Yu Yangnuan's eyes revealed his ambition for power.

Throughout the ages, the way to climb up has been to study, but for women, they have one more way than men: women can not only improve themselves, but also through the person they marry.

She was born an orphan. Before entering No. 985 Middle School, she was exceptionally recommended to the N Major Junior Class of the top [-] university because of her excellence in mathematics.

Originally she thought her life would be glorious, but because there was only one candidate for recommendation at the same time, and the other person competing with her was the nephew of the dean of N University of Mathematics, she was rejected.

She accidentally learned the inside story, but was powerless to do anything about this secret operation.

Because of this, she fell for a while and became obsessed with romance novels, which delayed her studies a lot.

From then on, although her grades were still excellent, she was only outstanding among her classmates, but far from the level of a genius boy.

Therefore, the former genius boy in S City was gradually forgotten by people.

What was then forgotten was the once innocent and smiling eyes of the genius boy. Now there was only cold blood in her eyes.

Yu Yangnuan slowly recovered her thoughts. No one knew about this past, except for Yiyi who told her not long ago.Luo Yiyi sighed inwardly, she couldn't understand Yang Nuan's head.

Perhaps because of her status as an orphan, she has not enjoyed the harbor of home since birth and has been severely beaten by society, so her starting point is so utilitarian.

"Then do you like He Zhixing?"

Yu Yangnuan nodded without hesitation, "I like it. Falling in love is a matter between two people. How could I betray my feelings just for material reasons?"

Maybe she would betray him, but He Zhixing was so good and she liked him very much.

The young man who smiled at her under the apple tree that night came to Yuyang Nuan's mind, and suddenly she said something.

"If I were the second female lead, I might also be deeply attracted by the male lead Qian Quan's appearance."

Luo Yiyi glanced at Yu Yangnuan in confusion, not understanding how she could reach this point.

Yu Yangnuan: "Now I understand some of the female protagonists. As long as they don't interfere with the male and female protagonists, and don't do anything harmful to nature, the male protagonist is so good, she can work hard to win."

Luo Yiyi didn't know what to say. Only she knew how to feel about feelings, so it was hard for her to comment.

Luo Yiyi chose to remain silent.

In the middle of this month, after the midterm exam, the monthly exam came again.

Luo Yiyi still ranked first in her grade, followed closely by Li Yuyang, who ranked second.

The day before Christmas Eve, No. [-] Middle School was on holiday.

After school, Yu Yangnuan grabbed Luo Yiyi and talked about selling apples.

Yu Yangnuan looked worried, "Yi Yi, we definitely can't carry so many apples. We have to find a car to carry them."

Luo Yiyi thought this was a problem, "Yeah, but we don't know any classmates who can drive."

Yu Yangnuan was secretly happy. Isn't He Zhixing the only student in No. [-] Middle School who can drive?
So what if He Zhixing doesn't like her now?Opportunities are created through hard work, as long as the iron rod is ground into a needle.

Hasn't the opportunity come now?

By selling apples and creating some chance encounters and contacts with He Zhixing, wouldn't the relationship be cultivated through the back and forth?

Yu Yangnuan was making a lot of calculations in her heart. Thinking that someone as high and aloof as He Zhixing would one day look at her tenderly, Yu Yangnuan felt like she was in heaven.

She was preparing to speak, but Luo Yiyi clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Yes, we can ask Teacher He for help."

With that said, he turned around and ran out of the classroom to find He Xin.

Yu Yangnuan hurriedly grabbed her, "You can't find Teacher He!"

Luo Yiyi thought she was worried that He Xin would hinder them, and patiently explained: "Yang Nuan, don't worry, Mr. He is a very nice person, and he won't be as rigid as those old teachers."

Yu Yangnuan looked confused and said, "Teacher He has already worked hard enough. It's hard for him to take a vacation. He can't delay his date with his girlfriend, right?"

"Teacher He has a girlfriend?" Luo Yiyi subconsciously asked.

Not many people knew that He Xin had a girlfriend, and Yu Yangnuan also bumped into her accidentally.

Yu Yangnuan didn't expect that Luo Yiyi's focus would be on this. She didn't want to talk more about whether Teacher He had a girlfriend, so she left the topic with a few vague sentences and brought it down to business.

"Yi Yi, people say that Young Master He is cold and violent, with a volatile temperament, but I always feel that the rumors are wrong. You are familiar with Young Master He, do you think Young Master He is easy to get along with?"

Luo Yiyi thought about it seriously and said sincerely: "Those are all rumors. He Zhixing is a very nice person. He is friendly to his classmates and willing to help others." He just likes to play pranks.

"I'm happy to help others," Yu Yangnuan muttered several times.

Luo Yiyi thought she was confirming her, so she nodded firmly.

The trace of hesitation in Yu Yangnuan's heart completely disappeared, and she said straightforwardly: "We can ask Mr. He to help us carry the apples out; Mr. He is willing to help others, and we can also ask him to help us sell the apples. "

Luo Yiyi thought about He Zhixing's character who was only responsible for spending money but not making money. Let him sell apples?
Luo Yiyi decisively refused, "I won't go."

Yu Yangnuan felt a little relieved when she saw Luo Yiyi's attitude.

Although Luo Yiyi has always said that she doesn't like He Zhixing, she has always been skeptical. There is no reason why Luo Yiyi should not be tempted by such an outstanding young man as He Zhixing.

She smiled at Luo Yiyi and said considerately: "You don't need to go, I'll go find Mr. He."

As she said that, she took out a small mirror and specially cut her hair before walking out of the classroom tall and tall.

Luo Yiyi looked at Yu Yangnuan's tall and straight back, hesitated for a while, and finally did not hold her.

Women in love have no IQ. If she wants to hold Yu Yangnuan back, Yu Yangnuan will probably suspect that she has any evil intentions towards He Zhixing.

She couldn't ruin the relationship between friends because of a man. She absolutely couldn't let this kind of bloody scene where two women fight for one man and end up turning against each other happen to her.

Yu Yangnuan's little face turned red with embarrassment, and she came to Class [-] in embarrassment.

She knew that He Zhixing liked Luo Yiyi, so she deliberately softened her voice and called Luo Yiyi softly, imitating Luo Yiyi's usually charming and lovable and delicate little white flower form.

"Young Master He."

He Zhixing and his group of friends were arming each other and preparing to drag He Zhixing to One Night City for fun. Suddenly, they saw Yu Yangnuan appearing at the door of Class [-] with a blushing face. This group of people were used to that kind of place. Yu Yangnuan Naturally, this little woman's thoughts were instantly understood.

Seeing the excitement, Lu Shaoyan didn't think it was a big deal. He whistled meanly to He Zhixing, who was still doing questions in the classroom, "Brother Xing, there is a beautiful girl asking you to go on a date~"

He Zhixing glanced outside the classroom and made sure it was not Luo Yiyi. He quickly lowered his head and said casually, "I'll reward you."

Lu Shaoyan knew that He Zhixing was asking him to send the person away, but Yu Yangnuan's face was pale and her eyes were wide open in shock.

What does it mean to reward you?

When what is she?
Just give it to a group of men casually? !
She is not a street girl!

(End of this chapter)

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